Happy BDay DH

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It's the hubby's birthday today. Big 4-0! Whee! I think he's the last of the batch of us turning 40 this year.

Norton's keeps my computer safe from worms and viruses, but holy heck, can't it stop deleting all my cookies every week?! I've set and re-set the thing, and it insists on deleting them so I have to log in again everywhere. Bah.

10 on Tuesday is "10 Greatest Accomplishments in Your Life."

In no particular order:

1. Giving birth to my daughter
2. Staying married 17 years and counting
3. Graduating college on time, while spending my senior year in cancer treatment out-of-town at MD Anderson
4. Surviving cancer twice
5. Leading the data management team on a drug from Phase I through Phase IV studies, and seeing it in use today
6. Planning my wedding
7. Going to college on 100% scholarships
8. Being an at-home mom, especially when DD was little
9. Bringing in significant donors at the children's foundation where I volunteer
10. Learning HTML


Kelly Clarkson

Monday, May 28, 2007

I wasn't sure about Kelly's new song at first. LOL. Now I love it. What is it with those kinds of songs? Some you love right away and some have to worm their way into your favorites.


Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie's off The View? Well, hot damn! I can watch again.

She can be funny and entertaining at times, but mostly she's a self-righteous, intolerant woman. If you disagree with her, you must be an ignorant buffoon. Of anyone who should be as close-minded... Yeesh.

Good riddance.


Happy Anniversary to me

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Yesterday was DH's and my 17th Anniversary. We spent it painting, but that's the kind of thing you do at 17 years. We did go out to The Melting Pot for dinner, which is always terrific.

Tonight we went to a game party. There were several tables set up with various games of all types. One of the coolest was a dice game called Can't Stop and another was a mini-shuffleboard type of game, where you flick wooden pucks around a circular wooden board.


Saturday Six (on Sunday)

1. What color car do you drive?
Baby blue metallic.

2. How many cars have you had in the past of this same color?

3. What does this particular color mean to you?
It is a unique color, but not "out there."

4. Take the quiz: What color car should you drive?

You Should Drive a Blue Car

You're the type of driver who isn't hung up on the what car you drive.

You don't need a flashy car to show off your wealth or style.

Instead, you go for value and reliability. You're quite practical.

You're a great driver, but you don't show off. Part of your skill is not standing out on the road.

5. Would you ever consider driving a car the color the quiz suggests?
lol. Why, yes!

6. Do you consider yourself the most aggressive driver on the road, the least aggressive, or something in-between?
Something in-between.



Friday, May 25, 2007

The yellow wallpaper is up in the kitchen. It looks awesome. I am painting the rest of the kitchen red today. Well, today and tomorrow and the next day... I'm sure it will take a hundred coats as red always does.

We also have the new furniture and paint is complete in the bedroom.

I want one of those giant mirrors that leans against the wall. I'm going to bolt that sucker to the wall, because I have this nightmare that it will fall over and kill someone. lol.


Ten on Tuesday (on Thursday)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

This week's Ten on Tuesday is "10 Favorite Pics You've Taken". This is a time when I wish I had all my photos on my computer, because the time it would take me to find and scan them would be ridiculous. lol. It's a good meme though, so I wanted to pass it along.


American Idol and Dancing w/the Stars

I honestly would have been happy with either Blake or Jordin as the winner. Yay Jordin! Blake is so talented. I'm sure he'll go on to do big things.

One of the best moments to me was Daughtry's performance on Tuesday. Woo!! They so rock.

We'll definitely see the Idols tour this summer. It should be good.

I didn't watch Dancing with the Stars this season, but I kept up with the recaps each week. I did watch the final two nights. Joey was so awesome. I was totally rooting for him and I was disappointed that he took 2nd place. Like Blake, I'm sure he'll go on to do big things. (Hee hee.)

Talked to Tonya in Georgia via email yesterday. What a blast from the past! It was fun to catch up.


Did you know...

Monday, May 21, 2007

People who live in Utah are called Utahns?


Groceries going up

Have you guys been watching the price of groceries skyrocket along with gas prices? I think my weekly grocery cost has gone up about 40% in the last couple of months. Today I saw various cuts of meat for $9/lb. Holy cow! (lol.) I paid $7/lb for skirt steak...



On a happy note, tomatoes seem to be looking better and coming down in price.


