
Friday, July 31, 2009

Best song on the new Leave This Town album is "Call Your Name." Well, that's my current fave anyway. ;)

When you fall apart
Am I the reason for your endless sorrow?
There's so much to be said

And with a broken heart
Your walls can only go down but so low
Can you hear me when I call your name?

Now if they could just do a show somewhere other than a crowded standing-room-only club in Houston, we'd be set.


Coral Snake!

I walked out the back door while I was on the phone last evening, and I saw a brightly colored snake about 2 feet long slithering towards me. Eww. I'm thinking the ever-popular Mexican Milk Snake, but I always check the markings because we do have coral snakes in the area. As it's making it's way to me with its back just above the surface of our surprisingly lush grass, I see it. RED AND YELLOW.

So I start yelling "Red and yellow! Red and yellow!" ROFL. Laura thought I had lost my mind.

I ran in the house, repeating the "Red and yellow!" mantra and told Jeff to come kill this coral snake. He was all, "It isn't a coral snake," as he sauntered out the door behind me with Lauren. He went into the garage and got a shovel and came out, Pepsi in one hand, shovel in the other. I kept telling him to put down his drink, but he didn't. It started slithering away, but he hacked it pretty good. Lauren was shrieking while the four or so pieces kept wriggling around. Jeff was saying he couldn't find the head. Laura was in my ear saying, "Oh brother." Craziness, I tell ya'!

I wanted to take a picture after, but he flung the pieces pretty far out into the greenbelt behind the house. I did look for the head in the backyard grass. Never found it. Double ick. Hopefully he got it with the other pieces.

Jeff got on Google afterwards and found out all the facts about coral snakes. Yes, it was a real coral snake. They dwell underground but come out after it rains. We had a pretty good soaking yesterday afternoon (thank goodness). Wyeth recently ceased production on the only anti venom and ran out of supply in 2008. Coral snake bites are rare and usually happen if you handle them (or hack them with a shovel while holding on to your drink), because they run away from you if you approach.


Espresso or Black Coffee?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I just met with the cabinet maker. He has offered me several finishes and I'm down to Espresso and Black Coffee. And I have a sudden craving for Starbucks...

That would be Black Coffee---Espresso. I think the coffee is more rich and deep, with variations from chocolate brown to espresso. I will go with that. Any objections?


Rain Shower

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No, not outside. (You're kidding, right? It's Austin.)

Check this:

Hansgrohe's Axor Starck Shower Collection. How fun would it be to shower in that?!


Happy BDay Teresa!

It's my aunt's 52nd birthday today. Watch out, Denver. I should have taken HER to Vegas! Argh. Someday soon.

Sarah moves to San Diego tomorrow. Too bad. We'll have to find another interior designer wannabe for our girls' night out group. It seems to be a requirement. That and a medical background. Yeah, we're trouble after a few margaritas.

Monday when they first broke the story of the woman in San Antonio who murdered (and did unspeakable things to) her three-week-old baby, the headline said that police suspected mental illness played a role. Goodness. Ya' think? < /sarcasm >


Well, my life is all cabinet doors and Silestone. What are you all up to???????? Do tell. I'm going to read other people's blogs or do some Facebook stalking, then Jeffery and I are doorknob shopping before he goes to work.



Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Door. Knobs.

So boring, yet so difficult to choose.

Next selection?

Cabinet knobs.

This post reflects my current minimalist direction... and is your Moment of Zen.



Monday, July 27, 2009

...You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed
Sing like bird
, dizzy in my head
Spin like a record
, crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile...

Have you heard the song yet? Hmm?!

The single will be available tomorrow. Woohoo! It's already up at his website at www.unclekracker.com

I now have thirty or so tile samples, and none of them are working together to form a cohesive coffee-colored bathroom. Grr! Ooh, but on Design Star last night, one team had the most delicious cabinets I have ever seen in their kitchen redesign. Beeeeeeeautiful! I hated the accessories and paint in that room, but the cabinets were to die for. You can't really see the scrumptiousness of the cabinets in the pics, just trust me. I like the medium brown with the black granite.

