The Rielle Hunter Interview

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I finally watched Oprah Winfrey's Rielle Hunter interview from Thursday. I've said this before, but I honestly don't have anything against her for being "the other woman" in John Edwards' situation. She thinks people hate her because she is what they fear in their own marriages. I don't. Actually, I wholeheartedly agree with her that no third person breaks up a marriage. Even if fifty people are coming on to someone in a given day, it is the choice of the person in the committed relationship whether or not to participate. Placing blame on the external person is just a way to shift responsibility from a wandering partner. Completely understandable. It helps when you are trying to convince yourself to stay with your significant other, to focus your anger on someone outside the relationship.

I just think she's a jerk for oh so many other reasons. He, too, of course.

They weren't using birth control. She says he knew. That is irresponsible and unforgivable. Now we see what happens when a child is born into that situation. That innocent little girl was denied by her father. Everyone in the Edwards campaign pretended that she was Andrew Young's baby for political purposes, so his precious reputation wouldn't be tarnished. Despicable. His daughter will eventually know all of that. Hunter says she is always motivated by protecting her daughter. Right.

She continually spoke of Edwards living a life of truth and how she always lives a life of truth and integrity. Probably the most ridiculous thing she said. She's a woman in love. Good for her, but those rose-colored glasses need to come off eventually. The guy came off as charming and gracious for years in campaigns where he was calling his own constituents and supporters nasty names behind their backs. We know the lengths he went to to publicly deny paternity of his child. The man is a fake, with a capital F.

The GQ photos. She says she wanted to do the article and photos to show people who she "really" is, but when the mag came out, she was shocked that the half-naked photos made her look slutty. She cried. Aww. Don't take your pants off next time, honey.

The sex tape. Dumb idea for a man running for President. She claims it was made in the heat of the moment. She worked for the campaign. Between the two of them, neither thought of the possible ramifications, political or otherwise? I'm glad a person with no common sense didn't make it to the White House.

She comes off as someone who has thought a whole lot about how to make herself look good in the face of so much evidence that she is a selfish bubble-head.


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