Words With Friends

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A couple of my friends are Words With Friends sharks. The people who are all, "Kathy! Are you playing WWF? We have to play!" Yeah. Those are the ones who are about to kick your arse around the block. *coughAngelcough*

I'm very good at word games... but not as great as some! One of my friends, however, is most assuredly using a Words With Friends cheat program. Sorry, but you can't repeatedly score 52 points on five words per turn, four of which I've neither seen nor heard in all my life, without a cheat app. It can't be much fun to win a game like that, but... whatever blows your skirt up! (I'll find a way to politely bow out of that pairing.)

A tip for those using the "free" WWF app: The ads are using a metric buttload of your data plan. Jeff's used 20MB in two days. I probably used at least twice that before I purchased the app. Just buy it. Unless you're one of those lucky ducky grandfathered iPhoners still enjoying unlimited data. *jealous*

The Facebook app for iPhone is royally sucking. It posts statuses to your wall, but not to the news feed, so absolutely no one sees them unless they are stalking you visit your page. Evidently it posts correctly to the feed on most iPhone 3's and randomly works or does not work on iPhone 4's. So I'm doing the workaround, which is to use Facebook Mobile.


Tuesday Stuff

The Hangover II wasn't as good as the original, but was very funny nonetheless. The photos at the end of those two films are the best thing ever. Our packed theater was rolling on the floor. Definitely see it!!

Everything in our house is falling apart all at once. The kitchen faucet doesn't work (although the sprayer is completely functional- whatevs). The vacuum roller brush melted. (Just try getting melted vacuum roller smell out of your house.) The AC is leaking freon. It's like- what's next?

Lauren's collection of Get Well flowers are finally wilting and the balloons are losing their helium, but it's sort of symbolic, as she is doing so well! She's taking finals this week, and has stopped in to see all her teachers, who have been worried about her. She is excited about being a senior in two more days!

Talking about The Real Housewives of New Jersey as if they're people I know in real life in... 3... 2... 1...

So when is Teresa going to realize that her sister-in-law is the one who is trying to get her brother to talk to her?! Teresa thinks Melissa is this horrible person, but she is actually a sweetheart and a peacemaker, like Jacqueline. When I first saw Melissa, I thought she was going to be this bubble-headed, self-centered bimbo, but she has turned out to be funny and very good-hearted. And I cannot say enough how much I freakin' LOVE that pink top she wears in the little side interviews. I can't find a screencap of it, but if you watch, it's the sleeveless, low-cut, fitted, satiny one with the collar. OMG- so cute! I would love to have one, but it's probably from KimD's store, and I wouldn't be caught dead there with all the ish that goes down in that place. And the thought that I might run into the absolutely despicable camera-whore KimG... ack.


We now return you to your regularly scheduled Tuesday!


SAT Scores

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lauren earned an amazing score on her first SAT. She and Jaxon got the exact same score! Too funny. They scored higher than Jeff or I did. We're not bitter or anything. The score gets her into A&M on automatic entry, as does her class rank, so she's thrilled that she is doubly assured a spot.

I dunno though. Automatic admission sort of takes the excitement out of waiting and wondering if you'll get the thick packet or the thin letter in the mailbox. Yes?

Sunday Stealing: The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, The Last Part

47. Could you ever kill yourself to save someone else?
I think most of us would, for someone we love- especially our children

48. Does it matter if you break up with someone or have them dump you?
It sucks either way, but it sure is better to be the dumper than the dumpee.

49. Would you rather have a turtle or a frog for a pet?
frog- they're more lively

50. Would you rather spend a day with Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus?
Lady GaGa

51. Would you rather learn to play piano or guitar?
piano- guitar hurts my delicate fingers

52. We're going back to the day. Where did you get your kicks?
Baybrook Mall in Houston, Bal Harbour Yacht Club in Nassau Bay, Stewart Beach and East Beach in Galveston, The Dixie Chicken in College Station

53. What Asian country would you like to visit the most? Why?
Japan- it was one of my mom's favorite places, where she lived for a few years when my grandfather was stationed there.