Lauren is at Color Guard camp all this week, then band camp begins. The carpool has been set. WHOOP. She is sick today, and called me but decided to stay. I hope she's feeling better!



Sunday, July 26, 2009

I just heard Uncle Kracker's new song "Smile" on the radio. I LOVE IT. Available for download July 28. Listen to a preview at Entertainment Weekly.

Shiny, happy music. Very catchy!



"Laughing uncontrollably" isn't usually my style. It's more giggling uncontrollably. Just thinking about that as I glanced at yesterday's questions. Sometimes Lauren starts giggling at me giggling, and sometimes I get the eye roll.

Scotty! Butthole Surfers- HOB Houston, 9/24. You could come visit then. :D

We picked out a couple more awesome tiles yesterday at the tile store. I can go to the "real" tile stores on "The Tile Mile" on Monday. I'll probably hit Daltile and Stone Solutions. Then, that will be that (for tile anyway)!

Kathy has all her flooring, cabinets, countertops, paint etc. picked out for her kitchen and downstairs. It's going to be awesome.

Sunday Stealing: The "Leave It to Meme" Meme

1. Who was your FIRST date?
John Hooks

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
We cross paths online every now and then.

3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
straight tequila

4. What was your FIRST job?

5. What was your FIRST car?
a used Mazda GLC

6. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
from Germany to the United States

7. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
Kristin Duteny. Nope.

8. Whose wedding did you attend the FIRST time?
Brad and Bonnie's. I think. A metric crapload of us got married around the same time.

9. Tell us about your FIRST roommate.
Never had one.

10. If you had one wish, what would it be (other than more wishes)?
that my bathroom turns out fantastic

11. What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
Salsa dancing.

12. Did you marry the FIRST person you were in love with?
Heck no. (ETA: Nothing against him... just, who marries their first love? Hmm. I know a couple of people. Well, at any rate...)

13. What were the first lessons you ever took and why?
I was in dance from ages 3-7. I loved it.

14. What is the first thing you do when you get home?
take off my shoes, check my email


Saturday Nine

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lauren had her young athlete heart screening this morning. We got up at Crack o' Dawn to get there at 8am when they opened, and it was crowded. They ran 120 kids through there in 1 hour though. Amazing! Better to go about an hour into it, because it had thinned out considerably by the time we left. There is another one of these in August. championshipheartsfoundation.org

Cardiologist: Well, Lauren, it looks like you haven't had your heart broken yet.

Doctor humor. My favorite.

Saturday 9: Fast Car

1. What’s the furthest trip you’ve taken by automobile?
From Houston to Green Bay, Wisconsin to visit my mom's side of the family when I was 8. Although I have to say our recent drives from Austin to South Padre seem about that long.

2. What’s the worst pick up line you've ever received?
"Do you go to A&M?" In College Station, probably so.

3. What’s the best pick up line you’ve gotten?
"I have got to dance with you." Ooh. Implied that he had been watching me dance already, and that he was overcome with a need to participate. Nice.

4. What was the last gift that you received?
A new scanner for Mothers Day.

5. What was the last gift that you gave someone?
Journey tix for Jeff on Fathers Day.

6. Tell us about the last time you cried.
I have to be boring and say I honestly don't remember. It was probably a song that did it.

7. Tell us about the last time you laughed uncontrollably.
Yesterday when Lauren reminded me of the "Game Night" episode of Will and Grace.

8. Do you suffer road rage? What are your thoughts on it?
To an extent. I feel enraged on occasion when someone is driving like a jerk. I would never threaten someone or follow them or anything drastic. I usually yell a few choice words. My thoughts? We all just need to remember that whatever someone did to tick us off on the road is not worth injuring ourselves or others.

