East Texas Trip

Saturday, December 23, 2017

One of my aunts passed away this week and we went to her funeral in Jasper. I had wanted to get to Jasper before nightfall Thursday, but Jeff was working, so we left later. In the end, night driving was great, because we got to see all the pretty Christmas lights popping up along the country roads. Also, no traffic!

The funeral was really nice. The last two funerals (well, probably more than that) I've been to were Catholic masses, which of course are very long and formal and less personal. This was a small town, small church funeral, where the paster knew my aunt and told stories about her and brought a lot of warmth to the ceremony. Super nice people there.

On our way home, we had lunch in Huntsville at Bennie J's Smoke Pit. It was REALLY good. Looks like they're only open for lunch and they run out of things, so you should get there early. We rolled in around 2 and they were about to shut down. We were able to get sausage and ribs, which rocked. Super smoky and yummy. They also let us sample some of their pecan pie, which was delicious.

I've never seen so many pickup trucks in one town in my life as I did in Huntsville. I would have thought there would be a lot of pickups in, oh, I don't know... Jasper? But Huntsville wins that award for sure. The semi-official Pickup Truck Capital of the World.

I wish we'd had more time in east Texas, because there are probably some really neat historical places in the area that we've not seen. Had to get back here for a winery trip to Fredericksburg with Kathy today! Her wine club purchase was ready for pickup, so we made the quarterly jaunt. Beauuuutiful day!

Friday Five: Seasons

1. What foods are most representative of each of the four seasons?

Winter - chili
Spring - salad
Summer - ice cream
Fall - pumpkin pie

2. What are good songs to represent each of the four seasons?
Winter - "A Hazy Shade of Winter" The Bangles version
Spring - "Cake By the Ocean" DNCE
Summer - "Summer Nights" from Grease
Fall - "Be True to Your School" Beach Boys

3. What would be good films to represent each of the four seasons?
Winter - Love Actually
Spring - Emma
Summer - 50 First Dates
Fall - Dead Poets Society

4. If you could divide the calendar year into four seasons some other way with some other theme besides weather or major professional sports, where would each seasons begin and end, and what would each be called?
Jan-Mar: Chillin'
April-June: Anniversaries
July-Sep: Beach Dayz
Oct-Dec: Birthdays

5. What’s something in your area that’s extra fun in the winter?
going to Stars hockey games at Cedar Park center


And Now... Forbidden Words?

Sunday, December 17, 2017

CDC gets list of forbidden words: Fetus, transgender, diversity

What in the serious *F*? The Centers for Disease Control, an organization of science, can't use the words "science-based" because it scares Republicans? No use of the words "evidence-based?" How do you talk about fetuses without using the word "fetus?"

The suggested "science-based" replacement phrase "CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes" is ludicrous. Do they really? If science says something is fantasy, but the community wants it to be real, CDC throws all facts aside to placate the community? What a truly frightening load of crap. If they abide by this language guidance, I'm not buying anything CDC is putting out there from now on.

From an NYT article- "The Food and Drug Administration was quick to note that it had gotten no such instruction."

That's probably only a matter of time.

Loony toons President and his cuckoo administration!

Sunday Stealing: It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

1. What’s your favorite thing about the holidays?
Everyone is in a festive mood. Seeing friends and family.

2. Do you send out Christmas cards and if so how many do you send?
The last time I sent out Christmas cards to everyone was probably 2005. Now I send to a select few.

3. Be honest: holiday newsletters. Love ‘em or hate ‘em?
LOVE them.

4. Be honest: photo cards. Love ‘em or hate ‘em?
LOVE them.

5. How soon do you start shopping?
I will buy Christmas gifts for people as early as October, if I know what I want to get them.

6. Real or fake tree?
I love real trees, but I don't want to take care of it or deal with the falling needles or hanging the lights. We have a pre-lit fake tree.

7. When do you put up your tree?
The day after Thanksgiving.

8. When do you take down your tree?
New Year's Day

9. Describe your typical tree (size, decorations, type)
Ours is a green tree, about 7 feet tall, with multi-colored lights and all our personal ornaments that I've collected over the years since we got married.

10. What do you top your tree with?
a cute, round, jolly Santa Claus

11. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house?
Nope. We have lights in our front windows.

12. Is there a wreath hanging on your door?

13. Do you hang up stockings?

14. Your favorite Christmas Movie(s)
Love Actually, Scrooged

15. Be honest: A Christmas movie you don't like
I don't think there are any I dislike.

16. Favorite Christmas Song(s)
Oh Holy Night
I'll Be Home for Christmas
Do You Hear What I Hear
Baby It's Cold Outside
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
All I Want For Christmas is You- Mariah Carey (I know, it's overplayed, but every single time you have to stand up and sing your best Mariah Carey, right?!)
You Don't Have to Be Alone- NSYNC 
Last Christmas- Wham!
Blue Christmas- Elvis Presley

17. Be honest: If I hear this/these Christmas songs again I will throw up
Joy to the World
Jingle Bells
Wonderful Christmas Time- Paul McCartney (*shudder*)
sorry to all my 1980s friends and 1980s me, but... "Do They Know It's Christmas"- Band Aid

18. Give or Receive?

19. Eggnog or Mulled Cider?

20. Ham or Turkey?


Saturday 9... and The Last Five Years Again

Saturday, December 16, 2017

One of the lyrics in "Climbing Uphill" (from The Last Five Years, yes I'm obsessed this week...) is Cathy during a theater audition:

...Why am I working so hard?
These are the people who cast Russell Crowe in a musical...

First of all - LOL. Right.

But also, the Les Mis film (which oddly, I also referenced in yesterday's post) was released 2012, while The Last Five Years opened in 2001. Did someone cast Russell Crowe in a musical before that??? So I looked, and he actually started his career in musical theater in New Zealand in the 80's. Wow! He got hired out of theater into the film industry in 1990. 

Saturday 9: Silent Night (1957)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) How well do you know "Silent Night?" Without looking up the lyrics, could you sing along with Elvis?
I can sing the first two verses without looking. Are there more than two? I don't know without checking. Ha!

2) The Christmas with Elvis album hit the stores in October 1957. Were you already preparing for Christmas back in October?
Nope. I used to, but I haven't planned so far ahead for a while.

3) Clearly Elvis liked a flocked white Christmas tree. Is your tree flocked, aluminum or pine green? Real or artificial? Or do you skip the whole tree thing altogether? 
Fake, pine green. Gotta have a tree!

4) Back in the late 1950s, Elvis left his hair its natural brown color. In the 1960s he began having it dyed black. Do you have a salon appointment scheduled between now and year end?

No, but I should. My hair is long, yo.

5) Have you ever peeked, looking for a Christmas gift you know is hidden for you somewhere in the house?

Nah. I want to be surprised.

6) Which do you prefer, candy canes or gingerbread? 

7) Is anyone receiving a home made or do-it-yourself gift from you this year?

8) Do you wrap holiday gifts in paper, or do you take the gift bag route?
I wrap in paper if at all possible. Gift bags aren't as fun to open.

9) This time of year is big for charitable fundraising. Here's your chance to plug a cause or organization that's near and dear to you.
MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston- Donate money, give blood, or buy cards designed by children who are patients there though the Children's Art Project.


Will You Share Your Life With Me...

Friday, December 15, 2017

...for the Next Ten Minutes...?

Reading a bit about The Last Five Years musical and learned that Samantha Barks (Eponine in the film version of Les Mis) played Cathy in the West End production last year! Would love to have seen that.

Here she is singing "I Can Do Better Than That" from The Last Five Years at an unrelated solo performance in New York City...

Her voice is AMAZING.

Lyrics du Jour

Cathy: ...I want to be your wife
I want to bear your child
I want to die
Knowing I
Had a long, full life in your arms...

Jamie: ...Will you share your life with me
For the next ten lifetimes?
For a million summers...

Both:...'Til the world explodes
'Til there's no one left
Who has ever known us apart...

"The Next Ten Minutes" from the musical The Last Five Years

Happy Friday!


I Am Your De-eentist

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

I did something to the outside of my gum within the past few days. It's really red and painful. I would say it was a popcorn hull injury, but I haven't had popcorn. It's also a pretty large area.

I had my dental checkup today (of course!) and the hygienist and dentist both said, "It looks maybe like you gouged it with a tortilla chip."

If I lived in Utah or Connecticut, would that be the assumption? Are tortilla chips the only food or non-food item around the world that gouges your gums, or is this just a Texas thing?

(Yes, I did have tortilla chips this weekend. Still!)

