Kool as a Kukumber

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Man, the weather is beauuuuuutiful today!! Glad I had time to get out here on the old patio for some blogging.

I bought a couple of Kylie Jenner nail polishes at Ulta yesterday. I tried Sinful Colors Kool as a Kukumber first, and it is supercute! Very light mint green.

It needs three coats to really cover, but I don't mind that for a really cool color. It's matte, which I've never tried before, and I wore it like that for a day, then decided I wanted to put a top coat on it and shine it up. I prefer it shiny, especially on my toes, but the matte look was fun and different.

I watched the debate, but I won't watch any more of them. They aren't going to change anyone's minds, especially mine, so it's far more irritating than informative to me. She is a sidestepper with her smug non-answers and diversions. Nothing new there. He is uninformed, easily rattled and goes right off the rails when cornered. Nothing new there.

There are so many qualified, brilliant people out there to run for President and we got these two. Very sad.

Ugh. Time for a...
!!! Dance Break !!!


Aggies Win! Whoop!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Texas A&M 45
Arkansas 24

What a fun game to watch! And it didn't end in a tie, going into overtime like the past two meetings with the Razorbacks. Whew!!

Knight really settled into the game in the second half. As far as the Defense goes- Hail to The Chief! They have truly arrived at ultimate defense after only one year.

Sad to see the injuries to some of our elite players, but it looks like they aren't major, thank heavens.

Arkansas' QB Austin Allen was pretty amazing, I have to say. He took a pummeling from our defense just about every play, and still made spot on passes!

Sunday Stealing: The "Doing Questions Like It's 2003" Meme

Tell us about your pets. If you don’t have one, share why you don’t.

Kiptyn, our long-haired, orangish-tan, big-ass tabby cat, is named after Kiptyn Locke, from The Bachelor. (We liked Locke and his cat-like name.) We call him Kippy or Kipper a lot of the time. He tends to be somewhat surly, since he's part Maine Coon, but he can also be very cuddly in short spurts, unlike our previous Maine Coon mix, Ernie. He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, nor the most graceful cat. As Jen would say, "Good thing he's pretty!" Heh.

Maya is our black cat. She's Kiptyn's sister from the same litter, but regular size, with short hair. She's named after Maya Angelou. She is absolutely the sweetest cat you'll ever encounter. Super smart, she tends to lead Kiptyn in learning new things. She's pretty social, but like her brother, can be easily frightened by loud noises or other surprises.

Name three things that are close to you.
iPad, scissors, credit card receipts

How was the weather for your summer?
Hot-n-humid. Par for the course in The ATX.

What was the last film you saw? Did you like it?
Dont' Think Twice. We liked it.

Tell us about the last trip that you took.
It was a short trip, but we spent a long weekend in San Antonio. Jeff, Lauren and I stayed in our first AirbBnB home, with a gorgeous pool. The house was in the hills outside the city. We mostly hung out, walked a trail, went to La Cantera, etc. Loved the pool though. 

Where do you buy groceries? Why?
HEB, because they have all the things we need at great prices.

Tell us something that you did today. Or will do if you haven’t had your morning coffee yet.
Visited a million-dollar model home for funzies.

Have you pulled an all-nighter?

Can you taste the difference between Pepsi & Coke?
Um, of course! They're totally different. Pepsi is sweeter and smoother and "filling." Coke is more carbonated and acidic and light. I prefer Coke.

Tell us about your siblings. How many and what do they do?
I have one half-brother, two years older than me. We didn't grow up together, but we were introduced when we were in our 20's. We have only spoken on the phone so far. He lives in Germany and I'm almost certain he is a computer programmer. Ack. I don't know exactly! Something computery.

What’s the oldest thing that you own?
My grandmother's English washstand, from when they lived in England in the 1950's.


