Five People I Want to Punch in the Face
Friday, July 17, 2009
Laura and I have this great list of indisputably wonderful human beings whom one could jokingly put on that FB Top Five thing. Your FB friends would FREAK OUT seeing them there. People like... the Pope. Hilarious. I can't bring myself to actually do it on Facebook because I know there are folks on my list who wouldn't get it and would probably have a fit.
Ya' know, perhaps our sense of humor is a little off.
Friday Five
1. What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? (this doesn’t really count as one of your five questions) B
2. With what famous person, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would you most like to be stuck on a desert island?
Brad Pitt. So we can talk about George.
3. What food item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, can always be found in your pantry?
4. What song, whose title begins with the letter in question #1, always makes you feel good?
Boom Boom Pow
5. What is your least-favorite film whose title begins with the letter in question #1?
Barbarella- I dunno
6. What unusual animal, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would be a fun pet?
A blue whale
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