9. What’s one of your favorite movie quotes?
From Airplane:
This? Why, I can make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl...


Friday Five

Friday, July 24, 2009


1. What’s something in your possession that has long outlived its usefulness?

My grandmother's antique sewing machine. I was using it as a table in the guest room, but it doesn't go with the beachy decor at all. Now it's waiting to be dragged downstairs to get rid of.

2. Who in your life has proven to be a very useful person to know?
Laura. She's useful for getting me volunteer jobs at the school, despite the prominently displayed bar photo of me that is by her desk.

3. For group projects requiring collaborative planning and then collaborative execution, in what capacity are you most useful?
Planning, baby.

4. What’s something someone gave you that you didn’t think much of but later became surprisingly useful?
A wedding gift- a pretty piece of stoneware from Clarksville Pottery. I don't cook in it, but it is a fantastic serving dish and keeps things warm.

5. What is the most useful book in your house?
Right now? My bathroom design book from Lowes. :)


Project Countdown

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tomorrow morning we begin the real work! The tile and cabinet guys will be here so we can figure out designs and materials. They're also bringing Silestone samples. My contractor says that it's possible I can get the cabinets I really want for cheaper than I think. We'll see. Either way, I need to be figuring out my tile configuration today. Colors, sizes, etc. Just call me Candy Olson. HA. Yeahright. I can only hope not to be Doug or Hildi. I say that with much love.

I did not get Lauren's three- yes THREE- baritone mouthpieces on eBay on time for the new school year. Yeesh. Now I have to wait until next year. I guess I could put a reserve on them anytime. I've never sold anything on there, so it's a learning curve thing.

The two websites that I run for other people are undergoing major changes right now, and keeping track of all the tiny details is about to give me a tic. I need to slow down a bit. I get to feeling rushed and things seem more crazy than they are. Is 10 a.m. too early for wine?


Bathroom Shopping

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday, Kath and I went remodel browsing at Lowes and Home Depot. The real stores are closed on Sunday, so we'll have to think of that idea on a Saturday. lol. She's remodeling her kitchen and master bath, and redoing her downstairs floors and painting the entire house interior.

It's always entertaining to shop for home stuff together because our styles are completely different. She loves "old world" style, very rich and Mediterranean. Lots of stone and iron and carved wood. I'm very "transitional." I like clean lines and contemporary art, but with the curves and softness of a traditional style thrown in. Sort of "sophisticated eclectic."

So, when we go furniture shopping or browsing art or looking at kitchen/bathroom remodel stuff together, we spend double the time. There isn't any overlap between the styles. Luckily, we both LOVE home decor, so it's all the better. We have gotten to where we say things like, "Oh! Here you are." or "Here's me!" when a certain style of items appears in view.

So now I am down to a huge decision. I can go with dark cabinets or white, and dark countertops or lighter. That adds up to 4 combos. Here are examples:

white with darker countertop- I absolutely love the turqouise, but I'm doing a much more subdued look for our particular bathroom. I would go even darker on the top- more a chocolate brown

espresso with lighter top- I think this is my fave. This is my overall color scheme, coffee browns

white with lighter countertop and dark floor- my second fave. This bathroom is gorgeous, but I don't have a clue how you'd put on makeup in that dim light.

espresso cabinet/dark top- I adore the dark silestone, but it may be too dark all together. I'd have to do a lighter floor.


For Laura

Monday, July 20, 2009

One of my old LJ icons.

He's wet. And wearing a baseball cap.


Coming Up on 1000

Coming up on 1000 posts in this blog? Holy majoly. I don't think I had that many on either of my other blogs, which are still floating around out there for some reason. One of them isn't even "friends only," so everyone can see it. Ahh well, surely there's nothing too embarrassing there. HA.

