I'll Take South American Capitals for a Thousand
Friday, January 8, 2016
So yesterday, Jeopardy was on. I don't normally watch it, but it was just in the background and I noticed it while Lauren and I were getting ready to go to the mall. The category: South American Capitals.
Lauren and I had a laugh over that while we put on our shoes, because neither of us would EVER know any of those. First of all, I'm geographically challenged. Secondly, it's South America, oddly one of the least visited destinations by Americans.
Answer: Something something Río de la Plata something...
All three contestants buzz in and every one of those geniuses answers incorrectly.
Alex: The question is 'What is Buenos Aires?'
High fives all around. I didn't even care that I hadn't responded in the form of a question.
See, the first rule of trivia games is that you key in on the related thing you know and make an extremely educated guess using that tidbit of information. I happen to be fluent in Evita song lyrics, so Rio de la Plata, Florida, Corrientes, Nueve de Julio, is all I want to know.
Hello, Buenos Aires.
Never underestimate the power of musical theater!
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