
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dave Zinczenko posted the best and worst cereals for you. The best cereal I'll eat from this list is Life. It's really good stuff. Golden Crisp- the former Super Sugar Crisp- is the worst cereal on the list. Eww. I didn't even like those when I was a kid!

Our family is running in crisis mode at the moment. I could not be more grateful for the overwhelming support of my dear friends. A single positive thing- I am finally learning to keep my phone with me at all times, so, no more waiting for return texts from me! Please, no applause.

I hope everyone is having a great week. Texans, I leave you with a funny church sign photo, taken by my friend Mike in Houston:


Saturday Night Assassin

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I watched Jeff play Assassin's Creed: Part 42 or something last night and he showed me that in this particular installment of the game, he (playing Ezio in 1499) gets to ride a horse.

So he hops on the horse and gallops through town, knocking over people along the way, with no concern whatsoever. He runs into about the 15th guy, who gets ticked off and pulls him down from the horse to fight.

Jeff: HEY!
Me: Well, you totally ran over him. And 14 other people.
Jeff: So. (stabs the guy with his sword... watches him fall to the ground in a bloody puddle)
Me: Geez. Kill the guy?
Jeff: He shouldn't have yanked me off my horse. Look. The horse got scared and ran over there, and now I have to run all the way over there to get back on. (sighs)

I have a feeling if I had lived in the 1400's, I'd have invented the eye roll.

Sunday Stealing: The August 20 Question Meme

1. What's for breakfast?
Slim-Fast. Breakfast is usually a free-for-all around here, unless we're going out for breakfast tacos or something special.

2. Do you read a newspaper daily?
Not since the Statesman kept delivering papers while we were on vacation in 1995.

3. What do you do when you can't sleep?
fantasize about George Clooney

4. Say a word that sums up your mood. 

5. Do you remember your dreams?
Not usually. Only if I wake up a little before I need to, and then fall back asleep. Then I remember every detail.

6. Name something from your dream last night.
I don't remember. I popped out of bed as soon as I woke up this morning.

7. Name a food that describes you.
ancho fudge cake- sweet and spicy! :)

8. Today you are wearing:
middle school choir T-shirt (from work, not my choir T-shirt from my own middle school, just to be clear), black Adidas capri athletic pants, cute flip flops

9. What's in your pockets?
Nothin'. I don't carry anything in my pockets unless I absolutely have to. 

10. Did you sing in the shower today?

11. What's the last song you heard?
"Ghost of Me" Daughtry

12. Looking forward to the holidays?
Not even thinking that far ahead.

13. Where do you want to be this instant?

14. What's for lunch? 
Stir-fry steak and veggies that I made late last night, so I don't have to cook today! Just steamed the rice.

15. What's something you would like to do soon? 
Watch some Aggie football!!  It's been so long.

16. Reading anything now? What is it? 
Yes. It's this meme.

17. What's for dinner? 
taco salad

18. A favorite part of the day is: 

19. Are you happy? 
usually :)

20. Guess how many people will do Sunday Stealing this weekend?
41, counting me, and I don't add my blog link, so...40 on Mr. Linky.


Class of 2012- They Saved the Best for Last

Saturday, August 27, 2011

^From one of L's many senior t-shirts, in an ancient font along with a Mayan symbol of some sort. A few talented, entrepreneurial students designed some awesome senior shirts this summer. They were a huge hit.

The kiddo's school went to block schedule this year. Blocking separates eight 45-minute classes per day into four 90-minute classes per day, alternating on an AB pattern. Periods 1-4 meet on A days and periods 5-8 on B days. The supposed benefits include more time for classes that really need it (like science labs, theater and music), and less teachers ($$) required... although I honestly have no idea why that is.

Having worked at a block schedule school, I'm not a fan. Every morning it was, "Is it an A day or a B day??" Kids forgetting their homework for the right classes, their gym clothes or band instrument, etc. Very confusing. They should do MWF/TR just like college. That way everyone knows what day is what.