Japanese Peanuts

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Every so often, I pick up something new at the grocery store for us to try. A few weeks ago it was Japanese peanuts. They are just peanuts with a crunchy coating. They are incredibly addictive. The texture is the addicting part, I think- reminiscent of a peanut M&M in texture, but without the sweetness. So, I looked them up last week, to see how they are made. That's when I found out they are from Mexico (whaaa?), not Japan. I'm probably the last Texan to know that.

Here is a fantastic article about them: Mexico: Land of the Japanese Peanut. I learned about Japanese immigration to Mexico during WWII and everything! Very interesting.

Their real name is cacahuates japonés.

Me: So peanuts are cacahuates in Spanish?
Lauren: Yes.
Me: Sounds more like poopnuts.



Today, Saturday 9 is using a song from Chess, a musical with music by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus of ABBA, and lyrics by the great Tim Rice. We saw it a few years ago. Here's one of my favorite songs from Chess, with a fabulous big Broadway finish---

*wild applause*

Saturday 9: One Night in Bangkok (1984)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is from the play Chess. It's been said that the most successful players are fluid in their thinking. Do you consider yourself flexible or set in your ways?
Very flexible.

2) Nigel Short, a real-life chess grandmaster, used to wear a t-shirt that said, "He who cares, wins." Do you always play to win? Or do you play board/card games or sports for the fun of it?
For the fun of it. I do my best to win, but if I don't win, it doesn't bother me.

3) The singer is in Bangkok for an important tournament. He maintains that he doesn't mind missing the sights and dismisses Bangkok is just another "crowded, polluted stinking town." Do you find big cities exciting? Or do you think of them as noisy and dirty?
Big cities are exciting! I just stay out of the dirty areas.

4) Air pollution has reached serious levels Bangkok. Do you suffer from allergies, asthma or another condition that could be aggravated by pollution?
I have seasonal allergies, mostly to molds.

5) To reduce traffic, commuters travel through Bangkok on ferries that make regularly scheduled trips up and down the Chao Phraya River. When was your last boat ride?
We had a work party on a boat on Lake Austin about a year ago.

6) Round trip airfare between ATL and BKK is $1750. If we gave you a travel voucher for that dollar amount, how would you spend it?
I would go to Puerto Rico for a week, then head to Rome for a couple of weeks. Round trip AUS to SJU to FCO.

7) The Holiday Inn Express in Bangkok has a McDonald's onsite. When you go somewhere new, do you find it comforting to be surrounded by what's familiar? Or would you prefer to try new things?
I prefer to try new things, although on about Day 6 in a foreign country, it can be fun to have a meal at a McDonald's. You can try the local specialty (in Germany they had banana shakes) or stick with your favorite menu item from home.

8) One of Bangkok's most popular restaurants is DID, which stands for Dine in Dark. The dining room at DID is 100% light free -- cell phones must be stored in the lobby to avoid distracting from the experience -- so customers eat their four course meal without seeing it. This heightens the diner's sense of taste and smell. When you prepare a meal, do you put a great deal of care into its presentation?
Nope. Sometimes I get everything on the plate and realize... it's Yellow Food Night! I do care about plating, but not to the extent that I add carved radish garnishes, or artistically distribute sauce from a squirt bottle.

9) Random question: Think about your last professionally prepared meal. Did you dine in, carry out, or have it delivered?
Dine in- I made ham and cheese quiche and served with watermelon cubes.


Aggies Over Auburn! Whoop!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

A&M 29
Auburn 16

What a game! This year we have a bunch of freshmen and unknowns and a new quarterback, but I think we looked solid on Saturday! The experienced guys looked great as usual. Knight looked good- better than the past two weeks. The newbies were showing their talents. It was especially exciting watching Trayveon run all the way down the field for a TD.

We should have made it into the end zone a couple more times than we did, being so close, but that's my only real complaint. Well and one more--- WHEW DOGGIE, it was a long game!

Gig 'em!

Jeff and I are working on our wills again this week. We have our second meeting with the lawyer on Wednesday. Holy crap, it's SO hard to pick people to take care of things when you're gone, when you have little families like ours. I do know though, that most of my friends with big families have the same issues choosing people from within their family!

