Saturday Six (on Saturday?!)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

1. PC or Mac? (You must choose one or the other.)
PC baby.

2. How much do you like one over the other, and what's the main reason?
I don't mind the Mac. I used it in grad school. I'd say PC over Mac 2 to 1. The Windows operating system is more logical to me, and allows more behind-the-scenes tinkering than Mac.

3. What would be easier to do without for a week: your cell phone, your television, or your computer?
Cell phone. There are land lines.

4. Take the quiz: Are You a Computer Geek?
Your computer geekiness is:
Low Ranking Computer Geek. Definitely a Computer Geek, but low in the computer geek social structure.

5. What things do you feel more addicted to than your computer?

6. If your computer has to go in for service and you're without it for a week, and you have the chance to log on at a different computer, which are you most likely to do first: check news headlines, check email, or update your blog?
Check email.


Interim Report- Cheer Nationals

Yes, this is the third National competition DD's team has attended in the last two months. This time though, we opted out of the hotel in San Antonio, so I am reporting from home tonight! It's only an hour, so we don't mind the drive if we don't have to get up too early.

We are the only team in our division (HA!) so we'll win that pretty easily... So we're going for High Point again, and are currently in third place for that. Tomorrow is 75% of the total score, so we'll see how it goes!

We'll do Summer Nationals again in South Padre. It's mostly about the beach, but there is some serious cheerleading going on as well. DD's going to compete with her stunt group in the solo/small group competition there, in addition to being on the team.


Rashida Jones in TV Guide

Friday, March 30, 2007

Rashida Jones (Karen on "The Office") is Quincy Jones' daughter? Wow. Ed Helms (Andy) says in TV Guide that they are both "closet dorks." LOL. Well, I think Ed's out of the closet, but still.


LJ and stuff

I got an email that my old account at LJ is reverting today to an unpaid one. I had to tweak some things to keep it looking somewhat neat. It's not very cute, but it serves as an archive, I suppose.

I see that Jive Records is screwing around with Chasez's promo again. Yeesh. Does it ever end? As per Eva: People in Los Angeles (I don't know anyone in LA, but just in case someone wanders in here...), vote for JC's new single "You Ruined Me" in JoJo's Top 9 at 9. Against all logic, do not be concerned that it never shows up in the actual Top 9. Jive knows. They see all. Know all. They can be convinced.

I haven't heard "You Ruined Me." Ahaha. Anyone wanna hook me up with a link?



Thursday, March 29, 2007

Oh. My. Gosh. I can't believe he's... gone.


Although he majorly screwed up the timing on that song. Holy crap, hasn't he ever heard it? Only one of the best songs ever.

And Sanjaya. Not even in the bottom three. *shakes fist at Howard Stern*

LOVED Gina this week. She was perfect. Blake is awesome, even without the beat boxing and despite the fact that he has the littlest lips in the northern hemisphere. Jordin was great, but I wasn't a fan of the skirt. Lakisha is still amazing, still needs to have more fun on stage.


Hyundai Santa Fe

I received one of those J.D. Power new car surveys, which I filled out and sent in yesterday. I spoke well of my car, even though it had a couple of weird problems right out of the gate. They were fixed and all was well.

This morning I took it in for some noises...

My 4-month-old car needs a new transmission. Ahahaha! Can I get my survey back?


Back from cruisin!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First, can I please send a message to the universe that while everyone's cancer is making a return visit, I would like to keep mine as far away as possible? Thank you!

The Cruise was awesome!

First the most amazing thing- we had a 17-yr-old boy come down with appendicitis about midway back to Galveston, in the middle of the Gulf. We diverted towards New Orleans, and the Coast Guard met us a few hundred miles out. There was a CG plane circling us the entire maneuver. We were all evacuated from the top two decks. The CG helicopter made 4 intricate hovers over the ship (between the Viking Crown Lounge and the Windjammer, for those who are familiar with Royal Caribbean). They plucked out the patient and the patient's father and took them to New Orleans for treatment. I got video. It was unbelievable. Like a Bond movie- because we were moving all this time, and the helicopter had to match our speed and such. SKEERY. But cool!

As far as cruising, we had a fantabulous time. (Who doesn't?) This was my 4th Royal Caribbean cruise, my 6th total. Our dinner tablemates were from New Brunswick, Canada. I want to get up that way in fall sometime.

We were known around the ship's restaurants and bars as "Sarah and the three Kathy's." It was like a girl group- Sarah and the Kathys- and I had a feeling I was doomed to be that forgotten backup singer- "which Kathy was she?"- just a mere mention on Sarah's True Hollywood Story. Hahaha.