And we had a snow day last year... omg. Completely threw off the teachers and the students. Do we skip that day or continue the AB pattern regardless of the previous designation? Such a mess.

The kids and teachers are giving it an overwhelming thumbs down so far, although block schedule is nice when you have an off period (or two like many seniors) if you took high school classes in middle school and/or extra classes in summer. For each off-period, you get a 1.5-hour block instead of 45 minutes. With only 45 minutes, you may have to stay at school and hang out in the library or something, but 1.5 hours gives you more time and freedom to leave campus. Another benefit is that all off periods are now either:

a) before or after lunch, giving you over two hours off in the middle of the day, or
b) first or last period of the day, which is nice.

I think it will get less hectic over the next few weeks, as the teachers and students figure it out and get used to it.

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Other than your computer or anything connected to it, what object is closest to you now? 
My A&M mug with pens and pencils.

2. Extend your right arm all the way to the side: what object is your hand closest to at that moment?
trash can

3. Same exercise with your left arm: what object is your left hand closest to at that moment?
my netbook

4. What book is closest to you now?
a signed copy of Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann (Lauren's)

5. Other than your computer, what electronic gadget is closest to you now?
iPod Shuffle

6. And now, an old-school writing question: how many pencils and pens are within reaching distance of you right this minute?
seven :-)



Friday, August 26, 2011

Lauren, our all-knowing, electronically-connected future Aggie, informs me that College Station's nickname is now C-Stat. I like it. Our nicknames from the day? Bryanopolis or B/CS. Nowhere near as cool.

Well, I unfollowed a celeb on Twitter because all she's been posting for months are advertisements for her newest book and retweets from people gushing about it and/or her TV show and other projects. Every now and then she throws in a personal comment, but it's mostly narcissistic drivel. I like to see celebrity tweets like "I'm pretty sure Pagliaccis on Ventura has THE best pizza in LA!" (Chris Daughtry) or "World cup. National anthem. Tears in my eyes..." (Tom Hanks). Something on a personal note. I don't mind publicity tweets from celebrities, but if that's all they have to say, we can get that information from their website.

I've been thinking about taking my Twitter presence legit and using my real identity.


I still really just like to follow others over there. I'm pretty quiet on Twitter, because I say most everything I have to say here and on Facebook. Half my tweets are personal messages to my friend Eva. If she ever joins Facebook, I'll never have to tweet again! (It'll take years to convince her. She's just finally permanently moved her blog from Livejournal to Dreamwidth. It's only one tiny step to Blogger... *wink*)


How Awesome is Your Profile Photo?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A common, funny Facebook status:

No one is as ugly as their driver's license picture or as good-looking as their Facebook picture.

It's very true. My driver's license photo literally looks nothing like me. It is so incredibly awful. It's from ten years ago. Other photos of me from that time are fine, so it's just the DMV. My face is puffy and my hair is long, curly and droopy. My lipstick is a very strange color that I'm pretty sure I've never purchased, so at least I can blame that on lighting. I am pale as all get-out on this thing, not that I'm not pale in real life, but I'm just more "fair" than "undead."

I keep my license backwards in my wallet, which actually makes people ask me about it more often than I'd like, but I prefer that to exposing the photo every time I open the wallet. It expires in 2013. Tick. Tock.

As a minor consolation, my passport photo is awesome. I wonder if they'd take that as ID at Target.

My Facebook profile photos are always pictures where I think I look my best. I'm guessing everyone's are- at least those of us who use photos of ourselves and not our dogs or kids or new boat. Or that obnoxious longhorn logo. ;)

My profile pics would stick out from a roll of photos of me as ones that are "good." "Great photo of you!" How many times have we seen that when we post a profile pic? Wanna see the real me? I post photos in my albums that I know will probably not be looked at on a daily basis. Never really bad ones, but for example, I posted the hiking photo with my hair in a ponytail on top of my head, but that certainly isn't the me you see running around the FB network and public searches.