My advice to you all, having done this Will Thing twice now, is to go forth and reproduce as much as possible, so you have the largest pool of family members available to put in charge of your finances, medical decisions, taking care of your children, etc. when you kick the bucket.

We have to select executors, beneficiaries, powers of attorney, etc. The planner side of me wants to have an infinite list of the order in which I want people to be assigned. The lawyer (unknowingly feeding my planner side) told us we can list as many backups as we want to, but I am limiting myself to just four people deep.

If I die, Person/Group A is selected. If they're unwilling/unable/dead, Person/Group B is chosen. If they are unwilling/unable/dead, Person/Group C is selected. If Person C is unwilling/unable/dead, Person/Group D is chosen. If Person D is unwilling/unable/dead... the State can just figure it out. Or my second-cousins-twice-removed can fight each other in court for it. Actually, in my will, Person D isn't a person at all, but a charity that I'm pretty sure will be around forever. That way, we just avoid any drama.

It gives me a headache thinking about it all. I can't WAIT to sign it and put it away again. Our last wills were done in 1996. I hope this one will last at least another 20 years!


Aimless Rambling Friday!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Yeah! Aimless Rambling Friday should become an official blog thing. ARF!

I've been entertaining myself on Facebook by scrolling just past the name on each post and guessing who posted it. Try it! You'll guess most of them correctly. The ones you don't guess will surprise you.

I don't usually watch "Superstore," but I saw it last night. Ben Feldman, who plays Jonah, is the spitting image of Scott Baio. He has a lot of the same mannerisms, too. I looked him up and there isn't any relationship noted. The resemblance is crazy! I would have bet $1000 that he was Scott's son.

Sia's song "Cheap Thrills" reminds me so much of going out dancing in college. Great times!

...I don't need no money
As long as I can feel the beat
I don't need no money
As long as I keep dancing...

Most of the time, we had at least one drink of some sort during the night, but there were occasions when we went to clubs without a dime in our pockets, dancing all night and drinking water. It's not really fair to the bar or the bartenders, even though I'm sure they are used to broke students in a college town. Even with cover and buying a drink or two, it was a cheap, fun night out!

Saturday 9: The Trolley Song (1944)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this movie clip, just about everyone (except Judy) is wearing a hat. Do you wear hats for fashion, for warmth or for both?
I rarely wear a hat, and usually to keep the sun off my face. I have worn a hat at football games for warmth, late in the season.

2) This song is from Meet Me in St. Louis, which was a huge hit and the second highest grossing movie of 1944. When is the last time you watched a movie in the theater? 
Jeff and I saw Dont' Think Twice at the Drafthouse on Lamar a couple of weeks ago. It was good!

3) The movie follows the Smith family as their hometown, St. Louis, to prepares to host the 1904 World's Fair. What's the biggest thing happening in your hometown? 
Probably a tie between SXSW and Formula 1 racing.

4) This week's featured artist, Judy Garland, is best known as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. That movie is shown so often that Sam thinks she may have seen it a dozen times. Is there a movie or holiday special you've seen over and over?
Moulin Rouge is probably the one I've seen the most times

5) Judy admitted to being perpetually tardy. Are you usually prompt? Or are you always running late? 
Almost always prompt

6) Judy's first professional performance was a rendition of "Jingle Bells" when she was just two. How old were you when you entered your chosen profession? 

7) Thinking of "Jingle Bells," here's a wintery question for a hot summer day: What's your favorite carol? 
"Oh Holy Night"

8) Judy was a very demonstrative person. She enjoyed hugs and admitted that, when she nervous, she took emotional support from physically reaching out. Are you demonstrative?
I'm not very demonstrative, except with certain friends (the more demonstrative ones mostly) or in certain situations (reunions, emotional times, etc.).

9) She told Barbara Walters that people would be surprised to learn that she was a good cook and specialized in desserts. Do you have a sweet tooth?
Yep, but I limit sweets to infrequent occasions.