...So. Here is my very first blog/journal entry ever, from April 11, 2003. (Lauren was in 3rd grade at the time):

Today is a Friday. The kiddo was home today and missed the hugely popular Pioneer Day at school because of a fever and general sickness. I still showed up for my assigned three-hour shift at the "milk a cow" station. (Good God, no. It wasn't a REAL COW. It is Texas, but I'm afraid we don't actually have actual cows grazing at the homestead.) This cow had a pink painted smile had a milk-filled glove dangling between its sawhorse legs. There has to be a joke there somewhere, but I can't think of one right at this moment.

Anyway, I gave a big speech about cow milking, which I will spare you poor folks. Wait- there are no poor folks reading this thing anyway.

*strips and runs around singing BMU, just cuz*

*arches eyebrow* Yeah, that's not embarrassing at all.


Sunday Stealing

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Picked a contractor. We did go with the expensive guy. Most people recommend tossing out the lowest bid and considering only the remaining ones. Guy 2 was the cheapest of all bids, by a few thousand, so I'm thinking it's too good to be true. Could be my loss, but eh. Hopefully we can get started this week!

Sunday Stealing: The Heretic Meme

1. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you lay in a bed with?

2. Where was the last place you went out to eat?

3. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
Mudslide last night

4. Which do you prefer - eyes or lips?

5. Medicine, fine arts, or law?

6. Best kind of pizza?
Ham and pineapple

7. What is in store for your future?
More travel

8. Who was the last band you saw live?
Little Big Town

9. Do you take care of your friends while they are sick?
Usually their family takes care of them, but I'm thrilled to help if needed.

10. How many songs are on your iPod?

11. Where is the last place you drove to?
Laura's house

12. Where did your last kiss take place?
Here at my house

13. What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Monday night?
Probably sleeping

14. Are you a quitter?
Not usually, because I like things to be complete when I'm done. But some things just have to be quit for the sake of sanity.

15. Who was the last person you had in your house?

16. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?

17. What was the last CD you purchased?
Daughtry- Leave This Town

18. What are two bands or singers that you will always love?
Matchbox Twenty and Duran Duran

19. Which of the seven deadly sins are you guilty of?
All of them at one time or another, I'm sure.

20. How is your last ex doing?
Great. He's in Michigan, happily married with a 2-year-old son.


Seussical and Such

Saturday, July 18, 2009

One of Lauren's best friends has a leading role in the AISD Summer Musical, Seussical . Let me tell you, there is some serious talent in that show! It runs through the weekend at Austin High School, so go see it if you haven't.

The bathroom remodel hasn't even begun and I'm pulling my hair out. We're down to two bids, and one is a good 60% higher than the other. Of four bids, two were the low (and at least remotely close to the amount I had originally estimated) and two were the high, so I can't figure out which is best. We don't want to do a remodel on the cheap, but we certainly don't want to pay unnecessarily out the yang either.

Shoot me now.


Five People I Want to Punch in the Face

Friday, July 17, 2009

Laura and I have this great list of indisputably wonderful human beings whom one could jokingly put on that FB Top Five thing. Your FB friends would FREAK OUT seeing them there. People like... the Pope. Hilarious. I can't bring myself to actually do it on Facebook because I know there are folks on my list who wouldn't get it and would probably have a fit.

Ya' know, perhaps our sense of humor is a little off.

Friday Five

1. What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? (this doesn’t really count as one of your five questions) B

2. With what famous person, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would you most like to be stuck on a desert island?
Brad Pitt. So we can talk about George.

3. What food item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, can always be found in your pantry?

4. What song, whose title begins with the letter in question #1, always makes you feel good?
Boom Boom Pow

5. What is your least-favorite film whose title begins with the letter in question #1?
Barbarella- I dunno

6. What unusual animal, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would be a fun pet?
A blue whale


She's Out of My Life

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I was looking for my current favorite song on YouTube for the sidebar when I saw this. My favorite MJ slow song. SO sad!