Considering vanity as a common factor in everyone's selection of their profile photos, it is very interesting to come across an absolutely terrible photo of someone. What is it about that photo that the person loves so much? There has to be something. With people you don't know, it can be hard to tell if it was the best photo that was available, but when it's an unflattering photo of someone you do know, you just want to say, "I have a great photo of you! Let me email you a copy!" I did that with my brother-in-law, folks. Your profile photo is you online. It's important. Especially when your brother and his wife are trying to get you married off.


But has he changed it? No.

Brainless meme today, because that's the sort of day this is. No deep thinking required. It's probably only entertaining to the person doing it. So go and do it. Brainless fun!

Make Your Own Album Meme
which I have done already... It's making the rounds again.

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

Band: A Rape in Cyberspace
Album: Go Eat a Sandwich

Cool photo by Manel Cantarero



Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :)

Patrick's Sunday Seven

Name seven “classic” sitcoms you’d schedule in an all-day cable network comedy schedule. As for your definition of “classic” sitcoms, they can be as old (or new) as you wish, just as long as you feel the sitcom belongs in a “classic” sitcom block.

1. Seinfeld
2. Cheers
3. Will and Grace
4. The Cosby Show
5. The Simpsons
6. M*A*S*H
7. South Park


Saturday 9

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday 9: You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

1. In a relationship, have you ever hung in even when you knew for sure it was over?
I put way too much thought into this question, people. If you do this survey, please don't spend more than two minutes on #1 without consulting a therapist.

No. None of my serious relationships had that sort of path, where you know it should end, but it hasn't yet. One ended abruptly, unexpectedly and mutually after a very dramatic argument. One ended completely by surprise when he randomly dumped me. One ended because I moved away.

I did, however, hang on to one after it was actually over. The one where he dumped me. I hung around for about six weeks, thinking he might change his mind. (Don't do that. Move on as fast as you can!) He didn't change his mind. I finally met some other cute guys and went off on my merry way.

2. If you had the ability to perpetually alleviate any pain on your body, what would it be?
I occasionally get migraines or sinus headaches. It would be nice to never get them!

3. What place would you visit if money were no object? 
The moon. Before doing anything else, I'd spend a few billion designing a spacious spaceship with first class accommodations.

4. What is one thing you would love to change about yourself?
I would love to be more patient with people who are acting like idiots.

5. Do you think your parents were too strict growing up? 
My parents were pretty permissive, although I was a very well-behaved kid for the most part. My mom's general policy was that if she knew where I was (where I really was) and who I was with, and it wasn't somewhere she felt I would be in danger or get myself in trouble (again pretty lenient here- I was out with the Westheimer kids quite a bit), I could be out on weekend nights as long as I wanted to.

I'd say her one very strict rule was "no boys in the house if I'm not home" which I observed with great care, other than a few select occasions. Shane and Doug and I sometimes hung out on my front porch after school with music absolutely blaring from inside the house so we could hear it while we were chatting, until my mom got home from work. Why weren't we at Doug's or Shane's instead? I have no idea. I can just assure you that it was not 106 degrees then.

6. In general, how many old friends do you have that you talk to at least once a year?
Talk to in any sort of depth... 10-15.

7. What was the last compliment you received?
Laura said her classroom bookshelves look really good after I alphabetized and organized the books.

8. Have you ever told someone you loved them, but didn't really mean it?
Absolutely not.

9. In your opinion, would it be harder to lose someone close to you more as a child or harder as an adult?
As an adult. Children are naturally resilient and have a less introspective/reflective mindset than adults. It's a great thing. Just different. The closest person to me who who died when I was growing up was my Grandma when I was 11. I cried and cried and cried over it for a couple of days, both because I missed her and because I felt so very badly for my mother losing her mom. But I think I rebounded from it more quickly than I would today.


Defensive Driving

Thursday, August 18, 2011

You know, I think the "most popular posts" widget I added over there>>> the other day is just pumping up the numbers for the Anal Girl post even more, because it is now featured on every page of my blog.