Storing Home Paint

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Saw this idea on Pinterest a while back. We have had cans of old paint in the garage forEVER, and they get yucky. Who even wants to open them to touch up something?

Well, here is the answer. Keep mason jars full of paint with the paint info on top or on a side label. Note where the paint is used. Kitchen walls- Sherwin Williams 5402 "Precious Pink" or something like that.

Here are the paint leftovers from the kitchen/utility/breakfast area remodel...

Hmm. It's sort of Nine Shades of Gray, isn't it? (That's probably about right for me. Fifty would be a stretch and would require a basement.)


That way:

1) You can store them indoors neatly, for easy access and to keep them more fresh than they are in the heat and cold of a garage. Try storing them in that useless cabinet above the fridge! That's what we did.

2) You only keep what you need for touch ups. You don't have to hang on to 3/4 of a gallon of touch up paint. It's easy to open up and grab a small brush and do your touch ups without having to deal with prying off a paint can top and all that.

3) If you need more paint down the road, you have the info to buy, or you can simply paint a new sample to match.

Ta da!

Saturday 9: Mr. Boombastic (1995)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is a rather shameless come-on by an accomplished ladies' man. Do you enjoy flirting? 

I'm rarely flirtatious, but it can be fun, depending on the situation.

2) Shaggy sings that he's like a turtle coming out of his shell. Do you think turtles, snakes and lizards make good pets? Or would you prefer a companion animal that has fur or feathers?
They're just a different type of pet. I do prefer the more cuddly, furry variety though.

3) He also sings that if you don't feel like driving, you should hand him the keys. Are you comfortable letting others drive your car?

4) He tries to woo the girl with the promise of a bubble bath. Do you enjoy relaxing in the tub? Or do you view baths and showers as simply part of your hygiene routine, like brushing your teeth? 
I'm not big into baths, but I enjoy taking a long, relaxing shower every now and then. I'll take a bubble bath, but it's more of a hassle than it's worth, most of the time.

5) Born Orville Burrell, Shaggy took his stage name from his shaggy hair. Using your hair as inspiration, what would your stage name be?

6) Sam admits she hadn't thought about this 20+ year old song in years, until she heard it on a Chase Bank commercial. According to the Federal Reserve Bank, check writing dropped more than 50% between 2000 and 2010. Who received the last check you wrote?
kitchen general contractor

7) Which would you prefer to receive in a birthday card: a $25 check or a $20 Target gift card? 
$20 Target gift card!

8) Sam's mother refuses to pay bills online. All the news stories about data breaches scare her. Have you ever been hacked? If so, did it take long to get the situation resolved?
We haven't ever had an online account hacked. We've had our credit card stolen a few times. It takes a call to the credit card company, and the time to receive a new card in the mail, and the time to re-do all your online account payment info and auto-charge bills.

9) In 1995, when this song was popular, Michael Jordan "unretired" and returned to the Chicago Bulls. Tell us about a decision you made that you wish you could undo.
I wouldn't change any of the big decisions. I do wish we would never have tried to repair our gutters, and just gotten new ones. Over $1000 wasted having them cleaned and "fixed." Grr!


Aggies Over UCLA! Whoop!

Monday, September 5, 2016


While we were watching the game on Saturday, a small squirrel was slinking through our breezeway gutter, just outside the living room window. I said (to... the squirrel?), "You're a little squirrel!"  Josh Rosen was on the screen at the time, and Lauren thought I was talking about him. Ha! We called Rosen "Little Squirrel" for the rest of the game.

In the fourth quarter, it looked like the team thought we were far enough ahead to relax, eventually allowing UCLA to get two quick touchdowns to tie it up. We perked up during OT, thank goodness. As Christian Kirk said, "One thing we preached after the game is we can't get too lax, and to keep the pressure on." 

Trevor Knight was solid. Williams and Ford were particularly impressive. The O-line was amazing. Receivers on point. Defense performed well. The team is looking good!

It was the "SEC on CBS," but the their coverage was pro-UCLA all the way. So irritating. Just be unbiased. Is that too much to ask? From now on, we'll watch the games with alternative audio.