54. Have you ever thought that a passer-by was the one (think James Blunt, here)?
Not really. Just because someone is attractive doesn't mean they have one bit of personality or character.

55. Ever told someone that your fake jewelery was really real?
Nah. I would be more inclined to tell someone my real jewelry was really fake.

56. Where are the worst public restrooms?
gas stations

57. What song was the latest one that got overplayed really fast?
"F**kin' Perfect" Pink

58. What Friends (American TV show from the 90s) character are you most like?
I'm barely familiar with Friends. So I read about them on Wikipedia, and I would say... Chandler? I'll check with Cathy and let you know if that's correct. It's her favorite show EVER.

59. When's the last time you had a Popsicle?
Probably at a Mothers' Club function 15 years ago.

60. What TV show from way back would you love to see reappear?
Thirtysomething! Gosh I LOVED that show.


iPhone Adventures

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I can't wait to FaceTime with everyone, but quite frankly, I look terrible right now. I'm a little pale(-er than usual...) and there are nice dark circles under my eyes. You guys go for a few weeks without sleep and balanced nutrition- then FaceTime me. Ooh! By then I might actually look like myself again. Yes, that's a plan.

Also on the iPhone front, I have synced my contacts with Yahoo. Not an elegant process, but I figured out how to massage it into what it's supposed to be. I have also exported my Calendarscope calendar to Yahoo to sync with the phone. Next up: re-setting all my ringtones and customizing my screen background. People have been giggling at my marimba ringtone all week. "Default much?" Bite me. :p

And I haven't checked in anywhere yet on Facebook. Maybe I'll be somewhere interesting today! Because Lauren was so sick (poor baby!) on Jeff's and my 21st anniversary on Thursday, we postponed our date. So tonight, we may try out the Gold Class Cinema and see The Hangover II, which Lauren saw last night and said was hilarious, although she is now "scarred for life!"

Meet Me on Monday

1. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?

2. What is your favorite color Rose?

3. Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?
Yes- strictly for comfort purposes, not because I don't want shoes to touch my floors. Others can feel free to keep or remove their shoes as well.

4. What is your favorite season?
fall- nice weather and FOOTBALL!

5. Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?
about a half hour



Friday, May 27, 2011

Wheeeee-ha! Wish I were going to the Boardwalk this weekend. My friends are there all the time. I'm tired of saying "Have a glass of wine for me!" I want to be there! There is a winery event in Wimberley that I should get on the calendar. There isn't much ocean there though.

Lauren is on the mend from a fiasco involving the quick cessation of six days of heavy narcotic pain meds. As one might think, there is a weaning process that should take place, but no one at the hospital even mentioned it. You don't even want to know the combination of four-letter words spinning in my head today after she finally saw her doctor, who was a little confused why they didn't have her on a weaning plan. So for four days, she's been increasingly miserable- insomnia, shaking, muscle stiffness, etc. Now she's on a new step-down plan with oral meds and she feels tons better! She'll be completely off of them in two weeks. And she never wants to take them again. I can't blame her there.

And a beauty tip du jour...

I never buy the same mascara twice, because they are either too clumpy or too thin. Every single time I buy mascara, I try a new one.

Well, after years of searching, I have finally found "the One." Yes. You want it! It's not even a department store brand! It's Maybelline Volum' Express One By One. The brush separates all your lashes and the formula is thick enough to actually show up. So nice! And it's like $5!


Home Again!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lauren was finally released from the hospital yesterday. She's doing very well and was able to eat her first solid food - pancakes- today. She has come down with your basic, run-of-the-mill cold on top of everything, but she's a tough cookie and is dealing with that just fine. The Vicodin helps. ;)

I've discovered that while catching up on a week's worth of email is time-consuming, catching up on Facebook is pretty much impossible. At this point, I'm just going to assume I didn't miss anything too earth-shattering in anyone's life over the last several days. Yes? No one checked in at the Louvre or anything?