We're taking a two-night defensive driving class this week. Jeff got a ticket and Lauren and I are taking it for the insurance discount... and because it's good information, of course. It's a tiny class of 8, and the three of us were quickly designated as "the Aggies." Lauren and I are the only ones not taking the class for a ticket, so she and I have the additional distinction of being the saints in the room.

You'd be surprised how often A&M comes up in a defensive driving class in Austin. A Brazos County Judge from Bryan/CS does some recorded info at the beginning of the class AND the drunk driving experiment video was done at A&M. In like 1986 or something. The teacher said, "Remember the old drunk driving video with the police cadets drinking? Well now we have Aggies drinking!"

Teacher: What is the legal blood alcohol limit in Texas?
Class: -.-
Me: 0.8!
Class: WHOA!

Oh sure, now they're awake. Yes, I know it's 0.08. I was just... giving the instructor a funny Aggie story to tell for the next few months. You're welcome, fellow former students.

And of course we had to have the SEC conference-switching chat during the break. Most polite discussion between Longhorns and Aggies yet on that topic. We managed to agree that every university is (and should be) looking out for their own $$$. We'll see what happens!


Publications and People

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I found this through The Bloggess, and subsequent stalking perusal of her friend Susan's various websites. It speaks particularly to writers, from the experience of someone who has bravely faced her own mortality on more than one occasion.

All that survives after our death are publications and people. So look carefully after the words you write, the thoughts and publications you create, and how you love others.  For these are the only things that will remain.  
Susan Niebur, mom, cancer survivor and NASA astrophysicist

Coincidentally, I was just talking about this with my dad. His cancer returned a couple of months ago. He has been doing chemotherapy is facing major surgery in the next few weeks. He's never been sick a day in his life. (He says that he's "more pissed than depressed." That is very him.) Through his current torrent of procedures and information and decisions to make, we've had some really great conversations.

The other day, I shared with him that one of the very few positive things about my own cancer treatments back in the day was a newfound deep joy in simple things like nature and much of the "background stuff" that healthy people don't notice as much. I truly observed every aspect of my life in a new way- with more amazement and appreciation. I hugged my friends more. (Heh. I have a hugging story... momentarily...)

Once I was healthy again myself, it took only a few years to come back to the old "taking a sunrise for granted" sort of thinking. Oh, I still recognize and take more joy in life's little moments than I did prior to getting sick. I can still close my eyes and revel in the sound of the wind in the trees, where most people never take the time. The feeling just isn't nearly as pronounced as when I was fighting to survive.

An interesting moment back then was the first time I was able to go back to A&M from Houston. I was living at home at the time, having treatments at MD Anderson. I went up to College Station just for a couple of days to see friends, pick up some assignments and do a lab. The evening I got there, I was hanging out with a couple of girlfriends at the mall, and I saw... can't remember her name, but she was the Head Honcho of Finances (can't remember her title either, it seems) for the school of engineering. I had been working in the Dean's office for a while and did things for her every so often. She knew me, but we weren't close or anything. I cannot explain how thrilled I was to see her. Just laying my eyes on another person from my "normal life" that I was missing so terribly just inspired me to run across the mall to give her a huge squeeze and hello.

She was very sweet and gave me a wide-eyed "Wow!" and a smile when we separated. "How are you feeling, Kathy?" I was feeling... pretty embarrassed! I told her I was alright and just so happy to see everyone. She was gracious and wonderful, but I'm sure she thought I was nuts.

Anyhoo... Dad told me he felt exactly the same, with the magnified cognizance of amazing things all around us that we usually pass by day after day without a glance. He talked about things like unknown unknowns and having answers for questions you never knew you had. That's when Ursula jumped in and said about the two of us, "Give them a little chemo and they turn into philosophers."

Haha! So true.

