Wednesday, October 15, 2014
So this second healthcare worker diagnosed with ebola traveled on TWO plane trips, knowing she was not allowed to do so. Worse yet, per this CNN article, she knew she had an elevated temperature on Monday before she traveled back to Dallas:
"...The worker had a temperature of 99.5 Fahrenheit (37.5 Celsius) before she boarded her flight...."
She didn't report it until Tuesday:
"...The second worker reported a fever Tuesday and was immediately isolated, health department spokeswoman Carrie Williams said..."
The worst part- she is a healthcare worker. Healthcare professionals
with blatant disregard for quarantines are in the wrong line of work. She didn't care who she put at risk.
The government should nail her with attempted murder charges, especially if any of the people on that flight to Dallas show up with ebola. If they need to post guards at houses to make sure people at risk of infection aren't out trying to see how far they can push the rules of a quarantine, then that is what needs to happen. Yes, even for you, Soups Snyderman.
ETA: I just heard on ABC News, regarding the nurse, that "it's not clear whether she knew she wasn't supposed to travel." If she didn't know, then there isn't any culpability on her part. But the hospital? The CDC? Yes. Get your crap together. Inform your employees and others that they are quarantined and explain what it means. What a mess.
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