Doppelgänger Weekend

Monday, May 10, 2010

In the past two days, I've had not just one, but TWO suggestions that I look like someone. Gib said I look like Laura Linney these days.

Cathy's boy toy... ahem... new friend said I look like Ellie Kemper from "The Office."

I can actually see the resemblances there. Too funny!

I Facebook-messaged Jerry O from elementary school. He friended CJ and I had to tell him my Jerry Story:

One day at lunch in third grade, he announced there was no Santa Claus. I got very angry with him and said there WAS SO a Santa Claus. Thus ensued a very animated class-wide argument over the issue, most kids siding with him. That night, after I indignantly relayed the whole lunchtime story to my mom, she told me he was right.

His Facebook reply: "...What a funny story! By the way, the Easter Bunny isn't real either..." LOL

Supposedly they are going to cancel "FlashForward!" Whyyyy? It's so good! One of my very favorite shows. I'm betting a lot of people just don't understand it. Yeah, I'm looking at you, people who don't "get" The Matrix.

We saw Babies yesterday. Awwwwww. So cute! It's a documentary about four babies growing through their first year, in different parts of the world. They are in Japan, Africa, the US and Mongolia. My favorite is the Mongolian boy, Bayar. He is such a happy little guy. Always smiling and giggling, like Lauren was at that age. A critic's review said that the film tries to push the idea that children in Western culture are overstimulated and unhappy while the children in less developed parts of the world are living a joyful, simple existence. I don't think it was that pushy. It just looked to me like a comparing and contrasting, without an in-your-face agenda. One of my favorite parts was the baby from San Francisco trying desperately to escape a New Age gymboree-style baby class. Hilarious. The film was really interesting. I recommend it!


Anonymous,  May 10, 2010 at 10:17 PM  

OMG..... Seriously, you are picking on people with Matrix issues. You cut me deep Shrek!!

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