Let's Talk Travel... 'n Football

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Well, it finally happened. Our beloved Aggies imploded yesterday from the weight of their own insecurities. There are still coaching calls to be changed as well. (Run and pass primarily in a forward direction, please.)

We're stacked with honest-to-goodness football stars (with a bunch more on the way next season) and they've proven they are capable, but they need to learn to emotionally recover from a few bad plays four games ago in a game we eventually won, instead of letting it crush them. There is nowhere to go but up from yesterday's abysmal performance, guys, so put those doubts aside and let's play some football!

Sunday Stealing: Let's Talk Travel Meme

Ok let’s talk travel, do you like to travel? 

Where have you been?
England, Germany, all over the Caribbean, Jamaica, Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, San Jose, San Francisco, Vegas, Phoenix, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Branson, St. Louis, Denver, Corpus, Padre, Dallas, San Antonio, Bar Harbour, Boston, NYC, Orlando, Tampa, Miami, Charleston, New Orleans, Nashville

Next place you want to go? 
Italy or back to Puerto Rico

What is something you MUST take with you when you travel?
I have a mini pharmacy with over-the-counter meds for various conditions.  I don't like having to find a med in the middle of a trip, much less pay an arm and a leg for a whole bottle of it.

How do you like to travel? (mode of transportation)
car or cruise ship

With someone, or alone?
always with someone

Do you dance in your car when there are other people with you? 

If you're quiet, what does it mean? 
Well, occasionally I am just quiet. Other times, I am contemplating something that I don't want to talk about. 

Favorite store?

Say you wanted coffee.. what kind is your favorite?
I like iced decaf mocha.

Favorite kind of pizza? 
veggies and Italian sausage

Do you get embarrassed easily?
not really

Do you mind people asking you personal questions? 

You have a tank of gas, $50, and the day off… what do you do? 
Drive out to a hill country town and spend the day walking around and checking out the shops and having lunch at a recommended restaurant.

Favorite tv show?
definitely Blacklist

Song you turn the volume up all the way to listen to? 
"In Your Pocket" Maroon 5

Something you keep in your car? 

Highlight of your day?
during the week- hanging out with everyone at lunch, weekends- getting out of the house

Something you do every day that you wish you didn’t have to do?
As an employee of a contract-based company, I have to keep a time sheet even though I'm salaried. I HATE it. It takes too much time and there are always questions of which job code to bill for this or that task. Totally annoying.

Do you mind if people just show up at your house unannounced? 
Nope, but my friends know to call me when they show up, because I frequently do not answer the door due to the large number of salespeople in our neighborhood.

What do you do when you disagree with someone? 
I voice my opinion. If we can't work out a compromise, then we'll just agree to disagree.

Do you enjoy rain? 


Saturday 9

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Well, it was the CDC's fault that the second ebola patient flew to and from Cleveland. It's one thing to allow at-risk people to move around locally if they aren't symptomatic, quite another to advise them to hop on a plane with a fever. Who the heck do we have working at the CDC these days? Was that person fired? Good grief. 

Saturday 9: The Power of Love (1985)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Huey explains that you don't need a credit card to find love. What's the last thing you charged?
lunch with the girls at the Texican Cafe

2) This song was written for Back to the Future. At the beginning of the movie, hero Marty McFly traveled around town on his skateboard. Are you good on a skateboard?

I've never been on one. I'm fabulous on a scooter though.

3) Huey sings lead and his backup group is The News. Was the most recent news you heard, bad or good?
There's a cruise ship now returning to Galveston with a Dallas hospital employee who was involved with the original ebola patient. I suppose the CDC ok'd that trip as well.

4) Huey's mother, Maria, was born in Poland. Who is the first member of your family to be born in the US of A?

My brother was the first and only person ever to be born in the USA on Dad's side (all German). My maternal grandma and her siblings were the first born in the USA to German and Irish parents. My mom's dad's family go waaaaaay back in the US.

5) Brainy Huey got a perfect score on the math portion of the SAT. Did you take the SAT? How did you do?
I got a 1380 out of 1600.

