Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Congratulations, Bama!!
Watched the first half of the game with Scott-n-Julie Monday night. Kirsten is home from school right now. We were talking about people who died young, who always said they could never picture themselves old. I always make an extra effort to picture myself as old, just because of that! Ha!
Julie: I can easily picture myself as old... Kirsten bringing the kids over...
Kirsten: Goats, maybe.
Julie: Baaaaahhh-haha.
So, I'm using Safari for my browser on my MacBook, now that Firefox has something all jacked up about it on Mac that makes it scroll weird. Safari has its own challenges, like the Blogger cursor being weird.
Are there ANY non-weird browsers out there?! Stop yelling Chrome, because we all know Chrome sucks. Half the sites I regularly visit don't even display correctly in Chrome.
Damn you, Safari cursor.
What else.. OH. New Coen Bros. film Feb 5! (And Clooney!)
Someone is calling from the future...
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