Cathy did the splits for the infamous Quest game, a raucous in-lounge scavenger hunt for adults only. ("I need a female team member doing the splits right now on this dance floor!") Who knew she still had that going on? Not even she knew!

We did a snorkeling excursion in Cozumel that was probably the best shore excursion I've ever been on. They took us out in a catamaran to snorkel. The snorkeling wasn't very good, but they were hit by that hurricane not long ago, so it'll be several years. Then they took us to a beach where we hung out a bit. On the catamaran, they played party music. The guys on the boat were very nice, very funny. There was free booze and other drinks.

The ship's own singers and dancers weren't very good, but amongst the seasoned cruisers at our dinner table, we all decided that the small ships and short trips must get the suckier company performers. The hired performers were great though. The comedians were hilarious.

I had an entire medicine cabinet with me, just in case of anything. The only thing I ever needed was an antacid (awesome roasted garlic soup gave me hellacious heartburn), and I didn't have that! LOL. Sarah had some though, so I didn't have to pay $10 for it in the ship's "boutiques." No wonder she's the front girl...

Minimal sunburn. No hangovers. Not too much dessert. I think it was a raging success!


American Idol

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ryan Seacrest is tiny, dude. TINY. When Blake put his arm around him, he was just so... teeny weeny.

Anyway, I like Phil, but the bald thing is doing nothing for me. He just looks older than everyone. Similar problem with Melinda- she looks like everyone's mother. I hate to even talk about looks, but they do matter I suppose.

Sanjaya. Yikes. It was a psycho performance, but interesting to watch and definitely his best. Not saying much, but there you go. The crying girl- I'm guessing she is somehow related to Nigel Lythgoe. She was sitting in front of him and his wife, and she got more face time than some of the singers.

I am liking Jordin and Blake more and more. Still a huge fan of Chris Sligh. Lakisha is my other favorite, but her lack of personality is killing her. Or me. I'd like to see her have some fun up there.



DH sent me tulips last month. Angel sent me tulips yesterday! I could get used to this. Please send me tulips every month. Thanks.

On a very sad note, Kimberly and Gib tell me that her mom has less than a year to live. Her mom will have palliative treatment, and will be on Hospice care. I just can't believe we're both losing our moms at such a young age.


Dancing with the Stars

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This show is really too long for me to sit through, but I watched until Joey danced. Did he rock or what! Number 1. Woo! I'm guessing him and Ian in the finals.

Oh, and I did watch Heather Mills. She danced well, considering. I just think she comes across as so somber and unfriendly. Bleh.

I think Billy Ray Cyrus is going to be out. Wow- he was awful! It's too bad, because I like his dancing partner Karina a lot.


Saturday Six on Monday!

Monday, March 19, 2007

1. What was your favorite animated cartoon series when you were little?
Bugs Bunny

2. What was your favorite "live action" children's series when you were little?
Electric Company

3. Who is your favorite muppet character?

4. Take the quiz: What is your Sesame Street personality?

You Are Ernie

Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.

You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained

You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.

How you life your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you!

5. Have you ever appeared on a locally-produced children's show, or would you have ever wanted to?
I would have liked to have been one of those Zoom kids. Zooma-zooma-zooma-zoom!

6. Cartoons like "The Flintstones," though animated, were really intended for adults. What's your favorite adult (non-porn) cartoon?
South Park


A message from Dwight

"Office" fans, listen to an important message from Dwight K. Schrute by calling this number:



(from the awesome fansite Office Tally)


Getting ready

I'm in that mode that many of you know- preparing the family for mom to be gone for several days. Things like:

1. Meal planning. This may include preparing and freezing meals and/or making a list of places to order in, should meal prep go awry.
2. Letting DH know the morning routine so DD can make it to school. This involves a detailed minute-by-minute schedule, along with a map to all ingredients that come together to make her lunch. Pre-preparation of lunch items also comes into play here.
3. Obsessive lists of phone numbers and emergency info.
4. A briefing of the calendar items during the vacation period. Maps, schedules, secret codes as necessary.

After all that, mom is ready to prepare for the trip itself. Still trying to choose a snorkeling excursion for Cozumel....


Go Aggies!

I see the Ags will play Memphis on Thursday in the NCAA basketball tournament thinger. So they're still in it- yay! Also watching Vanderbilt for various reasons. I'm hoping for A&M/Vanderbilt on March 31. Fun!


Cheer on TV- Review

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Yeah, FOX Sports had only 10 second snippets of each cheer team. There was also a little scene with DD and a few of her teammates watching another team on a video screen. She'll enjoy seeing that when she gets home tonight. Cute!