I told Dad there is surely a book somewhere in all that deep thought. He didn't say no, so maybe we'll do a little collaborative work. ;)


Captain America and His Hot Friends

Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm not into comics. I don't know all their intricately-woven backstories, so I was quite surprised that Iron Man (I'm a huge fan) and Captain America have a connection. Tony Stark's dad, Howard (the world's foremost mechanical engineer in WWII- how old was this dude when he had his kids?!), is a major character in the Captain America film. Also, Iron Man is one of the Avengers, as is Thor! I'm sure you all knew that. I was totally in the dark on that important tidbit. So when The Avengers comes out next year, the off-the-chart drool factor will make it a girls' night out activity.

Did those of you who have seen the film notice that the noise made by the glowing blue items is the same noise made by Iron Man's glowing blue battery pack? Hmm!

If you haven't seen Captain America yet- oh yeah, it was pretty good!- be sure to hang out past the credits for a special clip. I had to pee an ocean, but I stayed and it was totally worth it.


I Could Have Gotten a Falcon

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Laura told me she was going to honk when she came to pick me up for lunch yesterday, and I should come out. (She was kidding. Sort of.) Well, I was chatting with the fam and didn't pay attention to the window. (Oops.) You might remember The Bloggess' hilarious and now internationally famous post about the big metal chicken, which includes a photo of the chicken at her front door, captioned Knock-knock Motherf*cker. Well, when Laura rang the doorbell, I opened the door, and she said, "Honk honk, motherf*cker."

Was. Dying.

I was still giggling when we got to the restaurant.

In other Laura-related news... she hates this State Farm commercial with the falcon:

Why? Because "none of those goofy, nerdy guys could get any of those averagely-attractive women." LOL. (I like the last guy... "Aww, I coulda got a falcon.")

Sunday Stealing: The 31 Meme, Part 2

16. What's the longest shift that you worked at a job?
Well it wasn't a "shift" per se, but the longest consecutive hours I worked were on a business trip to Indianapolis. Our team had a breakfast meeting and then spent the entire day at the client company and then worked into the evening. Probably a 14-hour stint before we finally had a very late dinner.

17. What was the last concert that you attended?
Bon Jovi in San Antonio in March

18. What the last DVD (or Blu Ray, of course) movie that you watched?
Gulliver's Travels

19. How did you like the film?
It was boring. I didn't make it all the way through.

20. What comedian do you love?
Jim Gaffigan

21. Do you ever sleep in the nude?

22. Have you ever had a long distance relationship?
One of the guys I dated while I was a freshman at A&M was in Houston. The distance wasn't the easiest thing to deal with. I don't recommend it.

23. What do you think of astrology?
I don't believe in it, but it's fun to play!

24. What's your favorite lyric quote from a song?
Ha! Soooooo many.

...With her shoes in her hands, I am watching her dance,
As the hem of her dress gently kisses the grass...

"Fireflies" Ron Pope

I just have to clutch my heart thinking about that song. Beautiful.

25. Tell us something random about yourself.
I have a teensy scar near my eye, where I was hit in the head with a conch shell. See, I used it to hold a blanket corner up on my dresser, for a FORT in my room when I was 8 or 9. (The junior engineer in me would just have tucked it into the top drawer and closed the drawer. What was I thinking? I bet it was slipping out.) I was lying on my back and someone moved the blanket, and the shell slid off and jabbed its pointy end right into my head. I remember it vividly to this day.

26. Have ever attended a theme party? If yes, do tell.
Some. I've been to a Pimp and Hooker party (...hookers again, JeffC!), a Matrix party, a Nerd party, a Rocky Horror Picture Show party, costume parties...

27. What is your favorite thing about winter? 
snuggling up under a blanket by a fire

28. What was the name of your first pet?
Mickey. He was an orange tabby kitten we got when I was in third grade.

29. What have you done so far this weekend?
Watched some shows and played around with Google TV, worked on an event page for the Foundation website, went to lunch with Laura at Waterloo, helped Lauren with her college app (she submitted it!!!!!), played too much Spider Solitaire on my phone, went to dinner with Jeff and Lauren at Austin Land & Cattle, watched a seemingly endless half of Gulliver's Travels...