In other news... CONGRATULATIONS SENATOR DOUG JONES! And really, congratulations Alabama, because the world was watching to see what happened there, and in my opinion, you came through. A lot of people voted against their lifelong party, which gives me hope for humanity. Love to see people thinking and not blindly voting party lines.


Vegan Cows

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Read through this vent, or skip to the end, where I've provided a great Aggie joke!!

I just spent all afternoon- 5 hours- programming database updates from user acceptance testing for a new study. I got through the first ten tabs of a shared Excel doc in that time, and then, all of a sudden, the document saved and asked me whose updates to save- mine or the lead's.

I went ahead and allowed her updates to overwrite mine, because I figured there were minimal changes to anything I had done. Well, it turned out the data lead was working from her own copy of the document, so she didn't see that I had already done a bunch of what she was working on! 80% of what I had entered was overwritten.

What a waste of time and duplication of effort for all of us. Why on earth would you make your own copies of a shared tracker, to merge later? If you want everyone to work from their own copy of the doc, to merge later, you have to assign tabs to each programmer up front, so we don't overlap.


So here's your Aggie Joke-- I honestly thought "vegan leather" was made from cows that were vegan.


I paid top dollar for a "vegan leather" product for someone's Christmas gift this year. Very disappointed to find out it's plastic. Just another reason to hate all things vegan. ;)

Just stop naming veggie things animal names. Veggie burgers. Veggie sausage. Vegan cheese. None of those things are what they say. *shudder* Truth in advertising! I would never have paid that much for something plastic.

Jeff: Aren't all cows vegan?

That question gave me an idea for a horror movie with carnivorous cows, y'all. Skeery!


Movie, TV and Musical Weekend

Monday, December 11, 2017

This weekend was an unplanned, fun movie and television extravaganza. Friday night we went to the Amazon Prime preview of Jumanji. It was good. I would swear I saw Kirsten Dunst's name in the acting credits, but evidently that's impossible, so...  And keep in mind, I had no idea she was in the original film. Why did I think I saw her name? SUPERweird. I did look up on my phone whether we were supposed to sit through the credits to see any outtakes or other scenes, so maaaaaaybe I saw her name in my search or something. I dunno. Strange.

Saturday we watched Opening Night on Netflix. Enjoyed it! JC Chasez and Taye Diggs? Yes, please. It was funny, too!

Next up (because we watched Opening Night and followed up with "other musicals we might like," we discovered the musical comedy TV show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, also on Netflix. OMG. That is one of the funniest shows ever! How did I miss it before? We binged about 6 episodes of that. Can't wait to continue all the way through Season 2 on Netflix. Season 3 started in October on the CW.

There are one or two very-well produced, hilarious songs per episode. Most of it is regular sitcom, with speaking characters. The songs go a little somethin' like this...

We watched Born in China, the Disney animal film of 2017. So cute!

Then last night, we watched The Last Five Years, which is also on Netflix. It's a two-character musical from 2014 (the play was originally in Chicago, then off-Broadway in 2002) covering a five year relationship and marriage. Cathy starts at their breakup at the end of the story and moves backward in time to the beginning, while Jamie starts at the beginning and moves forward to the end. They alternate songs all the way through, moving towards each other on the timeline, meeting in the middle, then moving ever away again. The final song is brilliant! I could listen to Anna Kendrick and Jeremy Jordan sing all day long. I really loved it. The reviews are very middle-of-the-road, but take a chance on this one.

Years ago, Lauren had "If I Didn't Believe In You," a song from the play, on one of her car CDs. Jamie is frustrated with Cathy during the song, and addresses her by name throughout. We used to laugh when it came on, as he seemed to berate me for four minutes straight. Ha!

The Buffalo game was crazy yesterday, right? Football in a blizzard!


Andy and Anderson Road Trip!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Laura and I went to Houston for last Saturday night's AC2 Live: An Intimate Evening with Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper. So fun! My favorite moment at the show was during the audience Q&A portion, when this happened...

Audience Member: What celebrity gave you butterflies and maybe made you... "bone up" when you interviewed them?
Audience: Oooooooh!
Andy: (I think he related a story about interviewing David Beckham here... sorta forgot when Anderson said what's coming up..)
Audience Member: ...I was thinking maybe *forgotten hot male celebrity* or John Hamm.
Andy: Oh, yeah!
Anderson: Well, when I was mediating the Presidential debates last year...
Audience: Uhhhhhh....
Andy: [wtf?!]
Anderson: What?
Andy: What are you about to say?! He is asking what celebrity gave you a boner!
Anderson: Oh. I thought he meant the person gave you butterflies, like they made you nervous, so you "boned up," like you did research on them.

Bwahahaaaaa! Oh man.

I only wished the show was a little longer, because it really was like hanging out at a bar, chatting with the two of them. Very interesting, and hilarious.

In other news... I just found out this afternoon that JC Chasez was in a musical comedy last year called Opening Night, with Topher Grace and a bunch of other big names. I watched a few clips online. I'll have to rent it. Last I had heard, he was going to play Pontius Pilate in an arena tour of Jesus Christ Superstar with a bunch of cool music people, but then it never happened:

Anger for 'Jesus Christ Superstar' Cast and a Black Eye for Its Promoter

Bummer! At least I didn't miss it. I've been missing things lately- must pay more attention to my Ticketmaster emails!


Sexual Misconduct

Friday, December 1, 2017

Well, I'm glad I didn't speak too soon. I was going to blog earlier this week about the odd defense of only certain men involved in sexual misconduct of late, but people have come around to holding them accountable, I think.

There was a well-deserved worldwide reaction of disgust and anger when people like Weinstein, Ailes, O'Reilly and the next many others were accused. Recently though, when Senator Conyers and Matt Lauer were outed, even women were defending them, because they are "good people" and "have contributed so much" via their professions.

What the what?! That is probably true of all the other men as well. People are multifaceted, and can be successful and respectable contributors to society, but also be despicable A-holes in other areas. You don't get a pass for being a good person outside of your sexual misconduct/assault/harassment.

Today though, it seems people are finally coming around to realizing that Conyers and Lauer are no different from the others, and should be out of their jobs at the very least.

Kevin Spacey and Roy Moore are on a whole other level, with underage accusers. It's sad that the statutes of limitations have run out on those for criminal charges. Hopefully the accusers coming forward will help current victims of other people to come forward while charges can still be leveled against their attackers.

On the other side, I do think a few men have been accused of things that we can all agree are more flirting than sexual harassment. We have to be careful not to dilute the uncovering of real crimes by dragging every sexual advance into the discussion. If no one ever made a move, no couples would exist. I think we're all pretty clear on what constitutes misconduct or criminality, rather than flirting or kissing/touching someone when you honestly think the other person would welcome it. Sure, it can be a gray area, but not typically.

We were wondering the other day when ABC would fire someone for sexual harassment. I think they are the only network unaffected so far.  I said that it won't be Stephanopoulos (OMG, I actually spelled that correctly on the first try!), and Jeff and I both said together that if he even thought of doing anything like that, Ali Wentworth would kick his ass. Ahaha!

In other news, it's December 2017, and Megyn Kelly still sucks at talk shows. She is the most unrelatable, insincere, self-centered host ever. When is she going to be shuffled to a better fit at NBC? She should do the nightly news or something more cold and sterile.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Hope your day was full of family, friends, tradition and great food.

On the subject of my ongoing research of our family tree... I found that one of Jeff's relatives is Ireby Barrow, who is buried with his family in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, where a lot of big time famous Hollywood stars are buried (for those of you who don't watch a lot of TMZ). I was thinking that he might be the father/grandfather of some famous actor or studio magnet or something, so I researched his history in a bit more detail. Turns out he was an early Los Angeles settler in the 1870's. His farm was bounded on the north and south by Rosewood Ave. and Beverly Blvd., between Vermont Ave. and Normandie, currently right in the middle of the city. Interesting!

Saturday 9: The Man in Black (1971)Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Black is this week's signature color, because Friday, November 24, is "Black Friday," when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?

Not yet. If I do, it will be online. I don't like to be in stores on Black Friday, unless it's with others for a "shopping adventure" activity.

2) Among the biggest the Black Friday advertisers are Target, Kohl's, Macy's and Best Buy. If you could have a $100 gift card to any one of those stores, which would you choose? What would you buy?
Target. I would buy the same random $100 worth of stuff I always seem to buy when I'm there.

3) Feasting and football are also popular Thanksgiving weekend pastimes. Do your Thursday-Sunday plans include pigging out or watching a game?
Definitely pigged out for Thanksgiving. If Scott's cooking, you've got to pig out! We watched the Dallas game yesterday. We'll watch at least the A&M/LSU game on Saturday.

