
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Watched Burnt last night. Usually I see all my Bradley Cooper movies at the theater, but somehow I missed this one! 

It was a'ight. Basic element of film- caring about the characters. I don't feel like I ever really came to care much about Bradley Cooper's character. He is an angry, perfectionist chef whose life goal is to get a three star Michelin rating. Not a lot to like about the guy really, which is fine, but you have to have some sort of sympathy for the character, and I didn't. His relationships were all lukewarm and he was just very one-dimensional. I blame the writing, because the actors were all fabulous!

In other news, I've made a browser change to Chrome on my Mac. Never thought I would say that, but it's true. So, Google and Apple can actually work together! AND... Chrome works especially well for Blogger, as is probably expected.

Do you know any couples that have been married for a very long time? 
Jeff's parents have been married over 50 years

What are you tired of people telling you? 
Johnny Manziel has gotten caught doing this or that, as if I should have some sort of explanation or official response on behalf of the university. 

Which type of ice cream do you prefer?
mint chocolate chip
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? 

What was the last movie you watched on TV? 
I don't watch many TV movies. I can't remember the last one I saw.

If the internet was not available right now, what would you do instead? 
watch a cooking show or HGTV

Do you complain a lot? 

Name a movie that your favorite actor is in. 
Oceans 11

Do you like your toes? 
not really

Would you rather go to an authentic haunted house or an ancient temple?
ancient temple
Have you ever had champagne? Did you like it? 
I like it in small doses. Never more than one glass.

Are there any seashells in your room?
No. There are seashells in our guest room though.
What was the reason for the last time you went outside? 
We were going to Target. Gorgeous day yesterday!

Do you like fruity or minty gum? 

Are you looking forward to any day of this month? 
Feb 19- Cathy and George are coming for a visit!

What was the last graduation you attended?
Cathy's grad from UTMB
Do you rummage through the $5 movie bin at Walmart every time? 

What day of the week do you usually do laundry? 

Do you like using air fresheners? 

Are your nails ever painted red? 

When you were a baby, did you have a favorite blanket?
Ever been on a cruise? 

Would you rather go to Alaska or Russia? 

Strawberries or bananas? 
Bananas. They're more consistent.

Are you wearing socks? 

When’s the last time you went to the mall?
Last week with Lauren.

Do you like to see it snowing outside?

Do you tell your family you love them enough?
I hope so.

Do you like getting jewelry or do you not wear any?
I like nice costume jewelry. I appreciate the occasional jewelry gift, but I don't need much in the way of diamonds and precious metals.

Do you watch a lot of NFL football?
No. I used to.

Have you ever used the word ‘lame’?

Are you/Were you in a band? If so, what was your band name?
I was in a band that got together a few times to play at Grant's, but we never played any gigs and never had a name.

When is the last time you went to the doctor?
A couple of weeks ago I saw my cardiologist. (All good!)

Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it?

Would you ever go to Japan?

What was the last thing you went to Walmart for?
Curad Truly Ouchless bandages (SO wonderful- repositionable and very easy removal). They have them for the best price.

Ever gotten in a car accident?
Once in college, when a deer hit my windshield.

Have you ever been in a choir?
I was in choir all through junior high school. 

Do you like the color of your eyes? If not, what color would you want them?
I'm very happy with my eye color.

When was the last time you went ice skating?
When Lauren was little.

Do you like to brush your teeth?
It has to be done. It's not something I look forward to with great anticipation.

Have you ever had a surgery?

Do you look older or younger than you actually are?
I always looked older than I was when I was growing up, and younger than I was when I was an adult. Now I think I finally look my age.

When is the next time you’ll be up on stage?
I don't have any public appearances coming up.

Where did you spend your last birthday?
We didn't do anything big. Probably went out to dinner.

What is the last show that you watched a full episode of?

Do you know anyone who lives in Utah?

Is there anything you need to work on doing soon?
Kitchen remodel

Do your feelings get hurt easily?
Not particularly.

Do you, or do you know someone who has taken karate lessons?
Chris and Alicia are big into some sort of martial arts. Not sure which variety.

Were you ever a boy or girl scout?
I was a brownie for two years and a junior for one year.


We Out

Saturday, January 23, 2016

I resigned on Monday. I am staying with the company as a contractor, for occasional short term tasks. If I ever want to go back, I have that option as well. Never a bad thing!