Saturday 9: Hello (2015)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This video begins with Adele and her flip phone. Is your cell phone a simple or a smart phone?
smart phone

2) As soon as her cell is fully charged, Sam disconnects the adapter from the outlet to save electricity. Are you careful about conserving energy?
Yes, but not so careful as to unplug adapters. I turn lights off when not in use, maximize wash loads, etc.

3) Adele sings that she must have a called a thousand times but her former lover never picked up. Think about the last call you made. Did you get through? Did you leave a voice mail? Or did you just hang up? 
The last phone call I made was 4 days ago, to Jeff at work. I got through.

4) Adele brews a cup of tea in the video. How often do you drink tea? Year round? Only in winter? Never?
Every day

5) Adele told Glamour magazine she like two sugars in her tea. Do you watch your sugar intake?
Yes, but not to an extreme.

6) This song is about reaching out to someone and extending an apology. When is the last time you said, "I'm sorry?"
Friday at the grocery store when I was in someone's way in the yogurt section.

7) Adele was a heavy smoker who enjoyed the habit and didn't quit until 2015, after doctors convinced her it contributed to her chronic throat problems. What's something you know you should do for your health?
Tai Chi or something to zen out.

8) Even though she is one of the world's highest-earning entertainers, she recently had her credit card rejected while shopping at H&M. She admits she was "mortified." Have you ever experienced that moment at the counter when your card was rejected?

9) Random question: When you were a kid, did you keep a neat or messy bedroom?
Messy. My poor mom was on me all the time to straighten it up. Once I got to high school age, I kept it very clean. 


What Would You Do

Friday, September 2, 2016

Kathy and I were at lunch last weekend at a bar/restaurant with an outdoor patio. Several people had dogs, which is still the weirdest thing to me, though I long ago surrendered to the majority of our community, who think it's fabulous to drag their dogs all over town, making them sit quietly in carts or under tables while the the humans go about their activities. Maybe dogs would rather do that, than hang out at home with their favorite toys or frolicking in the backyard? I dunno.

Anyhoo... our waitress bent down and rubbed her hands vigorously all over the faces and backs of two dogs under a neighboring table. Then she walked around to all of her tables and picked up glasses and plates and put down a bill, etc. I'm pretty sure she didn't run back in and wash her hands before she brought out more food either. Just gross.

Kept waiting for John Quiñones to step out and ask me why I wasn't concerned enough about dog drool/fur/dander contaminating everyone's lunch, to mention to the waitress that she should probably wash her hands. Clearly I had seen it... yet I did nothing.


Sunday Stealing: Shannon's Moments Meme, Parts One & Two

1. Do you like blue cheese?
love it

2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? If yes, how did you quit?

Never was a smoker.

3. Do you own a gun? What are your feelings about gun control/2nd amendment rights? 
I do not own a gun, but making citizen-owned guns illegal would do very little to control gun violence, the overwhelming majority of which is committed by criminals. Criminals don't care whether or not their guns are obtained legally. It's sort of silly really. Faulty logic. There may be improvements that can be made in limiting access by people who really shouldn't have a gun, or in training requirements, but removing guns from law-abiding citizens isn't the answer to any problem.

4. What is your favorite flavor of water or liquor flavors?
Flavor of WATER? Tap?
Favorite liquor flavor- Kahlúa.

5. Do you get nervous before a doctor visit? Why?
Depends on what kind of doctor and why I'm there. Sometimes I'm not worried at all. Others, I'm really nervous because of the possible testing or diagnosis.

6. How do you like your hot dogs?
Grilled with yellow mustard, onions and ketchup. Sometimes dill pickle relish, too.

7. Although it’s been asked a lot, tell us about a favorite movie that you haven’t shared before.
Groundhog Day- Bill Murray relives the same day over and over again, and it is hilarious and moving and all the things a good movie should be.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

9. In a dating situation, have you ever misrepresented yourself to seem cooler or hipper? (Yes we know for most of you it was long ago…)
I probably said I was familiar with a cool local band, when I had never heard of them.