I finally have my iPhone! Yaaaaaayyyy!!!!!! I waited about two years for a smartphone, and I'm thrilled to death with it, even though I've barely even used it yet. I still need to figure out all the things it does. So far, I'm just using whatever people tell me about. First app I need to get is a To-Do list.

In other news, I'd like to thank The Bloggess for this wonderful award. *wipes tear*

Go choose one for yourself...


Tips for Treating Mouth Sores

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mouth sore tips. Yeah, that's the cue for my friends to head over to cnn.com and check today's headlines.

This post is for anyone who is dealing with mouth and/or lip lesions. Just a few ideas we tried personally and things that worked and didn't, so I can help someone else who is dealing with this.

(See? This blog isn't just for random musings and questionable movie quotes.)

OK. Where are my mouth sore peeps! You should check with your own doctor on anything you want to try. These are just possibilities and won't be appropriate for everyone.

1. The soothing power of... tea? Lauren can't even sip water without excruciating pain, BUT she can sip Luzianne decaf tea, which she finds surprisingly helpful. She had mentioned that people use teabags on their eyes to reduce swelling. Google says teabags are helpful for cold sores. Who knew? The bags were irritating to her lips, but sipping the tea is good for keeping her mouth moist and soothing the sores. Regular Lipton here at the hospital stung, so it's either the brand or the decaf that makes the difference. Yes, we are brewing tea at home and bringing it here. It is the only thing she is putting in her mouth at this point.

2. Don't swallow Magic Mouthwash. Some are OK to swallow, but Lauren's combination was Benadryl, Maalox and Lidocaine. One time she swallowed just a teeny bit, and it made her so nauseous that now she can't be within ten feet of it without gagging. Major problem, because Magic Mouthwash was the only thing that even temporarily helped her pain when we were at home. So ask for it and use it; just be careful not to swallow any if it's not ok to do so.

3. Invest in a Boo Boo Buddy. This $4 Godsend is available at Target and other fine retail venues. It's a small, like 3" square gel pack that you are supposed to put in the freezer for bumps and bruises on small children. It is the perfect size to apply to your lips, whereas others are waaay too big. We find that putting it in the fridge (or the freezer for about 10 minutes) makes it just the right temperature to apply directly. Best part is that it doesn't stick to wounds, because it is slick on the outside. At the hospital, we are keeping it in a bowl of ice.

4. Vaseline - it's not just for rectal thermometers anymore. The ER was applying KY to Lauren's lips, because it was water-based (and they didn't have petroleum jelly- so weird), but it gets really sticky after a time in air. Vaseline is amazing at keeping the wounds moist and protected.

5. And finally... foot rubs. Anything can be made better with a quality foot massage. I recommend it for whatever ails you. :)


What Day Is It?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Greetings from Dell Childrens Hospital.

It's the longest story ever how we ended up here, and I don't even know what day it is because they've all run together ever since Lauren got sick last Saturday. At our third trip to the ER, they sent her here. It was absolutely nightmarish trying to get her pain managed, but finally at 2 pm today, it happened. My God, what a relief for her.

They should have the virus identified tomorrow morning. Her mouth infection is about the same- utterly awful- but we are just so happy to see her sleep after staying up three days straight. She still isn't able to eat, so in addition to her IV meds, they have her on what she calls her "banana bag" with potassium and dextrose. Breakfast of champions.

I've discovered you can get away with just about ANY statement or behavior by explaining that you are operating on a serious lack of sleep. I haven't been able to purposely abuse this to my advantage, because I'm not very clever when I am operating on a serious lack of sleep.

Thank you for your prayers and positive thoughts. She'll probably be here at least through Friday.



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lauren was back in the ER this morning. They rethought the original diagnosis of an allergic reaction, and decided she has a severe infection.

