Friday Five

Friday, July 24, 2009


1. What’s something in your possession that has long outlived its usefulness?

My grandmother's antique sewing machine. I was using it as a table in the guest room, but it doesn't go with the beachy decor at all. Now it's waiting to be dragged downstairs to get rid of.

2. Who in your life has proven to be a very useful person to know?
Laura. She's useful for getting me volunteer jobs at the school, despite the prominently displayed bar photo of me that is by her desk.

3. For group projects requiring collaborative planning and then collaborative execution, in what capacity are you most useful?
Planning, baby.

4. What’s something someone gave you that you didn’t think much of but later became surprisingly useful?
A wedding gift- a pretty piece of stoneware from Clarksville Pottery. I don't cook in it, but it is a fantastic serving dish and keeps things warm.

5. What is the most useful book in your house?
Right now? My bathroom design book from Lowes. :)


Anonymous,  July 24, 2009 at 8:08 PM  

HA-- and do not forget who found you a priest when you needed one. I baffle myself sometimes.

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