4) Thanksgiving weekend is a major time for travel. How far did you venture from home for the holiday?

Down the street to Scott-n-Julie's. Kirsten is visiting, along with her boyfriend and his mom. Super fun! Lots of amazing food.

5) This week's song, "Man in Black," is about a singer who refuses to wear bright colors. What color are you wearing as you answer these questions?

6) Johnny Cash first performed this song at Nashville's Vanderbilt University.When were you last on a college campus? What brought you there?
Kathy and I were at Bass Concert Hall on the UT campus in April to see Phantom of the Opera.

7) The average American man wears a 10.5 size shoe, the average woman wears a 7.5. Johnny Cash wore a size 13. Are your shoes bigger or smaller than the national average?
Bigger. I have the hands and feet of a tall person. Just missing the height.

8) He preferred his coffee very strong. To make sure what he was drank was to his liking, he carried a jar of instant coffee with him and would ladle it into his cup in restaurants. What about you? What's your standard coffee order?
I like it strong with sugar and a little milk. 

9) While in the air force, Cash wrote short stories under the pseudonym "Johnny Dollar." Make up a pen name for yourself.
I gotta go with "Effie Tidbits" here.



Monday, November 13, 2017

I'm supposed to "string" celery before serving it? Have you all been doing this or is it just a crazy rumor? I've never done such a thing. I guess it would make for a more pleasant experience... if you can call eating celery "pleasant."


I've finally come across a sliver of fame in my family tree! Joseph J. Mansfield was in the U.S. House of Representatives 1916-1947. (There's a big ol' dam named after him here in Austin.) Well, back in the late 1800's, he was the county judge for Colorado County, down the road, Columbus way. Also - a pallbearer for my great-great-great grandfather's nephew at his funeral. Hmm! I'm surprised I even made the connection when I read it. Interesting!

Sunday Stealing: First Things First

{1} First thing you would do/buy if you won the lottery:
I would move to a smaller house with lower taxes.

{2} First person you call when you get amazing news:

Other than Jeff/Lauren, probably Laura

{3} First thing you do when you've had a bad day:
turn up the music

{4} First movie you went to without your parents:
Wow. I can't remember exactly which one was first. We went to sooooo many movies! Can't believe I don't know.

{5} First sport you played (Little League-style or in school):
basketball, then volleyball

{6} First major injury:
Stepping on a nail when I was about 5, through the shoe and almost through the top of my foot. It was sticking up through a 2x4 piece of construction wood I was walking on at our apartment complex.

{7} First product I use in the shower:

{8} First apartment or house on your own (away from you parents!):
my grandparents' garage apartment in College Station, where I lived rent-free through undergrad

{9} First Roommate(s): 
I've never had a roommate!

{10} First Time Living Away from Home: 
at Texas A&M in College Station when I was 18

{11} First magazine subscription:
Seventeen, although I had been buying every single Tiger Beat and Teen Beat for years at the store before I had an actual subscription to a magazine

{12} First real piece of jewelry you owned:
My mom and dad bought me a pretty gold necklace with a pearl pendant when I was a freshman in high school. I lost it (or it may have been stolen) my senior year at senior musical practice one night. I thought I had put it in my purse, but it wasn't there and I never saw it again. So sad!

{13} First time staying home alone:
I don't remember. This question does remind me of the time I was home with a babysitter and we were watching a scary movie when we heard a noise in the attic. My mom was the Homeowners Association treasurer, so I knew all the association board members, one of whom was a district attorney or something, who drove the "community watch" vehicle around and checked out reports of mischief and such. I called him and he came over and checked the attic. All the neighbors came outside with us when he was there. It was fabulous. Mom about died of embarrassment. No more watching scary movies when an adult wasn't home. Ahaha.

{14} First thing I reach for in the fridge:

{15} First car accident or traffic violation:
My registration sticker (or my inspection sticker) was out of date. I was about 20, in College Station.


Hello World

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Holy moly, it's been forever since I blogged. Greetings!

Was just working on indexing genealogy records for FamilySearch. (That's taking historical document images and entering the data that is on them into digital format, for searching and attaching to people online.) I find it to be super interesting. I just entered a record for a woman from 1927 named Effie Tidbits.


What a great stripper name. She wears a dirndl and stilettos.

Okay, it was Effie Tibbits, but I read (and typed) it as Tidbits and about coughed up a lung giggling about it. THAT is entertainment, folks.

Another amusing thing is little 5 and 6 year old kids from the 1920's, with names like Oma and Grady. Heh.

Anyhoo... I was working a lot last month. Also indexing and family tree-ing. My tree is pretty filled out, but there are definite holes I need to research.

We went to the Texas Museum of Science and Technology in Cedar Park (or TXMOST, for the cool kids) last weekend. It is deceivingly small. It took us about 2.5 hours to really go through it and see one of the planetarium shows. The current exhibits are "Leonardo da Vinci: Machines in Motion" and "Drugs: Costs and Consequences." Nifty machines were built from some of daVinci's drawings, and you can interact with them. Fun for kids, and grown-ups as well. The drug exhibit didn't look great online, but it is actually very interesting. There is a ton of information, and we learned a lot.

The planetarium shows are every hour and they are different each time. The one we caught was about dark matter. The museum is in an interim facility in an industrial park at the moment, but it's worth a trip for sure.

I went a whole week without checking Facebook recently. I only ever get on there anymore if someone specifically addresses me, or I wish someone a happy birthday, or I'm checking the neighborhood group for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, I'm pretty much over it. I'm the person who used to drive me nuts, who has an account, but doesn't ever do anything with it. Annoying! Right? It's like visiting an out-of-date website. What is the point.

Speaking of FB, here's a Couples Survey from there this afternoon:

Who's older? me
Age difference: almost two months
Who was interested first? me
Who's taller? him, by 8 inches
Worst temper? him
Most sensitive: me
Loudest? him
Funniest? me
More social? me by a slight margin
Most stubborn? him
Falls asleep first? me
Cooks the best? I'm the only cook, so me!
Better singer? me
Most adventurous? him
Who enjoys traveling the most? me
The most organized: me
Stresses the most? him
Better driver? we're the same quality drivers, but he has way more tickets
How long have you been together? 31 years in January, married 28 years next May


Indexing Fun

Sunday, October 1, 2017

I indexed a bunch of old ship crew rolls this week. Some these lists are titled "Discharged Seamen."

Discharged. Seamen.


Saturday 9: Little Woman (1969)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song contains many weather references (clouds, rainbows, sunshine, rain). How's the sky where you are today? 

Blue and clear!

2) Bobby Sherman sings that when he's alone, he imagines his "Little Woman" is right there beside him. Do you often daydream?

3) Bobby had a very bright smile. Do you ever use whiteners on your teeth?
I use whitening toothpaste, but I've never used whitening strips or other treatments.

4) He was beloved for his shiny hair. If we were to peek in your bathroom, how many haircare products would we find? 
Far more than I use. I regularly use shampoo, heat protector and texturizing paste. Everything else in there (maybe 10 things total) I use on occasion.

5) After high school, Bobby attended Pierce, a community college in the west San Fernando Valley. For culinary students, Pierce offers courses in canning -- specifically apples and peaches. If we were to peek into your pantry, would we find canned fruits?
None. I do have a few of those plastic packs of canned peach and pear pieces in the fridge for grab-n-go snacks.

6) As an actor, one of Bobby's earliest performances was on the TV show Honey West. That series revolved around a female "private eye" adept at martial arts. Do you have any self-defense moves (that don't involve a weapon)?
Yes. I've always liked that one where you poke your fingers or a key into the person's neck, right in that hollow spot in the center at the bottom, to disable them. YEAH.

7) In 1966, Bobby did this rather energetic commercial for milk. Do you often enjoy a glass of milk?
I do.

8) When his show business career waned, he became a paramedic. Have you ever called 911?

Yep. I called for an ambulance to take Lauren to the hospital once when she had leg pain so bad she couldn't move. I'm not sure who called for me when I passed out at Walmart that time- was it Jeff? I called him first. Then there was my mom, when she had her stroke- I think she called 911 herself, after calling me first.

9) Random Question: Which book do you think you could learn more from --The Joy of Sex or The Joy of Cooking?
definitely The Joy of Cooking


National Anthem Protests

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

I don't have any issue with people protesting whatever they want wherever they want, as long as it is peaceful and doesn't interfere with anyone else's rights. Sit out the National Anthem if you like. Cancel your subscription to NFL Sunday Ticket if you like.