30. Has your humor ever been called "sick"?
Um, yes.

31. If you could have one thing, what would it be?
My mother's jambalaya recipe. I've been searching for that thing forever! I haven't found anything that is the same.


Bro Code for Girls

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thursday night I was running errands on my own, and listening to Your Time with Kim on the radio in the car. There was a guy who called in for advice. His best friend is dating his (the caller's) cousin. They are not married, but they're having a baby together. The guy has known for a while that his friend has been sleeping around with other women, and now he's heard that his cousin is suspicious and is going to ask him (the caller) about it.

It came down to family vs. bro code. And he was leaning heavily toward his allegiance with his buddy.

Personally, I think that if he's not close enough with the cousin that it's not bloomin' obvious family wins in this situation, then he's at least obligated to not lie for his friend, either by being a "cover" for him when he's out (which he is) or telling his cousin that nothing is going on.

Kim eventually said what I was thinking... Before she gets a chance to ask, tell the friend that it's time for him to tell her himself. You'll be Switzerland, stay out of it and not comment, but he has to tell her.

Then she said something with which I completely disagree. She said that with guys there is this "bro code," and women don't have anything like that. I would say most women are not going to tell their friends' boyfriends/husbands that their gf/wife is running around on them, even if asked point blank.

Matter-of-fact, I would take the code one step further, and take the gender out of it. The person who is your friend- be they male or female- has your ultimate loyalty if really put to the test, even if you're pretty close to the other half of the couple. Would you lie for your friend? Maybe. Maybe not. I just doubt you're going to upchuck the whole story. I'm guessing you would at most suggest that if they are suspicious, they should talk with their significant other about it.

Saturday 9: My Best Friend's Girl

1. Have you and a friend ever have an argument because you were attracted to the same person?
My girlfriends and I were never attracted to the same types of guys! Very weird, because we are all pretty similar to each other, I think. For example... Kimberly likes older, mature sorts of guys. Lori likes cowboy types, with a dangerous streak. Cathy likes muscle-bound, tough guys. I was usually into the smart, funny, geeky types.

2. Who never returns your phone calls? 
Angel :p

3. What was your favorite childhood toy?
I have to choose a single one? I had a doll named Jenny that I played with for years.

4. Who is the last person you greeted at your door?
The FedEx guy who brought my Erasure tix yesterday.

5. Would you change anything about your life right now?
There are always little things I'm changing, but in general, no. I'm good!

6. Who is the easiest person for you to talk to? 

7. If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose? 
Athens. Ancient Athens was a center for art, philosophy and writing.

8. What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?
Not counting Lauren's birth, where I was more the event than the witness, I'll say the 1983 Wembley Duran Duran concert, where it was their last night in London (they didn't perform there again until 2004) and tons of current British music stars were honored guests in a section just up and to the left of us. They introduced them all to the roaring crowd. That whole night was just the best!

9. What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?
these days, 29-30


Facebook Phone Freakout

Friday, August 12, 2011

Note to Facebookers: that screaming-capital-letters phone number exposure status that is making the rounds is completely false.

Bogus Phone Warnings Go Viral on Facebook

Anyone's phone number visible on your contacts list is set to be visible to you by that person on FB or was brought into the list because at some point you synced your cellphone to FB. Only you can see any numbers that are there from a phone sync. I'm all over Facebook as much as anyone about privacy stuff, but they have not exposed anything here.

Speaking of privacy... on Wednesday Jeff was IMing me from work, and a message we'd never seen preceded each message he sent. It said that we should be aware that company Policy Admins were monitoring our communication. The more annoyed I became with the obtrusive and repetitive add-on message, the more I wanted to send him a racy photo, just to make a point. When I finally commented how obnoxious it was, it stopped.

So creepy.