6) This song also hit #1 in Australia, where anzac biscuits are popular. To make them (the recipe is here) you need coconut. Do you have any coconut in your home right now?

7) Thinking of dessert, would you rather have cookies, cake, pie, ice cream or frozen yogurt?

8) We're definitely into autumn now. What will you remember most about Summer 2014?

9) Tell us your superhero name, as determined by the color of your shirt and an item directly to your right. For example, Sam fights crime as The Gold Kleenex Box!

The Turquoise Owl!


Ready for the UK

Friday, October 17, 2014

Last night, texting with Jen...

Me: Jeff just pulled my muffins out of the oven and said, "These are black." Oy.
Jennifer: Are they... chocolate muffins? :)

Nice try! (Always heed that warning about reducing the temp and time when using a dark pan for baking. Just. Saying.)

So. The company travel agent made my plane reservation for London today. Get ready for this...

Business Class (a.k.a. "Club World") on a British Airways 787 Dreamliner, baby. These seats recline flat for sleeping.

Supercool!! When do we leave?!



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

So this second healthcare worker diagnosed with ebola traveled on TWO plane trips, knowing she was not allowed to do so. Worse yet, per this CNN article, she knew she had an elevated temperature on Monday before she traveled back to Dallas:

"...The worker had a temperature of 99.5 Fahrenheit (37.5 Celsius) before she boarded her flight...."

She didn't report it until Tuesday:

"...The second worker reported a fever Tuesday and was immediately isolated, health department spokeswoman Carrie Williams said..."

The worst part- she is a healthcare worker. Healthcare professionals with blatant disregard for quarantines are in the wrong line of work. She didn't care who she put at risk.

The government should nail her with attempted murder charges, especially if any of the people on that flight to Dallas show up with ebola. If they need to post guards at houses to make sure people at risk of infection aren't out trying to see how far they can push the rules of a quarantine, then that is what needs to happen. Yes, even for you, Soups Snyderman.

ETA: I just heard on ABC News, regarding the nurse, that "it's not clear whether she knew she wasn't supposed to travel." If she didn't know, then there isn't any culpability on her part. But the hospital? The CDC? Yes. Get your crap together. Inform your employees and others that they are quarantined and explain what it means. What a mess.



Sunday, October 12, 2014

Kaser for Heisman!! :)


Game Recap Sunday

As a game summary last night at midnight, when we were all tired and disappointed, I would just have said "The Ags imploded." I've had 5 hours of sleep now (these 2:30 a.m. drives through Bastrop kill me), so I can formulate a more accurate recap of the A&M/Ole Miss game.

First and foremost- shoutout to Speedy Noil, who was a bright bright light through the weary evening. That kid was IN THE GAME. All. Night. Long. I am so impressed with him. Calling him "talented" on the field is an understatement, but I really admire how incredibly energetic and dedicated he was last night, making plays until the very last moment through a long, hard game. He has the attitude and fortitude to be a great leader for the team. True freshman, y'all. 

The first few games of the season went exceptionally well and we all happily forgot that the team is primarily made up of true freshmen and red-shirt sophomores. Although they are top-quality recruits, it is a rebuilding year without our experienced players and we were never expected to do well. When we smashed South Carolina and continued putting up amazing numbers the next few games (even though they were fluffy non-SEC opponents), it created unrealistically high expectations for the team and especially Hill.

I won't rehash the more eloquently written analyses, but it boils down to this for me: Hill needs to make the forward passes he was making before, not these lateral passes for no gain. Most importantly, he needs to regain his confidence, because interceptions and fumbles aren't going to cut it. The RBs need to run straight ahead, not sideways and backwards. The receivers need to catch the (now rare) passes that are hitting them right in the numbers.

Our Section 130 had a LOT to say about the coaches' play calls last night. If only we had a line to those guys. Who knows how things may have gone. ;)

And finally the D. We've struggled with defense for several years now, but this year is different. It's a progression. The defense really came through in the second half of the game. Early, they looked tired and beat down. Later though, they and Noil were the spirit of the team. Come heck or high water, they were going to do their part. Good on ya', Aggie Defense.