Celeb Meetings

Melissa Rycroft met her idol Derek Jeter on GMA yesterday morning. She was so cute. She was all ga-ga and didn't say a single word to him. He obviously felt a little uncomfortable with her reaction, but of course he was nice and signed some stuff for her and took a pic.

When I've met celebrities, I've had both the experiences of being awestruck and dorky, and of being totally cool and comfortable. Obviously being cool is the desired reaction, but there's something exciting and freeing about just being swept up in the moment and grinning like a goober for a couple of spine-tingling minutes, finally meeting someone you think is out-of-this-world amazing. Unless, of course, you're trying to conduct business... or trying to get them to take you into VIP at a club...

Back in junior high school Cathy kissed our favorite celeb- John Schneider- when we met him at the airport, after I had either shaken his hand or hugged him. I still remember that moment, trying to conceal my shock, and how irritated I was for days as she (deservedly) basked in the afterglow of it. Yep, evidently I will never let it go. LOL.


Everyone Needs a Stay-At-Home-Lauren

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh em GEEE, this was funny...

Last night at dinner with Debbie and the kids, Troy and Jaxon suddenly said in unison that "Everyone needs their own stay-at-home-Lauren!"

The rest of us were amused and confused.

So they explained that on Sims 3, the three of them set up a household where the guys both work and Lauren stays at home to do all the cooking and cleaning. She's the nanny, too. Whose children she is nannying, we're not certain.

While I'm giggling at the Three's Company scenario, Troy says they've decided to "take turns with her, one week at a time," prompting another laugh from the group. This is where Jaxon explains that he and Troy live in separate houses and Lauren goes back and forth. Nice. Although they did appreciate my more economical idea that they all live together.

Then they start discussing building a long hallway between the houses so she can more easily go between homes. Lauren is just shaking her head at first, but then she decides it's a grand idea, and proceeds to plan a wing off the hallway for Troy's veterinary practice and how she could be a receptionist there, like a work-at-home situation, so she could still do the cooking and cleaning. LOL.

Nothing so interesting ever went on in my neighborhoods when I used to play Sims!


Dispatches from the Edge

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Reading Anderson's book. Yeah, Laura had two copies of it, so I took one. Don't ask. She's a little obsessed. Hee!

I was struck by a comment he made that when his brother died, he didn't feel anything at that moment. You just think you should feel something then, right? Someone so close to you. Reminds me of when my mother died and I had all these expectations of how it would go. That I would know it happened, if I weren't there at the moment... also that I would feel her presence around me afterwards. Neither of those things occurred.

Of course my aunt told me she felt Mom was with her for several weeks afterwards, so maybe that's where she was hanging out. WTH? lol.

AC jumps around in time in this book among three different timelines- a style which I loathe. But I am managing to keep up with all three stories at the same time.


Happy Sunday

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Learned some new factoids about my Bunco buddies this weekend. One of them has no ex-boyfriends. Her only serious boyfriend was her husband. Interesting! Another has an ex who she recently learned has a child with her unusual name. LOL.

And we all found out that Amy's Mac needs to have a bunch of stuff deleted from it, so it works... a... little... faster! We set her up on Facebook, but it took forever, waiting and watching a little message that her available memory is critically low. No wonder she never checks her email. ;)

Speaking of Macs, Kimberly just bought one. Apple- taking over the world, one household at a time. We have PCs, but I'm pretty sure we own one of every iPod ever made.

We're waiting on one more bid for the bathroom. The fact that it's late is one strike against that guy already. Of the three we have, one is trash for various reasons. The other two differ in price by a LOT. Not sure what's up there, as both come highly recommended by friends. Yesterday, we saw Chris and Alicia's first floor remodel, which turned out really nice. Next week, we'll see a big project by the other contractor.

L had an absolute blast at camp last week. Best part of all- no exorcisms!