They gave her some IV pain meds and new prescriptions and she's home now resting very uncomfortably. She has a lot of trouble talking and eating even milkshakes. Poor baby! :(


The Kiddo is Hangin' In

Monday, May 16, 2011

Saturday morning, Lauren came out of her room and said her upper lip was swollen. It didn't even look swollen at all at the time. By late Saturday night, she was in the ER with very swollen lips and some sores inside her mouth. She was diagnosed as having an allergic reaction, probably to a medicine she's been taking. They eventually sent her home and told us to keep an eye on her and watch for worsening, or a skin rash, which would be something they would have to treat at the hospital with IV drugs.

Sunday morning, she woke up with her whole mouth and tongue very swollen and everything covered in painful mouth sores. :(

Now we're still in watch and wait mode. It seems to be fairly stable, and she's scheduled to see her doctor tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile, she's taking Vicodin for extreme pain. Luckily it's working...


Where Were You on the Morning of the 13th?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Well, I was involved in a real-life CSI yesterday at work, as the central non-witness of a crime of... Vandalism. I was the last person on the surveillance tape just before the incident occurred.

*dramatic, accusatory music*

Unfortunately, the camera is inside the building and the vandalism was committed from the outside, so they can't see who did it. During my intense four-minute interview by local authorities,  I helped narrow the timeline and provided the names of possible witnesses I knew were outside shortly before the incident.

Note to those unfamiliar with police investigations: Don't try to be funny during the interview. It's not The Late Show with David Letterman. Although our student aide appreciated my joke. (Thanks! I'm here all week!)

Meet Me on Monday

1.  What are you wearing right now?

Is this where I say "lipstick and Manolo's"? A GapBody, jersey knit, short nightgown.

2.  Do you have any freckles?
a lot

3.  What is your favorite Lifesaver flavor?

Butter rum, if I remember correctly. I associate Lifesavers with Christmas, because Santa always brought me some.

4.  What is the last movie you saw in the theater?

5.  Would you rather live without tv or without music?

Easy! TV



Friday, May 13, 2011

Today's music meme is something I grabbed from a magazine. I hate choosing one song or album for any question, but I will force myself to do it today...

First Album Bought: Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. I played that thing to death. I brought it on a vacation to visit our Wisconsin relatives. My older cousins heard me dancing to it upstairs, came up and threw open the door to catch me. Sweet.

First Slow Dance: I should remember this... I don't think I had any awkward, pre-pubescent slow dances with any random boys, so my first slow dance was probably with JohnH, and most likely something like "Crazy for You" by Madonna. ETA: Or not. Because that came out in '85. Something like it though.

ETAEvenMore: "True" by Spandau Ballet?  :)

Favorite Workout Song: "Iko Iko" for ab workouts, "SOS" for cardio-kickboxing. OK, that was two songs, but it's all about the perfect tempo for whatever type of exercise you're doing.

Favorite Rock Out Song: "Bad Girlfriend" Theory of a Deadman

Album I'd Take on a Desert Island: Across the Universe soundtrack. It would have a song or two to cover any mood you're in.


"...Just Thinking About People I'm Gonna Fire."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ahhh Anderson. They got you good!

All these years and that photo has never emerged. Excellent sleuthing, CNN!

A few days ago, I said the word "poop" while Lauren was typing her email address, and she typed her_email@yapoop.com. It's pretty much been the funniest thing to hit the household all week. I tell you... we are easily amused!

Song Lyrics o' the Day

... Someone asks you if you ever think of her
And you smile politely and you demur
Then all at once your head starts to swim
You can feel her breath on your skin... 

The Airborne Toxic Event "All For a Woman"



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

That was a fake tv show they did in a bit on the "All That" show on Nickelodeon when Lauren was little.

At 5:00 in this vid...

We were recalling it at Amy's last night, because they had coffee ice cream and a new mix in-- cake. (Chocolate or white.) While we were hanging out and actually discussing purchasing a $35 rubber cow, I invented a new flavor for them:

Wait for it...

Coffee ice cream with DONUT mix in.

You're welcome.

OK, get ready for this! Cathy is performing at open mic night tonight at a bar in Houston, singing a duet with her friend Geoff, who is an established local musician. I sooooo wish I could be there!! Hoping to see video tomorrow. She is going to rock the house. Tear it up, girl!!