Kimberly's Mom

Kimberly's mom's breast cancer is back, and has spread to her brain. I'm so sad to hear that. Her mom just found out a few weeks ago, and is having a hard time with it, of course. It seems that these days, the docs can "manage" some cancers for many years, keeping them from growing. I hope hers is one of those.


Nothing to sneeze at

Okay this is pretty cool. Design your own Kleenex box for $5:

Go! Check it out!


This article made me laugh...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Today may be the day to not know what day it is
By Andrew Z. Galarneau, Buffalo News

What are you doing reading this? Don’t you know it’s National Furniture Refinishing Month? You should be stripping that old coffee table. Or helping your kids with their brush technique, in honor of National Youth Art Month.

All this badgering make you edgy? Too bad. You already missed March 16: National Everything You Do Is Right Day. You think we’re making all this up? We’re not. Besides, Tell a Lie Day isn’t until April 4.

Could the architects of the Cause-of-the-Month culture foresee the mayhem they would unleash? The National Toilet Repair Months (March), National Bubble Weeks (March 20-26) and Act Happy Days (March 19)?

How could they? There is no Kill That Well Meaning But Dumb Idea Month.

We’re not trying to say that there are no decent observations of this stripe. Anyone with a decent-sized vegetable garden will nod at the wisdom of Aug. 8, Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night.

There’s also something to be said for having a Disease of the Month. Most of the ailments of our time, including some of the most prevalent, damaging and costly to society, get little routine coverage in popular media during that month. Diseases that don’t show up well on a television camera or provoke street protests don’t usually make the network news so this draws attention to them.

That has left people suffering from, say, high cholesterol, to target a month (September, as if you didn’t know) as a time to convince producers and editors to acknowledge their situation. That’s why March is the National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Month. All. Month. Long.

I would say that I’m tired of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Month, except that might be perceived as insensitive and bum people out. Which would be a crying shame, since I Want You To Be Happy Day was March 3, and you don’t get another one for another 350 days or so.

Even individual organs have their own month now. In March? It’s your kidneys’ turn. You can thank me later.

March is also Poison Prevention Awareness Month, which at first left me deeply conflicted. People need to be reminded to keep toddlers away from the Drano, and not to store rat poison in a sugar bowl?

But then again, the hit television show of the moment is something called “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” So yes, Poison Prevention Awareness Month. It’s better to be safe than sorry. That’s what my doctor said, anyway, and in honor of Doctor-Patient Trust Week (March 25-31), I will comply. Our relationship could use some work anyway, since I balked at a particular type of examination suggested during the last office visit. Let’s just say it would have required me to assume an undignified position.

“I just wasn’t prepared,” I told my wife Kathy. Perhaps by March 18, Awkward Moments Day, I will be at peace with the notion. But I wouldn’t bet on it.

While there may be sound and respectable roots behind many of these proposed observances, a vast number are simply industrial marketing schemes. I’m looking at you, International Scrapbooking Industry Day (March 4).

Why should we pay special attention to something that’s an everyday fact of life? If I had a pet sitter, would I tip them better during Professional Pet Sitters Week (March 4-10)? Doesn’t that just cry out for the establishment of an Amateur Pet Sitter’s Week? You need one after National Puppy Day (March 23).

Just for the record, we do not recognize March as National Frozen Food Month at my house. To do so would undermine the intellectual integrity of feeding our children Tater Tots and microwaved peas every night since Christmas.

That’s just fine, because the day everyone else knows as Absolutely Incredible Kids Day, March 15? That’s every day at our house.

Not all of these declarations are helpful, though. I was supposed to finish this story earlier, but in the middle of National Procrastination Week (March 5-11), somehow couldn’t find the strength.

Now it’s stretched into National Procrastination Month. My editor, it must be said, has displayed an appalling lack of sympathy. Boy was I right not to tell her about National Workplace Napping Day, March 12.

“You can’t just declare your own holidays and expect anyone else to care,” she scolded.

Well of course not. Not until March 23, Make Up Your Own Holiday Day.

My calendar is already marked.


Cheer Team on TV this weekend!

The top teams from ACP All-Star Southern Nationals will be on FOX Sports Network (FSN) today Mar 17 at 1pm CST, and again tomorrow Mar 18 at 1pm CST. DD's team, Firestorm, is in +Small Sr. Coed Level 4 division. They are silver and black. This is surely a snippet, since they are showing all first and second place teams in Levels 2 and up in one hour.