I gave eleven weeks notice, 'cuz I'm nice like that. Time for them to hire my replacement and for me to train that person, time to finish out one of my current trials to the end. March 31 is my last day in the office!

Two of my three colleagues are also leaving, both of them for positions in another department. One took her new job last week. The other will take her new job in April.

I won't go into the mountain of reasons I am leaving the 9-5, but I can reveal my next adventure.

When I was a stay-at-home mom, I was home to care for our child full time. I had no real appreciation of the value of all the cleaning, planning our social calendar, organizing and carrying out home improvement projects, all the shopping and cooking meals, etc.

That is, until we didn't have anyone to do it for the past three years.

People may say, "My husband/wife and I both work and we take care of all that stuff without breaking a sweat. Plus we have twin toddlers, two dogs and a half-acre vegetable garden." I know!! Maybe it's just us. Or maybe it's my having had more time to dedicate to those things for so long that now I really just want that time to do things the way I used to.

I want our weekends and evenings to be relaxing, with everything a bit more... put together. A little less worrying and hurrying and a little more zen. Lowering my blood pressure and getting a full night's sleep is #1 on the list to start.

So there you have it. I'll be running our household activities and filling in with the occasional work project. My friends and coworkers are incredibly supportive, and I am very grateful for that!


Talkin' 'Bout My Geeeeneration

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Watching a show about the current generation wanting money and success to come to them without putting in any work, desiring fame, feeling self-important. Well, this is what happens when every kid gets a participation trophy. This generation grew up with an award for showing up, helicopter parents who jump in to help at every turn and an education system that passes them from grade to grade with special allowances for every little thing. The now twenty-somethings want to live in a fabulous space at 22, make six figures by age 30, take expensive vacations and eat/drink at the best places. 

Another part of the issue is instant gratification in entertainment and news and social media. Everything happens fast and they want that instant positive response in every aspect of their lives. It all makes sense. Some of it is our fault as parents (which probably goes back to how we were parented) and some of it is the state of technology.

Of course, not all twenty-somethings fit this description, but it's definitely the prevailing type of personality. I hope for all of them that they can let go of the notion that everything will come easy and that they are entitled to have whatever they want when they want it, because as was also pointed out, this generation has the highest rate of depression and anxiety of any other. 

Take that pressure off yourselves. Adult life is a journey that almost always begins with very little money and a very little apartment. There are a lot of sandwiches for dinner. A few years down the road, things get more comfortable and you can look back and remember those simpler, but leaner times, and truly appreciate and be proud of how far you've come with the work you've put in and the goals you've accomplished. 

Saturday 9: Let's Dance (1983)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
In memory of David Bowie (1947-2016)

1) In this song, David encourages his partner to "put on your red shoes and dance." When did you last dance?
Thursday, doing Zumba with Lauren.

2) Mr. Bowie recalled that he and choreographer Toni Basil developed a dance step now known as "the moonwalk" for his 1974 tour, nearly a decade before Michael Jackson performed "Billie Jean." Can you think of something you should have gotten credit for, but didn't?
I don't think so.

3) Similarly, the band Roxy Music was upset because Bowie copied their "catsuit look" for his own stage wardrobe and made it famous. What do you usually wear, Monday through Friday?

Dark or black jeans, a dressy top and flats.

4) David Bowie was particular about the aftershave he wore, and one of his favorites was by Guerlain. Do you regularly apply cologne or aftershave?
I sometimes wear Philosophy Pure Grace perfume.

5) In school, David's best subject was art. Think back to your own school days. In which class did you excel?

6) In addition to art and music, David Bowie displayed a keen head for business, leaving a fortune of more than $600,000,000. Would you describe yourself as "good with money?"
I am very good with money. I've stretched a dollar like no one else and I've also managed investments after I had more money to work with.

7) Bowie also appeared in a variety of movies from The Man Who Fell to Earth to Zoolander. Who is your all-time favorite movie actor?
Harrison Ford

8) One of Bowie's hits is "Life on Mars." If you had the opportunity to travel into space, would you take it?
I wish I could say yes, but I would be really claustrophobic in the tiny cockpit.

