Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have one word for my fellow Twitterers, Tweeters, Twits... whatever we're called: @TheBloggess. I have not laughed this much in weeks. Of course she has the blogs, too. I read her last couple of blog posts to Jeff. Out loud. He wasn't as impressed. Perhaps he was distracted by all my giggling.

I want to share something she posted on her blog that is of particular relevance to me these days. (Well, plus the video is so cool!) Her comment was, "I sent this to everyone who doesn’t understand why I blog even though there’s no real money in. They still don’t understand but I feel slightly more validated." Rock on, Jenny.

In my particular situation, it's not about blogging, because my little space on the web isn't at all a global endeavor like hers. It does relate to doing things in my life that mean something to me and contribute to the community or society at large, where I learn and experience new things, regardless of financial concerns above having our family needs/wants covered. Being motivated by "autonomy, mastery and purpose" instead of prestige and a big salary. You can definitely have all those things together, which would be fantastic, but the real motivators are the first three. It's why I spend so much time doing website work for free. As I make the move from volunteer to full-time career mode over the next few years, I am striving to keep this in mind.

Song Lyrics del Dia

...The touch of your hand inspires
The taste of you, my favorite song
A lifetime in your gallery
Tell me, would that be wrong?
Would that be too long?...

Tony Lucca "Happily Ever After"


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