Oops- Went downtown

We accidentally went downtown during SXSW, right down Barton Springs, by Auditorium Shores and Threadgills. Ack. We were only trying to get to Joe's Crab Shack. Honestly.

The crowded streets weren't too bad.

At Joe's, I got crab. They brought the ridiculous bib, which I promptly tossed into the trash bucket. DH says, "Don't you need that?" Heck no, I don't need it. I am perfectly capable of eating crab without making a mess. I've been eating crab since I was a wee tot on the old shores of Kemah, before it was a theme park, with nothing more than butcher paper and a mallet. Ha.

The very first piece of crab I broke off spewed a chunk onto my shirt.

Rethinking the bib.


First Scrapbook Page

Read a popular question on a scrapping message board this morning:
Do you remember your first scrapbook page?

My first page was at a Creative Memories get-together back in '94. (They used to be the only scrapbooking company around. Can you imagine?!) Anyway, I did photos from my friend Ina's wedding reception at Carmelo's. Oh my gosh, what fun it was! It was like a big company party. I wonder what she's up to these days...



Friday, March 16, 2007

Our cruise is next week! WHEE!!! Maybe I should buy the drink package... although people say that the wines aren't that great. Then again, I drink $5-a-bottle wine all the time. Who am I kidding.

The kiddo is in Indianapolis with the band, playing a national high school band event. They're the first-ever middle school band to be invited. They perform this morning. Wynton Marsalis is the event's featured guest, and he will be watching their performance. I hope she gets to meet him.



Thursday, March 15, 2007

South By Southwest is in full force. That means I won't be anywhere downtown this week. LOL. We ate lunch by some band today. I didn't recognize them. I just overheard them talking about the cities they've been playing.


Sanjaya- yeesh!

Can't we get him off American Idol? I mean I think he's very cute, as far as seventeen-year-old boys go, but he can't sing for crap. It's got to be the anti-AI website and Howard Stern listeners voting for him. I think that's mildly amusing, but mostly sad that people would spend their time and energy on something negative. Eh.

My current faves? Thanks for asking! Lakisha and Chris Sligh. Lakisha needs a liiiiittle more personality, but her voice is awesome. Chris is just great- personality and voice.

I also like Blake and Gina.

My least faves- Sanjaya and Chris Richardson.


The camera decision

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Went back to CompUSA, to whom I must give kudos for two things:
1) they took back our open and used camera, and with no restocking fee
2) they removed cameras from the alarm thingies to let us insert a card and take pics with them to view on the laptop we brought with us to compare quality. This they did with some questioning looks and a required okay from the manager, but with no complaints.

We ended up with the Canon A550 for $200. Very nice pic for the price. I would recommend it over the others in the price range. Whatever you do, never buy a Polaroid digital camera.


Funny Laura Story

Big joke last week was how I started out buying a kitchen sink, then found a very chic faucet for my powder room, which led to faucets to replace every single one in the house and a realization that to install the faucets in the master bath, we will have to tear down a wall of our shower and possibly a cabinet... which ultimately led to us now remodeling our master bath.

So Laura and I were at Costco this week and she wanted this infrared-sensor-operated trash can. When I asked if she was going to get it, she said that she would, but then she would have to remodel her kitchen to match.

LOL! So true.


News story: Mom's body found in freezer

...Police entered home legally, prosecutor says

O.K. Let's see here. The point of this whole discussion is that the victim's body might never have been found, had the police not barged into the home without a warrant? Right. Her family was already worried. Would they have simply left the home there, undisturbed for eternity? Maybe they would have sold it after the missing victim was finally declared dead months later. And maybe the new owners would have just bought it as an investment and never opened it up. Ever.

Oh wait. I see. The murderer would have had time to go back and remove the evidence. Ahhh! Not fair!

How ridiculous.


BJ Novak in a magazine

Monday, March 12, 2007

Check out BJ Novak from "The Office" (he's the temp) in The Improper Bostonian. Holy hotness, Batman.


Looking for new digital camera

We're looking for a camera for DD that's under $150. We bought a Polaroid-- Ack, what a hellish picture. Very blurry and dithered. Target won't take the camera back, so that sorta sucks.

We bought a Canon A460 today. It's picture sucks too. I'm sure CompUSA won't take it back either. (What a crock.)

We're going to bring our laptop with us tonight and take photos with all the cameras on our memory card and view the dang pictures on the computer before choosing another one. Her last camera was around $200. Maybe that's the price point we should shoot for as a minimum.

Anyone who knows a good camera, feel free to comment or email me!


Game Night

Sunday, March 11, 2007

We played CatchPhrase! Hilarious. Scott made note that this month it was fully 9:05 pm before someone gave Jeff the finger. Ahahahaa.