Weekend Update

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Where's Amy Poehler when you guys need some entertainment? She said something last night that was so hilarious I almost came in and posted it here. Now I can't remember. Maroon 5 rocked. I never thought the lead singer was cute, but with his new haircut and that black suit... he's pretty attractive.

Let's see. I've almost completed the painting of my bedroom. Curtains are up. New ceiling fan has been installed. We cannot figure out how to sell our furniture without inviting everyone in the world into our house. The consignment guy never got back to me. Grr. That was my favorite option.

DD has been to awards banquets and end-of-year parties out the wazoo this past couple of weeks. 4 more days of school 'til summer.

Next weekend, we're going to a game party at some friends of DH who run a game store. Fun! They gave us a strategy game to learn how to play before we come, so we can teach whoever wants to play it there.


Help new immigrants learn English

Here's a very cool volunteer opportunity at the Austin Public Library:

Talk Time is an English conversation practice program for non-native English speaking adults. It provides a safe and relaxed environment in the library for these individuals to practice English-speaking skills, with the help of volunteer facilitators.


Ten on Tuesday (on Thursday)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Okay, these are off the top of my head, and I am going to try not to come back and replace as I think of better ones. :)

10 Songs That Make You Sad

1. Angel- Sarah McLachlan
2. I Loved Her First- Heartland
3. My Last Breath- Evanescence
4. All the Time- Barry Manilow
5. Silent All These Years- Tori Amos
6. Everybody Hurts- REM
7. Empty Garden- Elton John
8. Under the Bridge- Red Hot Chili Peppers
9. What I Did for Love- from A Chorus Line
10. Desperado- Eagles


Boston Legal and AI

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

First, wooooo Blake!! I can't believe they voted Melinda off, but yay.

We just watched Boston Legal from last night. Ahahahaaa! Denny Crane on what to do about illegal immigrants (these are not exact quotes)...

...Alan: Give me your Tom DeLay take on this.
Denny: Send them to Iraq to fight our war, and after, don't let them back in.
Alan: Dig deeper.
Denny: Test pharmaceutical drugs on them.
Alan: How about what Dick Cheney would say.
Denny: Shoot 'em...

By the end of that dialogue, I was on the floor. Denny is priceless.


Google Analytics and Florida

Have learned much about my existing Google Analytics account and what it can do! I'm going to track an ad campaign for the Foundation next month. I don't even need any new fancy programs to do it. What a relief! Google comes through again. Can't they open an office here, so I can work for them? :)

Um, no one told me the entire state of Florida is on fire. Yikes! The little graphic they put up the other day had the state and little burning fires covering the entire thing. It looked like the worst disaster ever. Surely it isn't that bad, but the smoke must be awful.


Blah blah

Monday, May 14, 2007

I didn't watch TV today, to I am blissfully unaware of any news.

Cathy and Kenton are in town, and are coming over in a bit. We'll be drinking Moscato. My last minute snacks? Cashews and pretzel sticks. Ack. Where are the brie and strawberries when you need them?

Guess what is coming soon to a theater near me (and you)?! Ocean's 13. June 8. I had hoped they'd edited out the Vegas airport scene filmed while I was there, but at the wrong gate to watch... but no. I have already seen a publicity photo of the gaggle of them sitting there in the airport chairs. Yeesh. My luck. lol.

Summer begins in less than two weeks! Sleeping in, baby! Whee!!


Happy Mothers Day!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Moms Day to all my mommy friends, and to my mother-in-law and stepmom. Cheers to my mom, too. No one could have been a better mother for me.

Also, Happy BIG 4-0 to Laura! Don't do anything I wouldn't do.


ACL Fest 2007

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Re: yesterday's post... I was so busy giggling at Mr. Hill that I didn't hear that he was talking about the White Stripes co-headlining the ACL Fest with Bjork and Bob Dylan this year. The lineup is posted at the Austin City Limits Festival site.

I wish they would move this thing to November, so it isn't hotter than Hades. It's fun though. Bring a chair and lots of water. :)



Friday, May 11, 2007

Jason Hill of the early morning news on our ABC affiliate read the teleprompter incorrectly. He was supposed to be talking about the band The White Stripes. Instead he read, "The White Strips."


The Car

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Guess what! They fixed the noise in my car! It was the something-or-other joint. Even though it sounds bad on all the vehicles, they replaced mine and it's fine. Turns out I never needed a new transmission, by the way. Maybe next time they'll actually try to hear the sound themselves before replacing half the vehicle.

In other non-news...

Kelly Clarkson's new song has grown on me.