Bunco Friday

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bunco at Amy's tonight. Last Bunco the conversation was a lot more raunchy than usual. One can only imagine what the topic of discussion will be this month. The trick at Bunco is to sip one drink all night while encouraging everyone else to have another. That way you don't get yourself into trouble. :D

You know what I just realized? While they are reconstructing our bathroom, I will actually have to get dressed when I wake up. No more running around in my nightgown or workout wear until 10am. Bummer! I wonder how long this project will take. My quickest contractor is telling me 4 weeks. Not too bad.

Jeff is watching the Tour de France. I don't find it particularly compelling, except when it's raining in Barcelona and groups of riders keep wiping out on turns. And what the heck are they doing in Barcelona anyway? Ain't it the Tour de FRANCE? Have they always ridden through Spain and Switzerland?



Thursday, July 9, 2009

When does the next season of Idol start? I so love Ryan Seacrest. Lauren and I always shout "RYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" whenever we see or hear him on the various media outlets where he can be seen and heard. We do the same thing when Cameron Mathison appears. He plays Ryan on All My Children, which we religiously watch once every week ot two to catch up on the storylines. RYAAAAAAAAAN! Hmm. Maybe you'd have to be there. Lauren will laugh at this post when she gets back from camp.

It is really quiet around here when she's gone. Summer is slow on all of my websites, too. Bathroom design research is keeping me entertained. Hoping that project can start next week. Be prepared for my whining about having to take showers upstairs while my bathroom is out of commission. Ack.

It's been a year-and-a-half since I started working out again. I haven't stayed interested in a particular sport or workout regimen for that long since college. It's doing different workouts every day, I think. My fave is cardio-kickboxing, and I like step as well. Circuit training is my least favorite. She always ends the aerobic workout with a few minutes of pilates, yoga, strength training or Tai Chi. I hated Tai Chi the first several times I did it. I would actually do weights while they did Tai Chi, but lately it's really growing on me. Super-relaxing, unlike yoga, which makes me feel very unbalanced. *insert your own joke here*


Saturday 9... Way Late

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Saturday 9: Yankee Doodle Dandy

1. What is your favorite 4th of July memory? (If you aren't in the U.S., then use your own national holiday.)
How sad it is that I cannot think of a single special 4th of July memory! I have a recollection of being on the water (Nassau Bay, perhaps?) with a fantastic fireworks show. Ask me about Halloween.

2. Do you consider yourself patriotic?

3. Do you like fireworks?
I do! I love watching them at a professional show, but I get a little nervous when people are shooting them off at home around me. I become Safety Mom.

4. What are your plans for this weekend?
CJ came up from Galveston. We went with Jeff and Scarlet to Rosie's Tamale House, then to Hill Country Galleria's concert and fireworks show Saturday evening.

5. Are you optimistic about the future?

6. Do you think everyone should serve in the military?
Nope. A lot of people aren't cut out for the stress, the rule-following, the structure, etc. I don't want those people being responsible for us in a war.

7. Would you support a constitutional ban on flag burning?
No. Let's not junk up the Constitution with "stuff." Flag desecration may be unpatriotic, but it shouldn't be criminal.

8. What end of the political spectrum are you?
Fiscally leaning right, socially leaning left. Typically frustrated that our politicians are single-minded and on the far ends of the spectrum.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

At the completion of the bidding process, our master bath remodel budget is already at 150-200% of the original. We haven't even begun that inevitable tearing down a wall and finding plumbing not up to code, or termites or other apocalyptic disasters.

Some of the increase is due to budget information that I got from a couple of sources that is evidently low for this area. A couple of the contractors said that would be a DIY price. We are not DIY people, folks. I may paint or even screw in some knobs, but I'm not building a shower.

The remainder of the increase is going from installing a framed shower to frameless. This is where the term "resale value" came into play. One contractor got me with "a framed shower will date your brand new bathroom." I'm only going through this process at all because that bathroom is dated and would not be sellable at this point. Did these guys read this blog? Sneaky.