If anyone were doing anything they shouldn't on IM at work, they certainly wouldn't do it with these warning messages popping up every two seconds. Be covert, policy admins. Enjoy the naked photos. Fire the employee later. No one can sue you, because they are all aware that employee communications can be monitored anytime.

Not that the company is concerned with pornographic pictures. I'm sure they're worried about corporate espionage or something. I just tend to jump to the naked pictures scenario. That probably says a lot. :D


Good Morning Thursday

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Looks like things were pretty quiet last night in England, thank goodness. Prime Minister Cameron had said yesterday that "nothing is off the table" for British police, "including water cannons."

Oh nooooooooooo! Not the dreaded water cannons!

Three people were murdered, countless buildings burned, property destroyed, people no doubt injured here and there, not to mention the rampant looting. After the first few hours of the first night, they should have brought in tear gas or stun guns or something useful. You cannot control a riot with batons. Not to mention, the police should not have to put themselves in that sort of hand-to-hand combat situation, when it's unnecessary.

On a vastly more pleasant note, Deborah is in Hawaii and I am so jealous! Kathy's now in California, also at the beach in the San Fran area. Keep those photos coming. :-|

Why is it that I always get 78-point words in the Words With Friends games where I don't need them, and 11-point words in the games where I do? Also, I'd like to trade letters with myself between games. I've usually got one game with a rack full of consonants and some other one where I'm trying to place seven vowels.

We got Logitech's Google TV box set up last night. It very recently went from $250 to $100, so we thought we'd try it out. (We use the PS3 for streaming, but it doesn't work with everything, like Amazon.) Google TV has a few annoyances, like the search function searches everything but Netflix. When we want to watch a movie or TV show, Netflix is the first place we look, because we have a paid subscription. On Google TV, you have to use the Netflix app or go to the web interface to search Netflix. If it isn't there, you can go to the general search to locate it on Amazon or other sources. Another big drawback- currently Google TV does not work with Hulu, which is always our second choice for streaming on the PS3. Hopefully they'll work out their differences soon and we will be able to access Hulu via the box. A big software upgrade is coming soon. Crossing my fingers it will be helpful!

It does look like Google TV will be a nice thing to have, either way. There are tons of things (including music) streaming, and of course you can Facebook or Skype or do anything you do on the web, and view your own photos/videos on the television, etc. Fun!


Countdown to School!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I helped Laura set up her classroom yesterday. Well, I mean, I watched her set it up... or arrange a shelf or something. Mostly we just chatted. Much fun!

Today Lauren is helping in the office at her school. She'll accomplish a lot more than Laura and I did.

Random Survey

Are your parents married or divorced? divorced since I was 15. Beginning my wedding weekend (when I was 23) and forever after, they got along exceptionally well!

Are you a vegetarian? no. don't be ridiculous.

Do you believe in Heaven? yes

Have you ever come close to dying? when I was 30, I had multiple mystery blockages in my lungs, went into shock and passed out. About 85 percent of people who actually pass out from the lack of oxygen don't make it. The docs saw the blockages on a VQ scan but never definitively figured out what they were. They thought they were blood clots, but later test results showed that not to be the case.

What jewelry do you wear 24/7? I don't wear any jewelry to bed. I wear my wedding and anniversary rings every day.

Do you believe abortion should be illegal? No. I would never do it, but with time limitations on it, I think every woman should be able to choose for herself.

Hamburger or hot dog? hamburger

Do you read blogs? yep

Window seat or aisle seats? aisle

Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? usually I twirl it. If the sauce is spraying all over the place, I'll cut it.

What is your favorite sport to play? I haven't played since college, but racquetball is my favorite. It's not easy to just get up and play, with the special court requirement. Lauren and I play Speedminton, which I really like.

Basketball or football? football

Do you drive a stick? I don't, but I can.