Kaepernick's critical mistake was using the National Anthem to protest police brutality against black people. The National Anthem doesn't represent the police or a particular race (or the President, as many think these days). It is a symbol of the United States, a country made up of people of all races and beliefs. The police brutality issue is now lost in the chatter about anti-Americanism, which is the only logical beef one can assume when people are protesting the National Anthem.

The National Anthem and the flag are symbols of something that ties us all together. We are all citizens of the US, and in the end, we have each others' backs. We argue and take sides on individual issues, each of us trying to make the country better in our own ways, but the family stays together.

Many in the media are quoting some tweet which said that assuming football players are protesting the National Anthem is like assuming Rosa Parks was protesting public transportation. That's a cute sound bite, but such faulty logic and could not be further from the truth. Rosa Parks is the quintessential example of meaningful protest. She didn't kneel for the National Anthem and then explain over and over and over again that she was protesting mistreatment of black people. She resisted segregation by refusing to give up her bus seat. Her message was quite clear.

Protest with a sign in front of a police station. Wear a Black Lives Matter arm band or a button or a hat. There are a thousand ways to protest anti-black police brutality that would actually draw attention to that issue, and not be misunderstood, or hijacked by other people to protest other things. Also, had he chosen another target for his protest, he never would have lost the support of so many people who actually agree that police violence against black Americans is a pressing issue.

If you protest the National Anthem and/or the flag, expect people to assume you are protesting against the United States. If you want to do it, I completely support your right to do it. I'll be turning off the game though.


Survey Two-Fer

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Sending prayers and good vibes to Mexico and Puerto Rico, who have suffered a lot with an earthquakes and hurricanes the past couple of weeks. Hopefully they will be on the road to renewal soon.

Sunday Stealing

1. Have you ever had chicken pox?
Yes, as a child.

2. Have you ever shopped in Home Depot?
all the time

3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?

4. Have you ever ridden in a limo?
a few times

5. Have you ever had a pet fish?

6. Have you ever lied about your age?
I don't think so.

7. Have you ever fired a gun?

8. Have you ever been ice skating?

9. Have you ever played golf?

10. Have you ever hidden on Halloween because you had no candy for trick or treaters?

11. Have you ever made a prank call?

12. Have you ever gotten a tattoo?

13. Have you ever had a massage?

14. Have you ever locked your keys in the car?

15. Have you ever ridden a horse?

16. Have you ever been to the circus?

17. Have you ever been to Europe?

18. Have you ever built a fire?

19. Have you ever been skydiving?
hell no

20. Have you ever bought something at a garage sale?

21. Have you ever walked in on someone having sex?

22. Have you ever faked an injury to get out of something?

23. Have you ever been to a nude beach?

24. Have you ever received a speeding ticket?

25. Have you ever run a marathon?
no. This reminds me of a joke we heard at a comedy club. The gal said she saw someone with one of those "13.1" half marathon stickers on their car. She said, "Yeah, I haven't run a marathon either, but you don't see me bragging about it." Ha!

Saturday 9: Da Doo Ron Ron (1977)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song begins by stating that he met her on a Monday and his heart stood still. How did your past week start? It may be a lot to expect you to report that you met someone who made your heart stand still, but did anything noteworthy occur? 
It started with submitting my timesheet, which had only a couple of hours on it for the first half of the month. That seemed to remind my boss that she wanted me to do a bunch of things, so I worked a lot this week. New and noteworthy- Jeff and I had a meeting with my pal Grant, to discuss hiring him as our financial advisor.

2) While making hit records, Shaun Cassidy also starred as Joe Hardy on the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries. The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books have been popular with generations of American kids. Were you a fan?
I was a fan of the show because of hunky Parker Stevenson! Also a huge fan of Nancy Drew books.

3) Shaun went to Beverly Hills High School. Over the decades, BHHS has had many good football teams. Do you remember what sports your school excelled at?
The Clear Creek High School Wildcats were notoriously terrible at football in our day, unfortunately. (Still, I was at all the games!) It was always a battle with Pearland High School not to be the bottom of the barrel back then. We had fabulous swimming and diving teams.

4) Shaun followed his older half-brother, David Cassidy, into TV/records/teen stardom. Do you have siblings? If yes, what career paths did they follow?
My half-brother, who I didn't get to know until after I was married, went to an engineering high school in Germany and works as some sort of technician in the high tech industry. I went to engineering school before I knew anything about his career path. Hmm!

5) His middle name is Paul, after his maternal grandfather. Tell us something about one of your grandparents. 
My middle name is my maternal grandmother's name. She is from Wisconsin and her family are mostly dairy farmers and nurses. She was a very huggy, loving grandma! Always smiling. When we visited them in College Station, she would take me "into town" (downtown Bryan back then) to do errands. We also frequently stopped in at the Catholic church, where my grandparents were very active parishioners, and where she would take care of various things during the week.

6) Shaun's mother, actress Shirley Jones, reports that he was more than 3 weeks late and born by Cesarean. Have you heard family legends about your arrival into the world?

My mom always talked about how I was born on a sunny Sunday morning and the church bells (in Heidelberg) were ringing. She felt like they were ringing to celebrate my birth.

7) "Da Doo Ron Ron" was originally recorded by The Crystals. Can you think of another song that has been a hit by more than one artist?
"Just Missed the Train" by Kelly Clarkson... and Danielle Brisebois. That I even know that is a testament to my undying love of pop music. Ha! Fantastic song.

8) In 1977, when this version of "Da Doo Ron Ron" was popular, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak incorporated Apple. Are you Mac or Android?

Um... Mac and Android are not counterparts. I am Mac/iPhone.

9) Random Question: You're exhausted. You collapse into bed and are about to drift into slumber when you hear the drip-drip-drip of the bathroom faucet. Would you kick off the covers and go turn it off? Or would you stay in bed, letting it drip until morning?
OMG. Turn it off. How lazy and wasteful are you?! LOL


Family Search Indexing

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Well, I'm doing Family Search Indexing again! (You can do it in your free time, too! familysearch.org) To me, it's very gratifying getting printed records into digital, searchable format, so people can research their ancestry. It's also interesting to have your eyes on these sometimes very old documents. 

One person types in the information on the copied image of a document. Another person reviews it to confirm the data entry. Eventually a particular set of data is complete and becomes available for searches. My current project is immigration records from the 1800s-1975. In the past, I've entered censuses, marriage records, death records... all kinds of things!

This particular genealogy site is run by the Mormon Church (Kimberly is a member and got me started), and is completely free to use. Go find your relatives there! It is super fun. I've downloaded census records and such for my great grandparents and other family members. There are documents from all over the world.

Saturday 9: Don't Talk to Strangers (1982)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) When did you recently have a conversation with a complete stranger? What did you two discuss?
The sweet onions at the grocery store this week were ENORMOUS. A gal walked up and I said, "What are they feeding these things?!" She laughed. I bagged one and weighed it. A smidge over TWO POUNDS. One onion, y'all. We talked about the size of them and how one might use such a freakishly big onion. While she bagged her own world record onion, I spotted a whole BAG of normal sized sweet onions for about 30 cents more than the one I had. We decided the smaller ones would be much more practical. We put our onions back and got the bags.

2) In the video for this song, a woman is having a "hot" conversation on a corded, rotary dial phone in her bedroom. Do you have a landline? If so, do you have an extension in your bedroom? 
We do not have a landline. When we did, we had an extension in the bedroom.

3) This week's artist, Rick Springfield, says he wrote this song when he was worried that his girlfriend (now his wife) would cheat on him when he was touring. Would you describe yourself as suspicious or trusting?
Completely trusting, until it bites me in the derriere. Then, not so much.

4) He became a daytime heartthrob as Dr. Noah Drake on General Hospital. Do you think it would be cool to have a really attractive doctor? Or would it make you uncomfortable?
I do have a really attractive doctor. It doesn't make me uncomfortable at all.

5) He's discussed how sad he was when, as a boy, he had to leave his dog Elvis behind when the family left Australia. While you were growing up, did your family often move? 
We moved when I was 3 (to Pasadena), 5 (to Kansas City), 7 (to Deer Park), 8 (to Houston) and 12 (to League City). It was a lot, I think. Not as much as some.

6) In 1982, when this song was popular, Italy won the World Cup. Do you ever watch soccer?
Sometimes.  When American football is phased out for head injuries, I think we'll all be watching more soccer.

7) "Smiley," the first emoticon, was introduced in 1982. Do you use emoticons in your communication? Or do you avoid them?
I use them as clarification or emphasis of emotion, neither to excess, nor as a sole form of communication.