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What. Not all blog post titles can be winners. :p

I'm following the oddest combination of people on Twitter. It's a bit like showing up to the grocery checkout with pudding, condoms and habanero peppers.

I've also noticed that some folks are starting to use Twitter hashtags at Facebook. If you're gonna phone it in with an app that posts to every social media site you're on, at least make your post generic enough that no one can tell.

Not jealous that you have an app. Just saying.

(Two more weeks until I get my iPhone!!)

So... Best publicity ever-- Remove your blog from Blogger's search and the "next blog" navbar links. Just look at the doubling of my traffic!

Now if I only had something reeeeeally interesting to say here for the lovely whopping 80 or so people stopping by today...

Nope. Tune in tomorrow!


Happy Moms Day!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hope all the mommies out there have a wonderful day.

I'm not a fan of Rudy's barbecue. Just a personal taste thing. Almost everyone I know likes or loves it; it's just far too black-peppery for me. Yesterday we couldn't get to Torchy's for a special breakfast taco morning out, because of some sort of run blocking off the whole place, so Jeff suggested Rudy's. I had no idea they even had breakfast tacos. Turns out, they are great (well, the sausage, egg and cheese at least). So hit them for breakfast, if you haven't!

Sunday Stealing: The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 1

1. Which state do you consider to be the most boring state?
South Dakota. Sorry, South Dakota. Maybe you're up to the wee hours of the morning doing shots with California, but we just don't hear about it.

2. If any chef from the Food Network (or any well known chef) could cater your wedding, who would it be?
Paula Deen. If you're gonna go all out, you may as well enjoy a bunch of fabulous food whose recipes begin with a stick of butter.

3. What's the last thing you ate that was red?
cherry tomato

4. Have you ever questioned the sexuality orientation of a close friend?
In high school, I did. As an adult, you usually know the sexual orientation of your close friend. Yes? Although, now that you mention it, you've got me wondering if Doug is secretly straight. He is a connoisseur of cars. *arches eyebrow*

5. Everyone loses a friend after some big fight. Tell us about one.
I've had some huge fights with friends, but never lost one in the process. One of the biggest was with Kimberly in high school, when she thought it was okay to go on a "casual date" with my ex.

Not. Okay.


6. Have you ever washed an iPod or mp3 player in the washing machine?
not yet

7. Have you ever screamed/yelled angrily at a boss?

8. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
A few times.

9. Have you ever regretted being in a relationship with someone?
At the time, yes. Looking back though, you realize there were so many wonderful things about the relationship that you would never have wanted to miss- things that shaped you as a person in positive ways.

10. Have you ever acted like you understood something when you didn't have a clue?
Yes, when I thought it wasn't important to understand, and assuming that we would soon move on to more interesting and comprehensible things. Sometimes that bites you in the butt.

11. Have you ever thought someone must have been insane? If yes, tell us something about the person.
That would be Everett, who thought it was hilarious to turn off his headlights while he was driving Shane and I down a small country road at 55mph in the middle of the night. Pure lunacy.

12. Have you ever pretended to be younger than what you are?
I've always told my correct age when asked, although there have been times when I could tell people assumed I was younger than I was, and I went with it.

13. Back in the day, did you ever cry because you were turned down for a date?
I was never turned down for a date, since I was rarely the one asking, but there were a couple of unrequited crushes I cried over.

14. Have you ever (or your significant other) had a pregnancy scare?
No. I've always been religiously on the pill except for the times I wanted to get pregnant.

15. Have you ever pretended to like someone when you didn't?
I wouldn't do something like that. I wouldn't even pretend to like a band I didn't like.


Football Tickets!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Well, our seats have been assigned for the 2011 AgGiE fOoTbAll sEaSOn!! Whee!!!! They are pretty good, especially for our first time buying season tix. Season ticket seat assignments are based on a number of factors, including how many years you've been purchasing them (zero for us).

SO excited!!!!11!!!!1!