The competition in the SEC West is brutal. There's no embarrassment in losing to the best teams in the nation, especially with a young, inexperienced team. I think we're all back to the rebuilding mindset now. Carry on and gig 'em!

Sunday Stealing: Random Questions

Who were you with yesterday?
Lauren and Jeff... and an SEC and state of Texas (including NFL) record-breaking 110,633 football fans!

What woke you up this morning?

Where are you?
In the living room

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Yes! I get to put together my new office at work.

What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW?
grocery shopping

Do you listen to music every day?

Are you a fast typer?

Whats your favorite type of soda?
diet ginger ale

Have you ever won an award?
Haven't we all? Yes, several.

Are you listening to music right now?
no, I'm watching Giada at Home

How long ’till your birthday?
about six months

Do you use ebay to buy or sell?

Who makes you mad?
Just one person I work with. I am working on dealing with it better than I have been, because the negative energy is draining.

What do you do when you’re mad?
Vent to friends. Thanks, friends!

Do certain songs make you cry?
Yep. A sampling: "Rain" Patty Griffin, "Fireflies" Ron Pope, "Over You" Miranda Lambert

Are you usually a happy person?
Yes! Turns out it drives my unhappy friends nuts. LOL

What makes you the happiest?
hanging out with family and/or friends doing something fun or just chatting

Do you believe in yourself?
most of the time


Good Morning!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

So. I'm watching Hilary Duff and Giada De Laurentiis on Watch What Happens Live now (on my DVR from this week). LOL and omg. SO funny. I think Andy is freaking them both out. And I'm having Lizzie McGuire flashbacks. I watched every episode with Lauren when she was a little girl. Lauren has even met Jake Thomas!

...Then I see you smiling as I go oh, oh, oh
Yesterday my life was duller
Now everything's techni-color
Hey now, hey now,
This is what dreams are made of

"Hey Now" The Lizzie McGuire Movie Soundtrack- Ha!

OH man, Hilary has no idea what a shotski is. Giada has done it before. This is awesome.

BTW, regarding the Giudices of Real Housewives of NJ and their prison time... I'm sick of them thinking of themselves as victims. They need to stop acting like something terrible has happened to them. They did this to themselves. They committed fraud at the expense of other innocent people. Their "we'll get through this" attitude is seriously ridiculous. While I feel awful for their daughters, I have zero sympathy for them.

My company moved today! It was a long-ass day, but we all got packed up and out of there in time to get to Chuy's for happy hour.

Goodbye beauuuutiful Austin skyline view.  :(
Hello ten minute commute! :)

We'll see if I can remember how to reconnect all my electronics on Monday morning.

Off to College Station today. BTHO Ole Miss!!

Saturday 9: Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Are the majority of your friends married or single?

It's honestly about half and half.

2) Rings are one of the items most frequently pawned. Have you ever visited a pawn shop, either to sell or to buy?

I have been in a pawn shop one time in my entire life. JohnH pawned a guitar when we were in high school. He thought he would get a couple of hundred dollars for it and he got about $30. Thus I learned at 15 that a pawn shop is the last place you want to get a loan.

3) Let's say we want to put a ring on it: What's your ring size?
I have no idea.

4) Beyonce does commercials for Pepsi. What's the last beverage you drank?

New Mexican Martini at Chuy's

5) Beyonce also has a clothing line. What are you wearing right now?

jeans, a grey long-sleeve top and tennis shoes.

6) Speaking of clothes, Sam was changing hers this morning when she unintentionally flashed her neighbor. She didn't realize he was working along the fence that runs under her bedroom window. Tell us one of your most embarrassing moments.

My bedroom in high school was in the front of the house. I had a huge floor to ceiling window. One evening, I realized that you could completely see through my translucent bedroom curtains if the lamp was on at night, which it was during who-knows-how-many times I didn't want to share with the neighborhood.

