Weird Al 'n Stuff
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Went to the Weird Al Yankovic UHF screening and audience Q&A yesterday at the Paramount with Melissa and Tracy. It was a lot of fun! Thanks Tracy! There was a sing-along before the movie. Loved it.
Julie had the biggest cake ever at her big ol' grad party last night. I did my best to avoid the burnt orange icing all over my piece.
Here are my most recent musical observations, for your Sunday enjoyment:
Listen to the chorus here at :47...
Now this at :27...
And listen to chorus from :58
And this chorus at :08...
Here's another, just because I'm on a roll this week... This verse at :11
And this verse at :12...
Forget those Nickelback song similarities. At least they're copying their own songs. ;)
Sunday Stealing: The Voice Post Meme
1) What's your middle name?
Marguerite (my mother's mother's name)
2) How old are you?
3) Where are you from? Are you living there right now?
Houston. Nope!
4) Is it cold where you are?
I wish.
5) What's the time?
7:06 am
6) What are you wearing?
a new, cute, dark blue, short nightgown from The Gap. Soooooo soooooft. I need to get another one in a different color.
7) What was the last thing you listened to?
Taylor Swift "Our Song" up there ^^
8) What was the last thing you ate?
Sunkist Fruit Snacks
9) What was the last thing you watched on TV?
a few minutes of SNL
10) What's your favorite tv show? Why?
At the moment, "Celebrity Apprentice." We can all watch together and enjoy it. The high-intensity personal interactions and task drama spark a lot of interesting and serious conversation while we're watching. We'll even pause the show to discuss what's going on. Big finale tonight! Bret will be there!
11) Quick! Find a book, or something with text on it! Flip to a random page and post the second paragraph's first sentence.
Vector layers are layers with only vector objects (lines and shapes), vector text, or vector groups.
12) What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
Iron Man 2. It was good, but not spectacular like the first one.
13) Do YOU think you have an accent? Where in your country do people speak with strong accents?
I can really lay on the Texas accent when I want to, but normally I don't have an accent at all. When I was working, I regularly interacted with folks from the northeastern US and in our Belgium office. Both groups at one point or another asked where I am from, because they didn't hear an accent. I said "y'all" one time in front of one of our Boston clients, which cracked her up, because she finally caught me "speaking Texan." I think the east coasters, north and south, have the strongest accents in the US.
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