Saturday 9: Let's Roll

1. Where were you when you found out bin Laden was killed? How did you find out?
I was at home in the living room. Lauren was on Facebook and her friends were all talking about it.

Lauren: They killed bin Laden.
Me (laughing): Noooo.
Lauren: Yes.
Me: NO. WAY.
Lauren: Yep.

2. One of your best friends turns out to be saying hurtful and untrue things behind your back. What would you do?
Tell everyone hurtful and TRUE things about her. Mwahaha!! Kidding (mostly). I would talk to her directly. And reassess the "best friend" status.

3. You instantly become a star. What is it that made you one?
My supercool late-night talk show.

4. If you could be ANY sex symbol (living or dead) who would it be and why?
Jennifer Lopez. She's gorgeous and talented! I have to say though, since the plastic surgery she's sort of "too perfect." I actually didn't recognize her in a photo someone showed me in a magazine the other day. She was beautiful before-- she still is, but she looks unlike herself and more like a generic model.

5. Where is your favorite place to eat out?
Trattoria Lisina at the Mandola Estate Winery. Beautiful place with amazing food!

6. Are there any current (that began before 2010) television shows out there that you've watched regularly from the very beginning?
The Office

7. When is it time to just let it ('it' can be whatever you choose) go? How do you know? What do you do?
It's time when that thing is either serving no purpose in your life, or worse yet, is having a negative effect. You just step back and look at it from a new perspective, and realize that it's better to be without it.

8. Pimentos-- in Olives? Useless decorative effect? ...or something you maybe enjoy? ...and is there something you can only stare at and wonder about at the snack bar?
Pimentos? I always thought it was pimientos. Pimientos in olives are definitely decorative. You have to have something in there though. Not a fan of blue cheese or garlic-stuffed *shudder* so I guess pimiento it is. What sort of upscale snack bar is hawking stuffed olives? I always stare at and wonder about those disgusting, dried out "soft" pretzels hanging in the theater snack bar- the ones that have a space baked into them for a dip to be inserted. Ack.

9. Why do you think we as a civilization can't seem to get along with one another?
Because instead of appreciating our world's diversity, many people think their own culture, government or religion is the "right" one that everyone should adopt. I don't think a majority of folks feel that way, but just enough to create constant tension.


Paintball and Canasta

Friday, May 6, 2011

Neither Jeff nor I have ever enjoyed golf, so we sometimes joke around about what we'll do when we retire. My latest brilliant idea was paintball! I could start a group for senior citizens. We could do it every Saturday and have everyone back to the house to play canasta and drink wine afterwards. Jeff said I would hate paintball, because it hurts.

It HURTS?! Who knew. Back to the drawing board.


Friday Five

1. How many times have you been in love?

2. When is the appropriate time to first say that you are?
After the other person says it, of course! :)

You know when it's the right time- it's a "moment" where you're feeling especially close... and you're at least fairly certain the other person isn't going to say "thank you."

3. Do you think it is a good idea to live with a significant other before you are married?
For me, moving in would take away a lot of the excitement of finally being married and getting to set up a home together. I also don't like the idea of a "trial marriage." To each his own. I might have lived with Jeff if it had served some practical purpose, like to save money on rent while we were engaged or something.

4. How soon is too soon to move in together?
If you don't know the person's last name- definitely too soon. Or if, like Kimberly, you don't know their first name after four weeks (Ty... not Todd... oops! ROFL).

I wouldn't advise people who are casually dating to move in together. If they've at least discussed a committed future, then maybe it could work.

5. When do you think you will get married? OR Favorite Vegetable? :) 


She Wore What?!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sofia Vergara wore an unflattering outfit this week on Modern Family. I'm serious. Who would have ever imagined there even is such an outfit in existence?

Don't believe me? Here it is:

Yep, even the exceedingly gorgeous SV couldn't pull off those pants. (Obvious male follow-up comments duly noted.)

Spent the morning in Westlake, sitting amongst the trees by the water with tiny birds fluttering all around. It is absolutely beautiful today! Everyone should take off and enjoy it!


