New Bob Video
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Bob Schneider was on MIX 94.7 yesterday morning. The 94.7 website has an exclusive preview of the new video for "Like Romeo and Juliet," which was directed by Robert Rodriguez and filmed around Austin. Too cool! Very cute vignette. I guess our Bob is all grown up and going mainstream. *wipes tear*
We're taking care of JeffC's two kitties while he's out of town. They are the most skittish cats ever. Lauren has gotten one of them to come out from under the bed once, but neither Jeff nor I can get them out. Don't they know we miss having a kitty? Let's play!!
Wednesday Wickedness: Taylor Swift Quotes
1. "I never want to change so much that people can't recognize me." Do you believe people can truly change?
Very rarely. People are who they are. We can definitely change individual behaviors, but core things are pretty set, I think.
2. "People haven't always been there for me but music always has." Do you have people in your life you could always count on?
Several. And any one of them would kill me if I neglected to mention them by name here, so I won't. :D
3. "I’m intimidated by the fear of being average." Do you think there is anything wrong with being average?
Not at all. Most people are.
4. "Never believe anyone who says you don't deserve what you want." Do you believe you deserve everything you want?
Depends on what you want, if it infringes on someone else's desires, if you have the money to buy it, if you did the work for it... so many things. I guess she's talking about boyfriends/relationships here? No matter how much you "deserve" everything you want from a relationship, you're probably going to have to make some concessions. There is another person to consider.
5. "I have to believe in fairy tales and I have to believe in love." Do you believe in fairy tale love?
Well, no. It would be lovely for everything to be rainbows and unicorns all the time, but in the end you love someone during the rainbow and unicorn times and also through your differences and disagreements.
6. "I wouldn't want to date a pushover who would let me make all the plans and have all the control." Do you believe in sharing the control in your relationships?
Yep. I am neither a person who desires to control someone else, nor a person wants to be controlled. Ideally we give and take control of different things at different times.
7. "Sometimes [finding new friends] is the best thing about dating. I've met so many friends through guys that I've dated. And now, the guys are gone but the girls are still around." Did you ever make a close friend from someone that you've dated?
Okay, I misunderstood this question... Yes! I've met a couple of people through guys I've dated, who have ended up being close friends.
8. "There are a lot of rumors out there that you just have to ignore." Has anyone ever spread something malicious about you?
Not that I recall.
9. "I set goals that are just a little bit out of reach, but not totally out of reach." How do you go about setting your goals?
I like to think of what I would "probably" be able to accomplish and in what timeframe, and then shorten the time and ramp up the accomplishment just a bit.
10. " I remember seeing girls crying in the bathroom every Monday about what they did at a party that weekend. I never wanted to be that girl." Have you ever done something at a party that you've ever regretted?
The only thing I regret is getting way over-served at Kathy and Tiff's one time- the infamous "Screwdriver Party" that ruined screwdrivers forever for several of us. I ended up asleep on the bed where the coats were. I woke up with a drunk guy on me. Had he been a little more sober, I may have had something to worry about. As it was, he was just slurring something in my ear and falling asleep. Luckily someone came in to get their coat about then and some guys showed up to retrieve him.
tuna can make a cat your best friend...i barely remember one of Tiff`s and Kathy`s parties.
I forgot the tuna trick. Ha!
T&K had some fab parties!!
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