8) The Vietnam Memorial was dedicated in Washington, DC, in 1982. Do you know any veterans of that conflict? If so, tell us about him or her.
My uncle Brian was in the army during the Vietnam War, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't serving there.

9) Random Question: Your friends are throwing a birthday "roast" in your honor. Which one quality of yours are you sure will be singled out for laughs?
My planning and organization obsession. I've heard stories for years about my "scripted" wedding day, where I gave everyone in the wedding party a personalized note describing where to be at various times, and details of any tasks for which they'd volunteered. The stories are always followed by how smoothly the day went though!


One Day More- Les Harveyables

Friday, September 15, 2017

At some point, you have to take a break from the clean up... and sing. This is awesome.


Bubble Gum Fun and a Music Survey

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Our cats are perplexed by my bubble gum. When the bubble emerges, all wide eyes are on it. If I pop it, WOW. If I just put it back in my mouth... MIND BLOWING. Quite entertaining for all of us.

Sunday Stealing: Music, Music, Music

1: A song you like with a color in the title "Black Roses Red' Alana Grace

2: A song you like with a number in the title "Dance Ten, Looks Three" from A Chorus Line

3: A song that reminds you of summertime "I Want Candy" Bow Wow Wow

4: A song that needs to be played LOUD  "Cruise" Florida Georgia Line

5: A song that makes you want to dance "Kissing Strangers" DNCE

6: A song to drive to "Life is a Highway" Rascal Flatts

7: A song about drugs or alcohol "White Rabbit" Collide

8: A song that makes you happy "Kiss Me" Sixpence None the Richer

9: A song that makes you sad "Rain" Patty Griffin

10: A song that you never get tired of "Belief" Gavin DeGraw

11: A song from your preteen years "Bad Girls" Donna Summer

12: One of your favorite 80’s songs "The Reflex" Duran Duran

13: One of your favorite classical songs “Galop Infernal” Offenbach

14: A song that you would sing a duet with someone on karaoke "Just a Fool" Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton

15: A song from the year that you were born "Happy Together" The Turtles

16: A song that makes you think about life "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" Green Day

17: A song that you think everybody should listen to "What About Us" P!nk

18: A song by a band you wish were still together "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" The Police

19: A song by an artist no longer living "Let's Go Crazy" Prince

20: A song that breaks your heart "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables

21: A song by an artist with a voice that you love "Sober" Kelly Clarkson


Monday Monday

Monday, September 11, 2017

Today I discovered that I will return to the grocery store from my car at the far end of the parking lot, and then stand in line at Customer Service behind four people, for $7 in coupons I forgot to use. (I probably would have done it for $3.) Thanks, HEB!

Survey- First word that comes to mind:

A Africa
B  best
C cinco
D dear
E effort
F frank
G gall
H happy
I isthmus
J jacket
K kiss
L love
M money
N nest
O open
P pickle
Q quest
R riddle
S silly
T tennis
U umbrella
V vest
W waterproof
X xray
Y yellow
Z zinc
Anti antiquated
Bi bicycle
Con conversation
Di diatribe
Euth euthanasia
For forethought
Gui Guido
Homo homogenized
Ill illness
Ja jamboree
Kil killer
Lu LuAnn
Min minestrone
Ne Ne-Yo
Or Oregon
Psy psychology
Qu queso
Re relocate
Sim sims
Tele telekinesis
Ur ureter
Va vasovagal
Wo woman
Xe xenophobia
Ye yee-haw
Ze zest


Throwback Saturday

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Phoning it in today with amusing quotes from my old LiveJournal. I was reading through some entries from 2004 yesterday. Lauren was in fourth grade. The JC Chasez solo tour was going on. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King was the big movie at the time and we were all lamenting the end of the trilogy. I did a major redecorating of Lauren's room with an LOTR theme (it turned out so cool!).

Here we go!

I'm thinking that when I was in school, History would have held my interest more if Antonio Banderas had just sung it to me.  In tight pants and an open shirt.

In other news, the DD has presented her book report on the J.R.R. Tolkien biography. It's a good thing we cleared up the fact that he did NOT grow up in Alabama. I can see how the Birmingham thing threw her off.

Never wear a red shirt to Target. Just sayin'.

Just spent ten minutes looking for a doll shoe. It's for one from DD's collection of display-only porcelain dolls. I noticed the shoe was missing when I was moving them around, as I like to do every so often. 
Ten. Minutes. 
The doll? Cinderella. She doesn't HAVE the other shoe.

NC-17 Gilligan's Island fanfic?? *winces*

Yes she is!
I just got an email from someone named Willie Johnson. He asks, "Can you send me some pics of Justin Timberlake?" He signs with a link of some sort. 
While I'm making nasty comments about this weird email, DH says, "You didn't click on the link did you?" 
Duh, no. 
He says, "The guy has two penis names. Don't click on the link."

My next tweet [from this site, which (still) predicts your next tweet from your previous ones...] might be...
"Yes! Witty AND insightful."
"What do you wanna do? Ahh! I can teach American sex slang."
"And... it's roly-poly season!"
"I'm not playing. Your ass is a technical background."
"George Clooney hasn't tweeted anything. We are both on a frozen custard sort of vacation."
"Piven does rock! Squeee!"
"Looking for a B&J's? I've heard that about you."


Back to School Survey

Thursday, September 7, 2017

There are a lot of social issues I'd love to speak on here in my own little forum, but since it appears as of late that I disagree with pretty much everyone on every side, I'll just keep my thoughts to myself.


I think the only thing we all have in common these days is that we're exceedingly unhappy about the state of things. At least that's a start to changing them!

HEB is a hero of Hurricane Harvey. They kept their stores open in the area if at all possible, reconfigured their entire supply chain to handle varying needs across the state, provide food and water, money, and continue to collect donations at the checkout stands- and probably a whole lot of other things I haven't mentioned as well. Bravo!

Sunday Stealing: Back to School

1. What kind of school did you attend (Big? Small? Public? Private? Specialty? One-room schoolhouse?)
I went to a large, public high school. My graduating class had 600+ students (we started with 680 my freshman year). I thought I knew every one of them at least by name or face, but Facebook has proven me wrong.

2. What did you wear to school (uniform? dress code? Whatever you wanted?)
We had a dress code, but we could wear whatever we wanted within those guidelines. The year after we graduated, they started allowing shorts! It was the 80's, so I usually wore pants with nice tops, or dresses, but some days I wore jeans and concert or school t-shirts. Here is a sample of what teenage girls looked like when I was in high school (not my photo):

3. How did you get to school?
I rode the bus, except for days here and there when I drove my mom to work, took her car for the day and picked her up after work.

4. Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
My faves were:
Mrs. Lofland, my Biology teacher. She was a brilliant, beautiful Southern lady, a wonderful resource for anything from science questions to relationship advice. I was her student aide my senior year.
Mrs. Jameson, my Journalism teacher. She's still there, running the newspaper! She is a funny, caring, generous teacher who managed a large group of us with just the right amount of freedom and constraint.
Mrs. Garner, my sophomore English teacher. Oh man, she was hilarious. Her reactions to our class's cut ups and shenanigans was the BEST. So many of my inside jokes with Kimberly are from that class and continue today.
Ms. Lee, my Physics teacher. She was the JETS and NHS sponsor, and spent a lot of time helping me decide what type of engineering I should go into.

5. What was your favorite subject? Why?
Biology, particularly zoology. I've always been interested in how the body works. It's amazing.

6. What was your least favorite subject? Why?

History and Geography. I just didn't see the value of studying it in any sort of detail, much less over and over again. Today, I appreciate it much more and have a curiosity about how things evolved from their origins to be as they are today.

7. Did you belong to any clubs?
I was Vice President of the Latin Club. I was on the newspaper staff as a sports reporter and then as advertising manager. I was in Best of Sophomore Sweethearts (BOSS), which was a spirit group who sat together and did stuff in the stands at football games and pep rallies. I was in Junior Engineering Technical Society. Seniors Only Club- I can't even remember what the heck that was, but it says so in my yearbook, so it must be true. Jr. Advisory Council- I'll have to check with Kimberly on that one, too.

8. Were you a picky reader?
I guess so. I read a lot, but I didn't just read any old thing.

9. What did you do in your free time?
Hung out with friends at the beach, downtown Houston, Baybrook Mall, each others' houses, at the movies, concerts, etc.

10. Did you get good grades?

11. Did you like/participate in sports?
Love watching sports. I didn't play sports in high school. I mostly went to football games, but went to swimming, basketball, volleyball and other games as well.

12. Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in high school?
Two- John (a junior) my sophomore year and Evans (a junior) my senior year

13. When did you get your driver’s license?
the day I turned 16 of course!

14. What kind of kid were you? (Popular? Class clown? Shy? A nerd? Teacher’s pet?)
Nerd-ish, but not part of the nerd crowd per se. Nerd-adjacent.

15. Who were your heroes?
Ronald Reagan, Prince, Peter Jennings

16. Were you ever bullied?

17. Did you learn how to touch type?
Yes! Kimberly and I took a night class.

18. Who was your best friend? (Are you still friends today?)
Cathy and Kimberly. We're still friends!

19. What is one thing you regret about high school?
I do regret not appreciating history. Also, there was this supposed limit on AP classes, which I observed, but others (KathyL coughcough) did not, which kept me from being Valedictorian (there were 6 tied) or Salutatorian (2 tied). They weren't supposed to count the extra grade points from AP classes over the limit, but they did for the rankings. I would take more AP classes to get my darn ranking.

20. What were you most proud about?

Being in the senior musical. SO fun! Everyone loved the show.


Harvey n' Stuff

Friday, August 25, 2017

Seeing the Hurricane Harvey coverage and friends' social media posts from the area gives me a stomach ache. It's been forever since I've been in a hurricane, but still it comes right back. Stay safe, coastal friends! And I see alligators are showing up in people's garages now. Creepy!

The news says if you see an alligator in your yard or garage, just stay away from it. I thought I would pass that along for everyone.... in case you didn't know.

A couple of years ago, we were planning a river vacation to Wimberley and during my extended research into accommodations, the town flooded. For the past couple of months, we've been talking about renting a house in Corpus or Galveston in September. Now it's hurricaning there. Gah.

I'm watching a rerun of The Chew with Scarlett Johanssen. I've watched this show for years and so rarely do you see a celebrity guest really cook. They're usually dressed to the nines and very carefully slicing one vegetable while they promote their movie/show/tour. ScarJo is really into the cooking. She is asking all sorts of questions, while she chops and stirs the pan on the stovetop. And she's dressed up, too.

She's also hilarious. "Do Italians leave the shrimp heads on just for the gross factor?" she just asked Batali. Ahaha.

Jeff and I went to Foreigner/Cheap Trick last weekend with his work buddies and their peeps. It was the first time I've sat on the HEB Lawn at the Austin 360 Amphitheater and I have to say, while it's a different vibe than being up close in the front sections I've always sat in, it's super casual and fun. Bring a blanket and/or those beach chairs with the tiny legs (no regular chairs are allowed). Most people took their shoes off and were dancing or lying on their blankets looking at the stars. Superfun!

Saturday 9: I Wish It Would Rain (1968)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song focuses on rain. Ombrophobia -- the fear of rain -- is fairly common in children. How do you feel about rainy days? 

I love a rainy day, unless it's been raining for days on end.

2) Lead singer David Ruffin always wore corrective lenses. Are you wearing glasses or contact lenses as you answer these questions?

3) Those thick-rimmed glasses were David's trademark. When he custom-ordered a luxury car, he had the image of those glasses painted on the door. Tell us something that makes your vehicle distinctive.
Nothing at all. My A&M Former Students and Apple stickers are sitting on my desk, waiting to be applied to the rear window.

4) David also had a penchant for mink. Rumor has it that he wore a mink-lined hat and even had that car upholstered in mink. If you could really splurge on anything right now, what would it be? Car? Travel? Clothes? Jewelry? (NO responsible answers allowed.)

5) He sings that he badly wants to go outside. What are your plans for today? Will you be outdoors very much? 
I went to the grocery store to get some non-perishables this morning. It is very windy, pre-storm. I'm working a few hours today. I won't be outdoors much.

6) The Temptations originally called themselves The Elgins because in 1960, Elgin watches were the high-end timepiece of choice. Today, in the age of cellphones and FitBits, wristwatches aren't that popular anymore. Do you often wear a watch?
Never. I haven't worn a watch for years.

7) This sad song was inspired by a real-life event. Motown songwriter Rodger Penzabene discovered his wife was cheating on him. Much to his own surprise, he didn't want to divorce or even separate from her; he just wanted her to love him and only him again. Tell us about a time when you didn't react as you thought you would. (Your story doesn't have to be as dramatic as Rodger's.)
When the irrigation guy for our front yard project said he hadn't planned to do something we'd asked him to do, and started arguing with me about it, I stood my ground. I would normally have been exceedingly polite during this type of disagreement, but the issue was so ridiculous and we were already paying a lot and he was actually getting irritated with me, so I was adamant that he carry out what I felt was clearly the only correct plan.

8) In 1968, when this song was popular, a Pittsburgh McDonald's sold the first Big Mac (two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickle and onion on a sesame seed bun). Describe your perfect hamburger.
Tookie's Squealer patty, Whataburger bun, caramelized onions, sautéed mushrooms, blue cheese

9) Random question: When you catch a cold, do you soldier through it? Or are you a big baby?
Soldier through, unless I have the luxury of being able to just stay in bed. Even when I stay in bed, I'm not a big baby about it.


Despacito Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da Despacito

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

So smileys in work emails make you look incompetent and female? What?! I only use smileys in work emails with my true work friends, with whom I socialize, not for most people. I do tend to use a lot of exclamation points and very positive language to make sure people know I'm using a pleasant tone in work emails. Sometimes, I go through and remove some of the exclamation points, because it reads like I'm hopped up on caffeine.

Luis Fonsi was on GMA this morning performing "Despacito." LOVE that song. It's the song of the summer. During the interview afterwards, he said that writing it just came to him like, "Des-pa-cito, da-da-da-da-da-da, despacito, da-da-da-da-da-da-da, Puerto Rico..."

...which is the way most Americans sing it! Ahahaa. Right?!

The Grown Up Survey

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Cable/satellite TV. It's too expensive for what it is.

2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?
Trulucks. We had swordfish, which was pretty good. Still no match for the old City Grill on 4th St. :(

3. What do you really want to be?
A songwriter.

4. How many colleges did you attend?

Two- Texas A&M College Station (undergrad and graduate school) and San Jacinto College (summer classes) in Houston.

5. Why did you choose the shirt you have on?
It's pretty and comfortable and it goes with the capris I'm wearing.

6. Thoughts on gas prices?
They are what they are. I rarely know how much gas currently costs. I have to buy it when I need it, so it doesn't really matter.

7. First thought when the alarm goes off in the morning?
I don't use an alarm. My first thought when I wake up is, Has the sun risen yet? If yes, YAY! If no, I have to try and go back to sleep, which I usually can't.

8. Last thought you have before you go to bed?
I'm usually incredibly tired at bedtime, so I'm just thankful it's time to sleep!

9. Do you miss being a kid?
Not really. I would love to have limited responsibilities, but being an adult gives you the freedom to decide what you want to do.

10. What errand/chore do you despise the most?

11. Up early or sleep in?
Up early.

12. Found love?

Yes. I've been married 27 years to my college sweetheart.

13. Favorite lunch meat?
Smoked ham.

14. What do you get at Walmart every time?
Bandaids. They have great prices on them.

15. Beach or lake?
Definitely beach.

16. Is marriage outdated? 
No. It's great to have a life partner!

17. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?

Alton Brown. He could give me cooking tips!

18. Ever crashed your vehicle?

No. A deer crashed into me when I was in college, but that's it.

20. Strangest place you’ve brushed your teeth?

Hmm. I don't think I've brushed my teeth anywhere but a bathroom.

21. Somewhere you’ve never been but want to go?

22. At this point in your life would you want to start a new career or relationship?
I might be convinced to start a new career at some point, but no thanks to the new relationship.

23. How old are you?

24. Do you have a go to person?
Other than Jeff, it depends on the situation. I am lucky to have a few.

25. Are you where you want to be in life?

Thankfully, I love my work situation, and that I am able to be at home, and that we have the means to do most of the things we want to do.

26. Growing up what were your favorite cartoons?

Bugs Bunny and Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner

27. What about you do you think has changed since you were a young kid? 
Not a lot!
28. Looking back at high school were they the best years of your life?
They were not "the" best, but definitely some of the best!

29. Are there times you still feel like a kid?

When I am with my childhood friends, and we're laughing together.

30. Did you have a pager?

31. Was there a hangout spot when you were a teenager?

Baybrook Mall in Houston, particularly the record store or the food court. Fast Times teen dance club in Pasadena.

32. Were you the type of kid you’d want your children to hang out with?
Yep. I was a good kid, a rules follower. I got into a little trouble here and there, but nothing life-altering.

33. Was there a teacher or authority figure that stood out to you?

Mrs. Lofland, my high school Biology teacher. I was one of her aides my senior year. She was awesome!