The in-laws are coming tonight. I have a lot of dusting to do.

Yay Blake! I think he'll go home next week though. I think Jordin will win. Melinda is like someone's mom who decided to become a lounge singer. She's got a great voice, but the "pop idol" package isn't there. Jordin, on the other hand, has all the makings of a pop star.

I'll believe Paris is going to jail when I see it.

Anyone know how to take web form data and append it to a csv file?


Random Post

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

That title is for You-Know-Who, who doesn't like when I post random stuff without warning... even though she is the Queen of the Quantum Leap in any conversation.


You'll love David's Bridal!

Ask Sherwin Williams!

Same jingle. Just sayin'.


Ten on Tuesday

10 Things Most People Don't Know About You

1. I have a degree in a sub-specialty of nuclear engineering.
2. My daughter was transverse breech and had to be delivered via C-section.
3. I met hockey legend Gordie Howe when I was in 3rd grade.
4. I hate to take medicine.
5. I love logic puzzles.
6. I wrote poetry and songs in high school.
7. I dream of writing a screenplay or musical bringing to life some old, completely overlooked and under-appreciated book.
8. I was born in Heidelberg, Germany, to a German father and an American mother.
9. I'm a nervous flier.
10. I have a serious attraction to office supplies. Especially in pretty colors. Paper... pens...



Monday, May 7, 2007

The wallpaper estimator just left. When she saw my living room paint color, she said, "That is the most beautiful green I've ever seen!" I like her. lol. The color is ValSpar "Patina," in case anyone out there needs a beautiful, sagey and subtle green.

She agreed with me that my bathroom is very "early 90's." No denying it. Along with the wallpaper, I have to get rid of those long brass bars with big round lightbulbs. Ick. It's like a Vegas showgirl's dressing room. I did pick the wallpaper when we were building the house in 1995, but I did not have a choice with the lighting. (Okay, I admit I did like the lighting back then...)


Weekend Update

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Game night was Tripoley and Boggle. Julie and Scott beat everyone. I had never played Tripoley before. It was really fun!

Got new bedroom furniture. It'll be here in a month.

About to get my fourth paint sample for the bedroom. I'm switching from blue to brown. That means at least three more samples.

We saw Disturbia yesterday. It was pretty good. I want to see Fractured next.


Saturday Six (on Sunday)

1. Which makes a better pet: a dog or a cat, and why?
For me, a cat. I like that they are independent, and easy to take care of. Just some food and attention, and they're good to go. No long walks. No outside/inside/outside. No poop in the yard.

2. A close friend works with an animal rescue organization and tells you that they are desperate for a foster home for a good dog that there is no room for, and that it will be put down unless you can foster it for one week. Would you take the dog in?

3. If you could own any pet depicted as a character on a television show, which one would you choose?
Salem from "Sabrina."

4. Take the quiz: What common dog breed are you?
You are a Bulldog. Though not always appealing to everyone, you have a long list of fans, too. You tend to laze around throughout the day, but people are surprised to see you go on your short, playful energy bursts. You are very determined and devoted to your special people.

5. If you had the option to reverse places with your pet for a day or have your pet suddenly be able to talk like a human for a day, which would you choose and why?
Ahaha! I would LOVE to hear my cat talk like a human for a day. I always wonder what's going on in that little head of his.

6. You find you are being relocated to a ritzy neighborhood that has every amenity you would ever want except for one thing: no pets allowed. If you could live there rent/mortgage-free for three years, would you give up a pet to take advantage of the offer?
No way.


Kimberly's Mom

Friday, May 4, 2007

My friend Kimberly's mother died yesterday. She was living at Kimberly's, so the family, including her sister, was with her at the time. She had metastatic breast cancer in her brain and bones, but never had a problem with pain, which is a surprising and wonderful thing.


The Speeding Lady and the Cop

In the news... the lady who was going 63 in a 35mph zone to meet her dad at the hospital, was pulled over and drove off a couple of times, was arrested and handled roughly by the police...

I've got to go with the police on this one. If it had been me speeding, I'd expect a ticket, and if the policeman was able to, an escort to the hospital. However... she ran.

Anytime someone runs from the police, they not only make themselves look completely guilty (like perhaps she was lying), but they face tougher penalties. That's how it is. She drove off twice. All bets are off at that point. Yes, she was legitimately freaking out at the time and may not have normally acted that way, but I still think the behavior justifies the officers' reaction.