All four bids are due back by Friday. Soon we can begin the demo!


Camp Week

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lauren is off to Dallas this morning for camp all week. Wah! I wonder what kind of trouble can I get into here while she's away...

The Vox Collective acoustic version of Rihanna's "Disturbia" is SO awesome. Find it. Hear it!

Cath and I had fun this weekend. Scarlet was working at the UT library Saturday, so went up to hang out with her for a bit. I parked on what I thought was MLK, but somehow I was on 15th. That adds a lot of walking from one's car to the PCL, especially in 105 degree heat. Just sayin'. We also hit Dobie for refreshments. The place was practically deserted, which is good, because I get a little itchy and nauseous with too many T-sips around me. ;)

Fireworks at Hill Country Galleria were pretty neat! It was definitely easier than fighting our way to Ladybird Lake for the big Austin show. Very relaxing. Hardly any traffic. Lovely ambience and great food/drinks.


And Away We Go

Friday, July 3, 2009

Away We Go is really good. I won't tell you to run out and see it, like it's Star Trek or something, but it really is good. Funny, poignant, all that... with a couple of really hilarious moments sprinkled in. The stroller thing- LMAO! I thought I would pee my pants for a moment there. Maggie Gyllenhaal was so great, as were all the actors who appeared, if only for a segment each. Very interesting characters.

This morning, Jeff and I awoke to find two boxes of very frosting-y Shipley donuts on our front porch. I was giggling about that forever. It's like... WTF? Soon after, Lauren emerged from her bedroom, talking on her cellphone. Turns out her recently-ex-boyfriend had left them for her. Awww. Very sweet. (Sweet. Heh.)

Cathy is coming for the weekend. WHEE! Tonight we're hitting Sixth Street with Janeen.



Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ya' know, one day I am going to toss a Swiffer sheet into the dryer instead of a fabric softener sheet, because I have them sitting next to each other on the shelf. I always reach for the wrong one, but I've never actually done it. It will be awfully interesting when I do.

We've been hanging out, doing this and that this week. Today we'll see "Away We Go" with John Krasinski. Well, not WITH John Krasinski- although how cool would that be- but you know what I mean. :)

Lauren also gets her meningitis vaccine today. Woohoo! She is always awesome about shots. I was such a wimp when I was a kid. In another month, she'll have her third shot of the summer- the second of three rounds of the Gardisil vaccine. One less!

I'm organizing girls' night out for while CJ is here this weekend. Should be a blast!


Good Morning!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I think the daughter and I are seeing a movie today, but I do have to fit in with her uber-busy social schedule. We shall see! lol.

Nate Berkus was on "Here Come the Newlyweds" this week. He is one of the most handsome guys on earth, but he has let that beard grow way past the sexy scruffy phase. It's also taken over his neck, which is just icky. Nate, Nate, Nate...

I should be writing "The Mafia Wars Strategy Guide for Wimps." That would be people with small mobs like me, who are concentrating on jobs and energy, rather than attack and defense. My hotel got robbed to 30% health the first two minutes I owned it. Today my office buildings were robbed to 30% health after owning them for a couple of days. Now they are safe from robbing, and since it would take 10 days to see any return on the cost to fix them (no way they'll last that long), I am letting them sit forever unrepaired.

On my Return-On-Investment spreadsheet (you can find many versions online) I changed the income on the properties that are high-risk for robbery to 30% of the income posted, since that is what I'll be making on them. The ROI becomes suckeriffic at that point, although much later it may be worth the investment, compared to cheaper properties.

Unlike a lot of players, I think it is totally fair and realistic for high level, huge mobs to rob and/or attack little girls like me. (Or sometimes lower level, smaller mobs with better loot, which is particularly irritating. lol.) I just send my friends' better mobs after them. Hee!


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This is a personal blog with no particular niche, or really any purpose whatsoever. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Stalker...


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