34. Do you tell stories that start with when I was your age?

Not often. You're welcome, Lauren.

35. Are you religious?
I'm a Christian, but not church-going or heavily into practicing religion. I was raised Catholic and confirmed in the Church. We went to church every Sunday while I was growing up, but we stopped going when we moved when I was in 8th grade. I went to a protestant church in college for a hot minute, but haven't ever been regularly as an adult. I find most churches to be laden with politics and drama and a few too many bad examples of supposedly "religious" folks. 


Rhinestone Bullfrog?

Friday, August 11, 2017

RIP Glen Campbell. One of my memories of him is Lori and I always singing "Like a rhinestone bullfrog..." WTF, right? I cannot find any reference to that online- oh, other than my own blog post 2012 Grammys - so I have no idea where it came from. I still need to ask her. I'm betting she doesn't know either.

Okay. Just posted on her FB. We'll see what she says!

Probably something like, "Step away from the tequila."

I have the BEST gift idea for you all. Get a pen. Or for the technically inclined, your favorite list app. I'll wait...

If you or a friend do not own a windshield shade specifically made for your car make, model and year, you need one. I would never have thought I would say that, but every time I put mine up in the window, I marvel at the ease with which it installs. No falling down rolled up thing slipping around under your visors. Every corner covered perfectly.

I got mine for $60 at my car dealership. It's accordion style hard cardboard covered in reflective material. Very well made. I can't speak for any other brands, but I'd start at the car dealer for your model. There are other custom shades available online of course.

Sunday Stealing

Do You Have Freckles? Lots

Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?

Can You Whistle? Only inhaling. Not exhaling. Weird, I know.

Did You Wake Up Cranky today? Nah.

Zodiac Sign. Aries

What Is Your Eye Color? Green

Take A Vitamin Daily? No

Do You Sing In The Shower? No, but I sing everywhere else.

What Did You Have For Lunch?
Bagel with lox.

Do You Watch The Olympics? I watch a lot of the winter Olympics and some of the summer Olympics.

Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? Pool

Bottled Water Or Tap Water? tap

Do You work Better With Or Without Music?
Without. :(

Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yes

Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? Scissors handle.

Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? No. I'd be afraid I would squish it.

Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Ummm... If I trust a particular person's judgement and we are pretty similar people, I can be easily influenced because historically I have agreed with that person on most things. Otherwise, not really. 

Do You Have Strange Dreams? Yes.

Do You Like Going On Airplanes? I don't mind them, but it's not an enjoyable activity to me. Too big a pain in the butt.

Name One Movie That Made You Cry. I cry in most movies at some point. Ha! Most recently War for the Planet of the Apes.

Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Peanuts are easier and not spitty when you get rid of the shell.

If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Maroon 5

Are You A Picky Eater? No

Are You A Heavy Sleeper? I'm not a light or heavy sleeper. Pretty average.

Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Only when it's REALLY close.

Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yes

Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Wrap presents!

What’s The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Girls Trip

Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Oh yeah.

Do You Like Meeting New People? In small doses, definitely! I don't like to do the small talk thing with a bunch of people I'm meeting for the first time.

What Are Three Things You Did Today? went to the grocery store, made arrangements to go into the office next week for a project, washed dishes

What Do You Wear To Bed? a short nightgown

Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? Jeans. I don't own any sweats.

Name Something That Relaxes You. a hot shower


Slow Motion Fall Into the Bushes

Thursday, August 3, 2017

On E! right now, they're talking about Luann's drunken fall into a bush last week on RHONY. It reminded me of the time KathyL and I were moving a heavy-ish piece of furniture down her front porch stairs and the thing went all wobbly and I toppled into her bushes in very... slow... motion. It was freakin' HILARIOUS! I was all scratched up, but I was laughing so hard that I just stayed there on the ground, just like Luann. So funny!

Saturday 9: Wouldn't It Be Nice? (1966)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In the video for this song, the Beach Boys dive into the pool with all their clothes on. Have you ever ended up in the water while fully clothed? If yes, were you pushed?
I've never been in a pool fully clothed. In the Houston flood when I was growing up, I had to go through flood water in my clothes when we were boated out of the neighborhood to go to the Red Cross shelter.

2) In this song, Mike Love sings he wishes "every kiss could be never ending." Where did you receive your first kiss? Was it wonderful, or awkward?

My first "real" kiss was on my front porch the summer after my freshman year of high school, after a date. It was great! No awkwardness.

3) Brian Wilson was the creative force behind the Beach Boys. It's possible that the group's legendary and unique sound came from a incident of bad parenting. Brian's father hit him so hard with a wooden plank that he is deaf in his right ear. Which of your senses is sharpest -- sight, hearing, smell or taste?
Hmm. Sight.

4) Brian's brother Dennis was the cutest member of the group, and also the only one who could surf. Have you been to the beach yet this summer?
Nope. :(

5) Dennis was also the Beach Boys' most colorful member. In 1968, he struck up an unfortunate and dangerous friendship with Charles Manson. Is there anyone in your life that you worry has bad taste in friends/lovers?
Not really.

6) Lead singer Mike Love is the grumpiest Beach Boy. He refuses to perform if the concert promotional materials refer to the group or their songs as "oldies." Does it bother you to hear the songs, TV shows and movies of your youth described as "classics" or "oldies?"
Things like that don't bother me, because it's eventually going to happen to everyone! Just a part of life. It's something to bond with your same-age friends over.

7) This song has appeared on soundtracks for movies as diverse as Shampoo (1975), The Big Chill (1983), 50 First Dates (2004) and It's Complicated (2009). Do you own any movie soundtracks?
Movies for which I own the complete soundtrack album: 
Across the Universe
City of Angels
Grease 2
Lilo and Stitch
The Little Mermaid
Little Shop of Horrors
Mamma Mia!
Moulin Rouge
The Pirate Movie
Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect 2
Purple Rain
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Sweeney Todd

8) In 1966, the year this song was popular, the Miranda Warning became law. Without looking it up, can you recite any of the Miranda Warning?
You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you... something something...

Actual warning: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?


9) Random question: The local college is pleading for models of all ages and sizes to pose for the life drawing class. Would you help the kids by volunteering to pose in the nude?


It's Pretzels.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Progressive Guy: I can't decide if this place is 'swag' or 'bling.'

Mall Pretzel Dude: It's 'pretzels.'

Bwahaha! That Progressive commercial cracks me up.

The Mooch is out ALREADY? I only got one chance to rant about him. Bummer! Wonder who's next!

My owl decoys for scaring off the overabundance of squirrels digging up our mulch and drip irrigation hoses...

Not. Working.

Well they sort of work, just not perfectly. There are definitely far fewer yard rats than there were. 

Squirrels been splayed out flat on their tummies everywhere in the 'hood lately, since it's been running about 105-ish degrees. Google "squirrels lying flat" and check out the images. It's hilarious. Some neighbors are leaving ice out in the mulch for them to lie on, but since I'm mad at them right now, I'm saying no. They still lie in our mulch on their bellies in the shade. I refuse to think it's cute.

We're going to replace our mulch with rocks. Yep! *shakes fist at yard rats* Talked to the stone guys this weekend. It will be dirt, then the drip irrigation hoses, topped with landscape fabric to keep the stones from sinking into the dirt, then stone. Ta da! DONE. No more squirrels digging up everything every day.

Then I'll post our before and after yard photos. Whee!


The Mooch

Saturday, July 29, 2017



...See if I can c***-block these people the way I c***-blocked Scaramucci for six months. 

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

...I'm not trying to suck my own c***?


I want to... kill all the leakers. 

Dude. Take a pill.

The White House is Crazytown. Too bad SNL is on hiatus! Mario Cantone did a great job on The President Show as Scaramucci on Comedy Central.

Saturday 9: Angel (1998)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Sarah McLachlan wrote this song about someone she barely knew. She read the obit of Jonathan Melvoin, keyboard player for the Smashing Pumpkins, who died of a heroin overdose. What's the most recent news story that touched you deeply?
The stepmom bride and her vows to her little stepson. So sweet.

2) Ms. McLachlan performed this in tribute to Linda McCartney at the 1999 Concert for Linda. She was expressing her hope that, in death, Linda found relief and peace after a long and painful battle with cancer. What do you think happens to us when we die?
Wow. Hello Saturday morning! I think our souls go to Heaven/Hell or whatever your personal version of the afterlife is called. I don't believe in reincarnation or the complete disappearance of the soul/spiritual energy/whatever you want to call it. Reincarnation- the math just doesn't ever work out with things dying vs. things being born. Nothingness would mean that the body's spiritual energy/consciousness disappears, which doesn't jibe with physics. I'm hoping the afterlife allows us to literally gather with people we've lost, but if not, that the soul is at peace.

