Saturday 9... and The Last Five Years Again

Saturday, December 16, 2017

One of the lyrics in "Climbing Uphill" (from The Last Five Years, yes I'm obsessed this week...) is Cathy during a theater audition:

...Why am I working so hard?
These are the people who cast Russell Crowe in a musical...

First of all - LOL. Right.

But also, the Les Mis film (which oddly, I also referenced in yesterday's post) was released 2012, while The Last Five Years opened in 2001. Did someone cast Russell Crowe in a musical before that??? So I looked, and he actually started his career in musical theater in New Zealand in the 80's. Wow! He got hired out of theater into the film industry in 1990. 

Saturday 9: Silent Night (1957)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) How well do you know "Silent Night?" Without looking up the lyrics, could you sing along with Elvis?
I can sing the first two verses without looking. Are there more than two? I don't know without checking. Ha!

2) The Christmas with Elvis album hit the stores in October 1957. Were you already preparing for Christmas back in October?
Nope. I used to, but I haven't planned so far ahead for a while.

3) Clearly Elvis liked a flocked white Christmas tree. Is your tree flocked, aluminum or pine green? Real or artificial? Or do you skip the whole tree thing altogether? 
Fake, pine green. Gotta have a tree!

4) Back in the late 1950s, Elvis left his hair its natural brown color. In the 1960s he began having it dyed black. Do you have a salon appointment scheduled between now and year end?

No, but I should. My hair is long, yo.

5) Have you ever peeked, looking for a Christmas gift you know is hidden for you somewhere in the house?

Nah. I want to be surprised.

6) Which do you prefer, candy canes or gingerbread? 

7) Is anyone receiving a home made or do-it-yourself gift from you this year?

8) Do you wrap holiday gifts in paper, or do you take the gift bag route?
I wrap in paper if at all possible. Gift bags aren't as fun to open.

9) This time of year is big for charitable fundraising. Here's your chance to plug a cause or organization that's near and dear to you.
MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston- Donate money, give blood, or buy cards designed by children who are patients there though the Children's Art Project.


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