9) The creators of SpongeBob Square Pants are huge Bowie fans and were thrilled when, in 2007, he appeared in an episode. Sam suspects that she may be the only person who hasn't seen that cartoon show. What about you? Have you ever watched an episode of SpongeBob, start to finish?
We're big Spongebob fans at our house. I've seen almost all the episodes from start to finish.



Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Congratulations, Bama!!

Watched the first half of the game with Scott-n-Julie Monday night. Kirsten is home from school right now. We were talking about people who died young, who always said they could never picture themselves old. I always make an extra effort to picture myself as old, just because of that! Ha!

Julie: I can easily picture myself as old... Kirsten bringing the kids over...
Kirsten: Goats, maybe.
Julie: Baaaaahhh-haha.


So, I'm using Safari for my browser on my MacBook, now that Firefox has something all jacked up about it on Mac that makes it scroll weird. Safari has its own challenges, like the Blogger cursor being weird.

Are there ANY non-weird browsers out there?! Stop yelling Chrome, because we all know Chrome sucks. Half the sites I regularly visit don't even display correctly in Chrome.

Damn you, Safari cursor.

What else.. OH. New Coen Bros. film Feb 5! (And Clooney!)

Someone is calling from the future...


I'll Take South American Capitals for a Thousand

Friday, January 8, 2016

So yesterday, Jeopardy was on. I don't normally watch it, but it was just in the background and I noticed it while Lauren and I were getting ready to go to the mall. The category: South American Capitals.

Lauren and I had a laugh over that while we put on our shoes, because neither of us would EVER know any of those. First of all, I'm geographically challenged. Secondly, it's South America, oddly one of the least visited destinations by Americans.

Answer: Something something Río de la Plata something...

All three contestants buzz in and every one of those geniuses answers incorrectly.

Alex: The question is 'What is Buenos Aires?'


High fives all around. I didn't even care that I hadn't responded in the form of a question.

See, the first rule of trivia games is that you key in on the related thing you know and make an extremely educated guess using that tidbit of information. I happen to be fluent in Evita song lyrics, so Rio de la Plata, Florida, Corrientes, Nueve de Julio, is all I want to know.

Hello, Buenos Aires.

Never underestimate the power of musical theater!


Happy New Year!!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy 2016!! I hope everyone had a fun fun fun New Year's Eve with no hangovers!

Song Survey

1. a song from the year you were born

2. a song that reminds you of school

3. a song tied to a specific moment in your life

from our wedding...

4. a song that is not sung in your native language
...from my dad's favorite Mireille Mathieu album, Rendezvous mit Mireille. I knew all the words to the songs from that record.

5. a song over 5 minutes long
Oh yes... I'm lookin' out for angels...

6. a song under 2 minutes long
Anything by The Judy's! ;)

7. an instrumental
Mom's TV obsession...

8. a classical piece

9. a song with no percussion

10. something you’ve heard performed live

11. something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live
Bette Midler singing just about anything...

12. a song by an artist who’s from where you’re from (town/city/state/country)

13. a song made suddenly precious because of a special someone

14. a song made suddenly awful because of a special someone

15. something to BELT SHAMELESSLY/do DIVA HANDS to

16. something to SCREAM ALONG to

17. a song for raging
old but still GREAT...

18. a song that demands lipsyncing into a makeshift microphone

19. the last song you had stuck in your head

20. a song you’re dying to master all the words to

21. a song that you could SLAY at karaoke

22. a song you can’t help but dance to
Ever since the last concert, when we were dancing...

23. a song that makes you want to dance on a table

24. a song that makes you wanna STRIP
How can you NOT strip when this comes on?

25. a song with a great music video

26. a song that makes you act out the music video when you hear it

27. a song with counting

28. a song with spelling

29. a song with lots of clapping

30. a song 40 years older than you
from Show Boat (1927)

31. a song you wish your parents didn’t know the words to

32. a song whose lyrics shocked you once you were old enough to understand them

33. a song you have ZERO patience for

34. a song you’d like your favorite artist to cover
I'd love to hear Daughtry cover this...

35. a great song you discovered thanks to a movie

36. a great song you discovered thanks to television

37. a song you’re ashamed to have in your music library

38. ok what’s the song you were too ashamed to even post for #37

39. the most played song in your music library

40. favorite Disney song


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This is a personal blog with no particular niche, or really any purpose whatsoever. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Stalker...


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