7) Rumor has it Beyonce is pregnant again. Coincidentally, Sam needs to check the Babys R Us registry for a shower present. Who will receive the next gift you give?
Lauren. It's her 21st birthday next month!

8) But Sam doesn't actually want to go to the shower and is trying to come up a good excuse. Tell us a time you fibbed to get out of doing something.
I don't fib to get out of things. I just say I can't or don't want to do it.

9) When did you last go inside the bank and talk to a teller?

The last time I even went into the bank, Lauren was in high school and I had to get a form notarized for a summer camp. Last time I spoke to a TELLER? 2008 perhaps.


Sunday Stealing

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Well, the Mississippi game was just plain painful to watch. What has happened to Hill's confidence in the last two weeks? No one expected anything out of this year, so it's been amazing where we've been so far, but in the end, our team is young and thus inconsistent. I really wanted them to throw Kyle Allen in there yesterday, but I suppose patience with Hill is best. When he's relaxed, he hits those receivers every single time. He needs to learn to trust his ability.

So weird that so many top 25 teams lost this week. It's a shakeup of a season so far. Keeps things exciting though!

Sunday Stealing: Random 20

1. Have you had an argument with anyone recently? If so, do you still have issues with that person?
Well I didn't think we were having an argument on Thursday, but Felicia thought we were. I was telling her that I was angry that someone else did something. She thought I was angry with her, because she had actually told the person to do what they did, which I didn't know.... So about two minutes into the conversation, she got very defensive and was angry with me and I was sooooo confused! When I figured out what was happening, I told her I wasn't mad at her at all. I also emailed her after we hung up the phone with a huge apology. She never said a word about it, but we've talked since then. So I'm not sure where we stand at this point. Hoping we're good!

2. Are you talking to anyone while filling this in? How about texting/chatting on Facebook? 
Nope, I'm just watching cooking shows and doing this meme at the moment.

3. Have you done something recently that helped someone else, in any way?
I took care of having the fence fixed, so the neighbor didn't have to handle it.

4. Who was the last person to pay you a compliment? 
Leslie said I was "on fire" correcting things during the vendor meeting the other day. I've been finding errors in their specs at every single meeting! Gah.

5. Is there anything that’s happened in the past month, that you wish you could go back in time and change?
Nothing I can think of!

6. What colour is your purse/wallet? 

7. What’s the closest item to you that’s black? 

8. Think about what you looked like 5 years ago. How did you look different, compared to the way you look now? 
I was leaving my hair curly most often then. Now it's almost always straightened. 

9. Before Facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site, like Bebo or Myspace? 
I had a Myspace page, but I was never very active on it. Most of my online social time was devoted to message boards and LiveJournal.

10. Has someone of the opposite sex ever sung to you? If so, how did you respond to it? 
I've been sung to on a few occasions. I love that!

11. When did you last hug someone of the opposite sex? 
Jeff and I hugged yesterday.

12. Have you ever seen the film “Casablanca”? Did you like it? 
I've seen it. I don't really get into old films, so it was ok, but not something I would watch again.

13. Do you have a relative whose name begins with ‘L’? Tell me about him/her. 
Lauren is the obvious 'L', but you know all about her! Liz is my mother-in-law. She was a stay-at-home mom while her kids were growing up, and then worked as the administrative assistant to an airline executive for many years. She likes to cooking, traveling and home decorating.

14. Are you a secretive person? 
No. I'm a very open person. If anything, I tend to "overshare."

15. When did you last eat? 
A couple of hours ago I had cereal.

16. If you were going to buy a present for a special person, what would you generally choose? 
I really like getting someone an activity-based gift like tickets to an event or class, etc.

17. If I’m going to buy you a box of chocolates, which kind should I definitely NOT get?
I don't generally like chocolates with gel or cream fillings.

18. Is there something you generally always ask for help with? 
Vacuuming the air registers on the ceilings. I can't reach them.

19. If you had to give up your phone or your computer, which would it be? 
Computer. It's not as mobile.

20. Has anyone called you gorgeous/beautiful today?
Not yet. The day is young!


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