10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? Why?
My tanzanite necklace, because it's the newest piece Jeff gave me. Super pretty.

11. Favorite hobby? Tell us about it so we understand it.
I really enjoy making production videos. An example would be one I made for Lauren's competitive cheerleading days. I plan the "flow" of what I want to end up with, select music, choose vids and create video clips from all my footage, put the clips together with intro, transitions, narration/typography, ending. There is a lot of syncing involved, which I've spent more time on than anything, due to my cheap video software. Ha!

12. Do you have A.D.D., or have you suspected it?

13. What’s a thing you dislike or would change about yourself?
I've aways had a strained relationship with my hair. Would love to have "easy" hair!

14. Middle name? Like it or not?
Yes I have one. I love it! It's my maternal grandmother's name.

15. Name three random thoughts you might have on this week:
Nice weather! 
Google Fiber installation on the street is disruptive.
Chris Pine is seriously Robert Pine's son. How did I not know this?

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Tell us a bit about them.
Unsweet decaf tea- Sweet tea is better, but I don't want the sugar all day long
Sparkling ICE- sugar free, fruit juice flavored, bottled beverage, has a crisp and sweet taste
Coke Zero- when there are only regular soft drinks available, it is really good

17. Current worry:
That the next President will be the worst one ever. Pretty much guaranteed, no matter which way it goes.

18. Current annoyance:
My car is giving me a message on the display that "Service is due soon."

19. Favorite place to be in the summer? Give us a wee bit more than “the beach”.
In the Hill Country, looking out over miles and miles of beautiful hills, dotted with homes and little towns.

20. How do you usually ring in the new year? If forced (how we’d do that without Judd coming to your house, if you even know who he was) to do something new, what would it be?
Lately, we ring it in at home. I would love to be on vacation somewhere cool for NYE sometime, like Vegas! (This NYE, Maroon 5 is playing Mandalay Bay in Vegas!)

21. What have you done this summer that’s special? Pictures please.
We've done some day trips and such, but I don't have any photos.

22. Have you ever walked into a room with just shoes on?
I don't think so.

23. Have you ever gone to the “dark side”? 
I don't think so.

24. What shirt are you wearing right now?
a silky gray top with turquoise and white flower pattern

25. What’s important about a bed to you? Like type of sheets, size or whatever. 
I like a King size, firm bed with soft, sateen sheets and multiple pillows.

26. Can you sing?

27. What is something about you that would surprise us? 
After this many years with an online blog/journal, there isn't anything about me that would surprise you at this point.

28. Have you been a pirate, Renaissance Fair, or other costumed event? If not, would you for the right event or say cause? 
I have never been in costume at an event, but I would like to.

29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't sing in the shower, just in the car and around the house- lately Ariana Grande "Into You" and Chainsmokers "Don't Let Me Down."

30. Favorite girl's name? 

31. Favorite boy's name? 

32. What’s in your pocket or purse right now? 
Other than the basics, I have Burt's Bees lip balm and local coupons. (I carry a teeny purse.)

33. Last thing that made you laugh? 
Lauren and I watched RHONY and laughed when Carole said, "Tom should have been the piñata!" followed by her demonstrating whacking him with a stick.

34. Best toy as a child? 

35. Worst injury you have ever had?
Injured my rotator cuff taking a shower. Once you hit 40, that's the type of injury you get. Went to physical therapy and everything.

36. Where would you love to live?
Austin's pretty nice.

37. What type of TV do you have? Would you’d like an upgrade?
60" flatscreen. I think it's great.

39. How many dogs do you have?

40. Do most folks trust you?

41. What book are you reading?

42. What’s your favorite classic TV show?
Love Boat

43. What’s your favorite sports team?
Texas A&M Aggies!

44. Favorite month and why?
April, because the weather is great and there aren't a lot of holidays or other activities requiring planning and execution. Just a wonderful, relaxing spring month!


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