And just when we thought Scott and Julie had assimilated into Texas culture from their New England roots... I made a reference to something being "as slow as Christmas." The two of them were laughing out loud. They had never heard that phrase before. It was so funny. Here we all were explaining it, and realizing that we had never really questioned the origin and meaning- things are just "slow as Christmas!"


More blogging please

Saturday, March 10, 2007

If any of my friends out there would like me to set up a blog for their journaling pleasure, let me know! I can do some cutesy graphics! It's fun and free!

I should be making brownies for game night, but I'm here. See, blogging can be a nice distraction from things you don't want to do!


Salt buildings and boxing

Evidently Grand Saline, TX, near Dallas, has a roadside attraction called the Salt Palace, a building made entirely of salt. The TV story I just watched showed tourists tasting the building, either by rubbing with a finger and licking the finger, or by licking the building itself. Okay, THAT is disgusting. How many thousands of people have had their tongues and fingers on that thing?

I was working out yesterday- some boxing aerobics kind of stuff- and while doing the "upper cut" where you punch up from under the "opponent's" chin, I dang near punched myself in the face. That would have been hilarious and painful all at the same time. LOL!


Track my blog and others

Friday, March 9, 2007

Here's a coolio site I found that will send you an email when blogs you read are updated. It says it even sends a snippet of the entry.


No comment

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Laura says this new journal is boring because no one has been commenting. I reminded her that she and Eva are the only people who ever commented in my journal, and Eva is back at LJ and Laura herself hasn't commented here. So comment, please! No more emails about my posts, just leave a message here. Then everyone can see your comments... and comment on them.


Band did great today!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

DD's band got all 1's (the highest ranking) at the UIL contest this afternoon! Yay!! They were amazing.


Free Lunch to....

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

...whoever can tell me where we saw the following adapted song from Chicago performed around 1980, at a Houston location that was NOT performing the musical:

We want Billy.
Where is Billy?
B-I- double L-Y....
We're all hiiiiiiiis.
He's our kind of guy,
And ooh what luck! 'Cause here he iiiiiiiiiiis!...

I did not realize until yesterday that this song was the same one! Duh! We saw it sung about 800 times one summer. Anyone remember? Come on- it's easy!


Past Saturday Six

Monday, March 5, 2007

1. How often do you clip coupons from the newspaper or mail inserts?
Rarely. If I do, I forget them when I need them anyway. I hate coupons.

2. You buy something that contains a mail-in rebate: how likely are you to take the time to fill out and mail the application (with appropriate receipts) to actually get the rebate mailed to you?
It's a sure thing.

3. How many credit cards do you have right now that have a zero balance?
Two out of two. I've never carried a balance on credit cards.

4. Take the quiz: Are you good with money?

You Are Great With Money

You know the value of a dollar - and you save and spend wisely. By living below your means, you've set yourself up for a rich future. And while it may hurt to sacrifice now, you'll probably have plenty of money later on. You're on your way to riches - just keep it up.

5. What is the most expensive thing you purchased in the last week?
New shower knobbies and sprayer- $120

6. On a scale of one to ten, with ten meaning that it was something you needed badly and urgently, how much did you really need this particular item?
Yikes--- one.


Heartbreaker of the Century

Oh man, this weekend was the best and the worst ever. DD's cheer team has won a lot of first place and High Point awards in regional competitions, but the huge National (summer nationals was comparatively small) title has eluded them thus far.

For two days straight, they outperformed their very formidable big-gym competition by leaps and bounds, with the absolute best performances they've done. In the finals yesterday, one of the flyers accidentally did an illegal motion that unfortunately resulted in the loss of what would have been not only a first place in our division, but the high point for the entire level. The parents and kids were devastated, but we take heart in their amazing performance, and that they will have other shots at nationals.

Here is a link to the Sunday performance. You must see it!

Some of our team parents have relayed stories today of talking to parents of the second place team, who said that we "smoked" them and how sorry they were that we didn't win because of a technicality. Very sweet.


Thursday, March 1, 2007

I've gotten reacquainted (sometimes only briefly, but still...) with a few old classmates via or Now I keep getting the silly emails that try to suck you in with their "65 people have searched for you this year!!" messages. (No, 65 people a year aren't looking for me- I just didn't want to sound like some no-name high school dork.) I just got an email that said they'll tell me the names of everyone who searched for me, if I join.


People can see if I searched for them? Yeesh. I gotta stay out of there.


About This Blog

This is a personal blog with no particular niche, or really any purpose whatsoever. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Stalker...


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