Tarantino at The Alamo Drafthouse

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Quentin Tarantino is doing a thing at the Alamo downtown on Mother's Day weekend. The original location is closing (moving to 6th Street), and the event has been dubbed "Last Night at the Alamo Grindhouse." (The actual last night at the Colorado St. location is June 27.)

The email from Henri says this:

"For those who haven't been to any of the QT Fest events, here's the ground rules: Quentin is joining us as a fellow movie nerd to hang out and share some of his favorite films with us. He's very approachable to talk, before and after the movies, but all any of us want to talk about is the movies we are watching. The vibe is all very low-key and casual. There's no autographs, and for the love of God, don't even think about bringing a copy of that script you've been working on."

Ahaha. Speaking of scripts... Laura's 15-year-old son won an Austin Film Festival thinger where his original screenplay is being made into a film. How coolio is that?!


And now for something completely different...

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Cathy J is dating a 28-year-old.

Go Cathy!

*waves pom poms*


The Car

The Santa Fe is at the dealer today for the 3rd time regarding the gear-shifting clunk.

The service manager and DH tried another new one on the lot.

It makes the same noise.


Blake on American Idol

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Wow! Was that awesome or what. We watched it twice just to hear it again.

Go Blake!


Ten on Tuesday

Play along here.

10 Political Figures, and What You Think of Them

1. George Bush
I used to be a supporter. He was a great governor, so I figured his "running government as a business" methods would translate to the presidency. Not so. The President is mostly a figurehead, a person who must be motivating and authoritative. He's definitely neither. Every time he speaks, I find myself waiting for him to flub it up. I think he doesn't have any of his own ideas, and doesn't delve too far into the ideas of the people around him before going full steam ahead with their plan. I'll be relieved when he's out.

2. Ray Nagin
This guy is the complete anti-Juliani when it comes to handling his city in an emergency. He waited way too long to get people out of town, then blamed the US government for not being able to handle the result. I also think he is quite the racist, using Mexican workers to rebuild while simultaneously declaring the city will not be infiltrated with Hispanic culture.

3. Rudy Juliani
He was amazing during 9/11, no doubt. That's about it though. I can't identify anything else in that he's said or done that impresses me.

4. Ronald Reagan
One of the greatest presidents. Personable. Affable. Witty. Strong.

5. Bill Clinton
A wonderful motivator and speaker. Engaging. I always listen when he talks. He makes points I never thought of and changes my mind on occasion.

6. Hillary Clinton
She's one of those people I couldn't stand from the get-go. She's the consummate politician- always sidestepping and avoiding questions. Not very personable. She is incredibly fake, trying to please whoever is in the room at the moment.

7. Rick Perry
He's an Aggie, so he gets the benefit of the doubt from me now and then. lol. I do like him. We don't hear much from him, which is how I prefer my governors when things are going well. If it ain't broke...

8. Arnold Schwarzenegger
It was like a big joke when he got into office. Now he is really a strong force, jumping into environmental issues and handling things that no one seemed to want to take care of in the past.

9. John McCain
This guy has two qualities I like in a politician. He is pretty middle-of-the-road, a liberal conservative. He also give straight answers. I may not agree with everything he says, but at least I know what he thinks. He also goes on David Letterman, and is actually funny. Big points for that.

10. Barak Obama
I've liked him from early on. Like Bill Clinton, he's a great speaker. He's got a real presence at the podium. I don't actually know a lot of specifics about his ideas. Guess I need to read up!


Family Reunion

I'm planning a family reunion in Dallas over Labor Day weekend. It seems that we've successfully convinced all the aunts and uncles to come from all over the country. Nice!

We're also going to invite the long lost "Grandma's side of the family" from Wisconsin. One of the Wisconsin cousins even lives in DFW.

Now I'm working on the hotel. Food will be much later.


Car woes

Evidently, the very loud, jostling, mechanical clunk every time I shift from Park to Reverse or Reverse to Drive is only audible to females. I hear it. My daughter hears it. The husband? Nope. Dealer service? Seems not.

DH thinks it must be "the way you drive." I'm not driving when it happens.

The mechanics at the dealer must have never heard it, because they've now "fixed it" twice and the noise is just as loud as ever.

Also, DH neglected to get a receipt for yesterday. I'm collecting these for Lemon Law evidence. He's going back for it today.

I guess it will be going to the dealer again. This will be noise repair #3 for those playing along at home.


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This is a personal blog with no particular niche, or really any purpose whatsoever. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Stalker...


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