Fun at the Library

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The kids who hang out in the library a lot are typically big readers... and very bright and creative young people. Also, VERY CHATTY. (Not that the librarian and I aren't chatters ourselves, mind you. We chatted about that just today.) They sound like little adults sometimes. I've recently gotten very animated movie reviews, emotional commentary on 9/11 which happened when they were two, and lengthy accounts of their summer travel plans. Today I had a music chat with one of them, where I actually came out looking fairly cool with my knowledge of Linkin Park's discography (Minutes to Midnight wasn't a great album, the newest one is much better, etc.) It's non-stop talk there. Not the typical quiet library.

Also at the library... Every so often an adult library patron comments how good I am with names. And I'm pretty sure one teaching assistant thought I was stalking him when I remembered his name from several months before. Yesterday, I got the additional, "Well, you have a librarian brain. You remember everything!" Actually, I have a scientist brain. I just figure I can save a good 1.56 seconds checking someone out by entering their name without asking.

In other news...

My new favorite link of the day:

IKEA Hackers

Some of the ideas aren't as awesome as others, but many are downright inspiring! Be sure and take a look at the "top hacks" on the right side, too. Those are the best of the best from past years.

I may do this vanity in Lauren's bedroom. Too cool!


Not Quite a Spa Day

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yesterday, I got the chlorine treatment for the hot tub and opened it up to weigh out 1.4 ounces of the powder. (Um, why on earth can't any spa chemical packages give me a measurement in teaspoons? Yeesh.) As soon as I opened it, it started sort of clumping together in the jar. Very weird. I watched for a second and then gave it a little shake.

I  breathed in a face full of deadly chlorine fumes, plopped the thing down on the table and tore out of the room, before I even realized what had happened. I found myself in the kitchen, coughing. The back of my throat and nose were burning.

I wasn't throwing up or coughing too much and I didn't pass out (all bad signs). It was just a lot of irritation in my throat and nose. Google told me that I probably had nothing to worry about, because of my mild symptoms and brief exposure, but I was very careful for the next couple of hours, as "fluid may build in your lungs" over that time. (It didn't.)

SCARY. I won't be using that chemical anymore. Back to Dichlor. We never had a problem with that stuff.

We watched all the coverage of the bin Laden thing last night, switching from channel to channel. It's amazing how much misinformation is out there in the early stages of an event. One channel kept saying he was killed a week ago and they were just now saying because the DNA tests were finally back. Another said he was killed yesterday morning and the DNA had already been confirmed (is it that fast?). Yet another said he was killed yesterday and the DNA wasn't back yet. I haven't seen any news today. Hope they got it all figured out!

Meet Me on Monday

1. What is your favorite kind of muffin?

2. What was the first car you ever owned?
a 6- or 7-year-old Mazda GLC- maroon. Got it when I was 20 for $1200. My mom paid half and I paid half.

3. Which TV Show were you sad to see end?
most recently- FlashForward

4. What is your lucky number?
I don't really have one. My favorite number is 3.

5. Pretzels or Potato Chips?


Sunday Sneezing

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why is it that I buy sixteen boxes of Kleenex to stash around the house, yet when my nose starts running like a six-year-old's from all this Austin pollen, there is not a single tissue around?

OK, don't ask me how I even found this...


It was one of those semi-random series of clicks from site to site that sometimes gets me into trouble, but this time was a path straight to a very amusing little circuit diagram. Or maybe only amusing to people who remember high school physics... or took a nightmare circuit theory class in engineering school.

From the diagram: "...Oh so you think you're such a whiz at EE 201?" Ahaha!

Patrick's Sunday Seven

You’d think being happy is pretty easy. At least, when you come across a list of 21 Simple Ways to Be Happy.

Name seven of the 21 Simple Ways to Be Happy that you think would be most effective for you.

1. Smile.
2. Sing out loud.
3. Count your blessings daily.
4. Let the sun shine in.
5. Catch happiness from others.
6. Pencil in quiet time.
7. Accept what you cannot change.


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