Sexual Misconduct
Friday, December 1, 2017
Well, I'm glad I didn't speak too soon. I was going to blog earlier this week about the odd defense of only certain men involved in sexual misconduct of late, but people have come around to holding them accountable, I think.
There was a well-deserved worldwide reaction of disgust and anger when people like Weinstein, Ailes, O'Reilly and the next many others were accused. Recently though, when Senator Conyers and Matt Lauer were outed, even women were defending them, because they are "good people" and "have contributed so much" via their professions.
What the what?! That is probably true of all the other men as well. People are multifaceted, and can be successful and respectable contributors to society, but also be despicable A-holes in other areas. You don't get a pass for being a good person outside of your sexual misconduct/assault/harassment.
Today though, it seems people are finally coming around to realizing that Conyers and Lauer are no different from the others, and should be out of their jobs at the very least.
Kevin Spacey and Roy Moore are on a whole other level, with underage accusers. It's sad that the statutes of limitations have run out on those for criminal charges. Hopefully the accusers coming forward will help current victims of other people to come forward while charges can still be leveled against their attackers.
On the other side, I do think a few men have been accused of things that we can all agree are more flirting than sexual harassment. We have to be careful not to dilute the uncovering of real crimes by dragging every sexual advance into the discussion. If no one ever made a move, no couples would exist. I think we're all pretty clear on what constitutes misconduct or criminality, rather than flirting or kissing/touching someone when you honestly think the other person would welcome it. Sure, it can be a gray area, but not typically.
We were wondering the other day when ABC would fire someone for sexual harassment. I think they are the only network unaffected so far. I said that it won't be Stephanopoulos (OMG, I actually spelled that correctly on the first try!), and Jeff and I both said together that if he even thought of doing anything like that, Ali Wentworth would kick his ass. Ahaha!
In other news, it's December 2017, and Megyn Kelly still sucks at talk shows. She is the most unrelatable, insincere, self-centered host ever. When is she going to be shuffled to a better fit at NBC? She should do the nightly news or something more cold and sterile.
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