Librarian Attire 101
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Z and I were talking about my new library wardrobe yesterday. Gotta get some twinsets and a cute pair of scholarly glasses. Tight, dark gray skirts with the slit up the back. Spiky heels. Okay, maybe one denim jumper with an owl appliqued to the pocket. I also have to work on the bun. I picture something a la Sarah Palin. She may not be that smart, but I have to admit, the girl rocks a bun.
For two hours yesterday, I designed a graphic that ended up being a completely different color than I thought it was. It had to match something else on an existing page. I re-did the whole thing from scratch in 10 minutes, using an entirely different method. Always learning. Thanks, background eraser! (If I really wanted to do graphics design I would get a Mac. Just sayin'. This would have taken me 5 minutes from the get-go.)
In other news... How long can these bajillions of gallons of oil can continue to spill out of the ocean floor? I'm guessing until the Gulf is full. Seriously, WTF? There has been a lot more done in the name of a lot less on the environmental front. This seems a disaster of epic proportions and few people are at the appropriate level of freaking out.
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