Saturday Six (on Sunday)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

1. Which makes a better pet: a dog or a cat, and why?
For me, a cat. I like that they are independent, and easy to take care of. Just some food and attention, and they're good to go. No long walks. No outside/inside/outside. No poop in the yard.

2. A close friend works with an animal rescue organization and tells you that they are desperate for a foster home for a good dog that there is no room for, and that it will be put down unless you can foster it for one week. Would you take the dog in?

3. If you could own any pet depicted as a character on a television show, which one would you choose?
Salem from "Sabrina."

4. Take the quiz: What common dog breed are you?
You are a Bulldog. Though not always appealing to everyone, you have a long list of fans, too. You tend to laze around throughout the day, but people are surprised to see you go on your short, playful energy bursts. You are very determined and devoted to your special people.

5. If you had the option to reverse places with your pet for a day or have your pet suddenly be able to talk like a human for a day, which would you choose and why?
Ahaha! I would LOVE to hear my cat talk like a human for a day. I always wonder what's going on in that little head of his.

6. You find you are being relocated to a ritzy neighborhood that has every amenity you would ever want except for one thing: no pets allowed. If you could live there rent/mortgage-free for three years, would you give up a pet to take advantage of the offer?
No way.


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