3) Daytime dramas General Hospital and As the World Turns used this song on-air after a major character died. Do you follow any "soap operas?"

I watched All My Children and General Hospital. I started watching All My Children in the 80's during the Greg/Jenny/Liza/Jesse/Angie/Tad period. Watched through the Tad-n-Dixie era and Kendall Hart (SMG), Leo/Greenlee, Hayley/Mateo stories. Stopped watching on any sort of regular basis in the early 2000's. Started watching GH during the Robert/Holly, Duke/Anna, Frisco/Felicia period in the mid 80's. Stopped after the Sonny/Brenda phase in the 1990's.

4) In 2007, Sarah donated her recording of this song to the ASPCA. Do you have a pet? If yes, how did you get it (shelter, pet store, etc.)?
We got our two kitties from a friend of Lauren's, whose cat had kittens.

5) She admits she can't watch those ASPCA commercials, where her recording of "Angel" plays over sad photos of animals. Is there a TV commercial that really gets to you (in either a good or a bad way)?

6) In 1994, Sarah was stalked by an obsessed fan. Tell us about a time you were really frightened. In retrospect, was your fear commensurate with the threat?
I developed a sudden fear of flying after my cancer diagnosis in college. I cried the entire flight to Cancun on our honeymoon. (Sorry, cabinmates!) Definitely not commensurate with the threat. :)

7) Sarah was adopted by Jack and Dorice McLachlan. Though she has a friendly relationship with her birth mother, she always considered Dorice her mother and sees herself behaving with her son the way Dorice did with her. Is there anyone in your family that you feel you resemble, either physically or by behavior?
I physically resemble my dad. So does my half-brother. Strong genes! My personality is a pretty even mix of Mom's and Dad's.

8) McLachlan is one of the founders of Lilith Fair, a summer concert series designed to showcase talented female performers. Do/did your summer plans include an outdoor concert?
Nope. Sad day!!

9) Random question: Which of these men would you most like to be seated with at dinner -- Clint Eastwood, Prince William or Jimmy Fallon?
Jimmy Fallon


Damn Squirrels ('n Stuff)

Monday, July 24, 2017

Scaramucci said in his introductory press conference last week that Trump is a "very effective communicator" on Twitter. Good God, surely he was kidding. I mean, seriously. And Trump is "really well loved?" It's like the President's staffers live on another planet... in another galaxy... Maybe in that job, you have to keep telling yourself those things until you believe them, so you don't come across as insincere.

And if they're getting rid of people, why can't they dump the complete disaster that is Kellyanne Conway?

Gah. Sorry. Ranting.

Citibank has that great commercial on now with the new neighbor, where the lady welcomes her with a pie. "Wow, that smells intrusive." Bwahaha!

What's new around here... Ah- DAMN SQUIRRELS. I used to love all our little cutie grey squirrels. Then we switched to drip irrigation in the front beds. Those obnoxious varmints dig up the hoses, even ripping out the metal stakes holding them down.

We're trying out a couple of owl decoys and so far, I haven't seen one squirrel today! Yaaaay!! I hear we'll need to move the decoys every few days or the squirrels figure out that they're fake. I'm going to leave them where they are to see how long it takes them.

Saturday 9: Don't Stop (1977) 
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Since we're not supposed to stop thinking about tomorrow, let's talk about it: What are your plans for Sunday?
Yesterday we caught up on DVR shows and then went out shopping for owl decoys.

2) Fleetwood Mac was formed 50 years ago in London. Fifty years is considered a "golden anniversary." Do you wear more silver or gold?


3) This song is from Rumours, which has sold 40 million copies. Is it in your collection?

4) It was written by keyboardist and vocalist Christine McVie. She was born Christine Perfect, a name that earned her a fair share of teasing when she was a school girl. Do you recall being teased in school? What about?
When I was in elementary school, I was teased about being tall, which is hilarious today.

5) Before Fleetwood Mac, she was in a band called Chicken Shack. If you were to order out for a chicken dinner, which restaurant would you turn to?
Fried chicken- definitely Popeye's. Yummo.

6) Before she could pay all her bills with her music, she supported herself as a window dresser for a London department store. Do you enjoy walking along, just window shopping? Or do you consider "looking with no intention to buy" a waste of time?
LOVE window shopping.

7) When she found herself making big money, one of the first things Christine bought was a pair of matching Mercedes for herself and then-husband, John McVie. If you were handed a check for $1 million, what's the first thing you would do with the money?
Go on a long Mediterranean cruise in an expensive suite. Save the rest.

8) The other girl in Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, founded the Soldier's Angel Foundation. She believes in the healing power of music, and so she's proud to provide wounded soldiers with iPods already loaded with music. When you listen to music from your phone, MP3 player or iPod, do you use ear buds or headphones?
Ear buds, but I would love some headphones.

9) Random question: Let's pretend your high school reunion is coming up. Which classmate are you more curious about: the one who was your first date, or the one who was too cool to give you the time of day?
The one who was my first date. Who cares about someone who didn't give you the time of day?


On the BED??!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Laughing at the IKEA commercial where the mom is commenting as the daughter is in her dorm room and a boy shows up. They proceed to sit on her bed to study and mom says, "Oh, on the BED?! Absolutely NOT..."

My mom said that all the time! LOL. I thought it was her generation, but here's a current mother of a college student saying it on TV.

One time I asked Mom, "So, it's okay if I sit with a guy on a couch, but not a bed?"


"So... Anywhere on earth but a bed."

"Yes! There's something about being with a boy on a bed that is sort of an 'invitation'."

Ahaha. It is?????! I dunno. I just never got it. If a boy was in my bedroom, there weren't many places for us to sit together to look at something or chat or whatever. I mean, we had the door open and parents were home. (That was a rule I understood and abided by to the letter- no boys in the house when parents weren't home.) I really tried to do the 'no boys on the bed' thing, but I never noticed we were on a bed together until Mom showed up and gave me the evil eye.

Plus, if we wanted to engage in activities we weren't supposed to be doing in mom and dad's house, couldn't we do those things on a couch? On a floor? In a chair? Still shaking my head on this issue.

For the record, I didn't care a bit if Lauren was sitting on a bed with a boy. With her, I constantly had to clarify that the door had to be completely open with a boy in the bedroom- not just a few inches. Ha!!

Saturday 9: I Will Never Let You Down (2017)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Fastball is a trio from Austin, Texas. Austin is the capital of Texas. When you were in school, did you have to memorize the state capitals?

I did! Good times. Can't remember all of them anymore.

2) Have you ever visited your state's capital?
I live here.

3) Fastball played dates throughout Canada this past spring. When did you last leave the US of A?

March 2015 when I went to Berlin to make a presentation at an investigators' meeting for work. SO very interesting. I want to go back and spend more time as a tourist.

4) Tony Scalzo is a founding member of Fastball. He's the singer in the video for this song, and that's his wife, Jennifer, playing the organizer of the speed-dating event. Have you ever gotten a job because you knew somebody?
Gallagher's- Kimberly was a hostess there
my current job- MelissaN suggested me when she couldn't take the job they'd offered to her

5) In this pitch to a perspective lover, he admits he doesn't have much money. Last time you went to the ATM, how much did you withdraw?
I can't even remember the last time I went to an ATM. Probably $20. I don't use cash in general.

6) He sings that at times, his mind is hazy. Do you have a good memory for names?
Noooo. I'm especially bad if I think we're just meeting this once and will never see each other again. Inevitably, we do, and you remember my name. Gah. I do wish I were better with names.

7) Fastball guitarist Miles Zuniga admits that he once had a crush on Carrie Fisher (aka Princess Leia). Tell us about one of your one-sided love affairs, either with a celebrity or someone you knew in real life.
My longest-running celeb crush is George Clooney. I liked him in E/R, Facts of Life and Roseanne, but really became enamored with him during the ER days. He's still hot today!

8) Fastball's drummer Joey Shuffield is partial to drums from Pork Pie Percussion. This company was started by Bill Detamore, who began making drums as a hobby. Do you have any hobbies that, under the right circumstances, could make you money?
Not right now, but I turned website design into a part time business from 2000-2017. It's going to be over August 2. Woohoo! On to something new.

9) The fast ball is the most common pitch in major league baseball. Now that the MLB season is past the halfway mark, how is your baseball team doing?
I don't watch MLB at all. I guess I would have to be an Astros gal, if pressed to support a team. Google tells me:
Houston Astros 60-29, 1st in American League West


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