Look at your Facebook profile. How do you know the first person on your friend list on the left side? Gary- he was a friend in 8th-12th grade and lived near me. We talked a lot on the bus every day. The first time we met in middle school, he was actually hanging out with this real troll of a girl, who bullied everyone in the neighborhood. Pretty soon, he stopped hanging out with her and became a part of the main group of neighborhood kids. Smart move!

Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? twice- once when I had the suspected blood clots that weren't, and again in May of 2011 when I rode in back with Lauren from the Seton ER to Dell Children's Hospital with her mouth infection.

Last thing you spent lots of money on? new stove top



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Riots in England. Very sad, and where on earth are the police? Now they're bringing in more? Now Parliament is coming back from vacation? A faster and more stern response was required. These things spread like wildfire. Maybe it's going to require the citizens taking charge.

When looting and random violence and general jackassery takes place anywhere around the globe, the participating idiots frequently claim it's because they feel life isn't fair to them. What utter BS. Stealing a 50" television or a rack full of cell phones is neither a political statement nor will it improve your lot in life. If people truly lacking the means to get by were stealing food, I would have complete sympathy for them. Still a crime, but the reason for it is obvious. (There are tons of charitable organizations providing food, by the way. No need to start a rap sheet.)

This is another case where, when I see these dorkasses on the news, I really want to throw something at the television.


Sunday Stealing on Monday

Monday, August 8, 2011

An email that's making the rounds right now includes the following proposition:

Congressional Reform Act of 2011

1.   No Tenure / No  Pension.
A  Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

2.   Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All  future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3.  Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4.  Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5.  Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6.  Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American  people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/12.
The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for  themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

Other than Congress, who wouldn't support that?

Sunday Stealing: The Nasty 31 Meme, Part One

1. What has been your longest love relationship?
Jeff- 22.5 years since January 1989, plus the entire year of 1987, for a total of 23.5 years

2. What was the last gift that you received?
a shirt from my in-laws

3. What do you spend your extra cash on?
movies and music

4. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
I would live in a number of places, but I'm pretty happy right here in the ATX.

5. Who's your cell provider?

6. What's your favorite mall store?
Pottery Barn

7. What's the longest job that you've had? (No parenting does not count!)
I have been the website administrator at the Foundation for about 11 years, non-paid, 5-15 hours per week. For another two years before that, I was a twice-a-week office volunteer there.

Paid employment: almost three years as a clinical data analyst, right up until I had my baby girl.

8. If you won the lottery, who'd you call first?

9. If you won, how would you spend your money after investments?
Long trips to Russia, Greece and Italy.

10. When was the last time you went to church (or a religious house)?
About six weeks ago.

11. When you go out with your friends, where do you go?
Usually a restaurant.

12. When was the last time that you cried?

13. What food do you hate?
Anything that is basically wet bread/cake... like bread pudding, tres leches, French toast, tiramisu, etc. It's a texture/consistency thing. *shiver*

14. What do you like best about yourself?
I appreciate the great "everyday moments" in life.


Hookers and Call Girls and Brothels, Oh My

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A random show was on SyFy while we were cleaning up after dinner. I was squinting across the bar to see the dark scene, where a woman was doing a lot of screaming and writhing...

Me: Good gawd. Is she having sex or being murdered?!
Jeff: Neither. I think she's having a baby.

Ah. Memories.

Well, on our way home from Gruene yesterday, J and I got into a discussion about what we think hookers and call girls charge for services. (Yeah, just another Saturday car-trip conversation with me.)

I was telling him about some reality police show I saw, where a guy asked a street hooker how much she charged for oral sex, and she said, "$15." I was horrified that anyone charging for it would do it for less than $50.

Jeff was completely shocked. "Fifty dollars?! It sounds like you think that should be the most expensive service."

Most expensive? That would be the second cheapest service. (I'll let you all figure out the cheapest, which I think should be about $25.) I would guess that the absolute minimum for what I will henceforth reference as "regular sex" would be around $100, and anything beyond that would be even more. Please. It's a guy you don't know. Plus, any dude rolling up on you on the street to ask for sex is not exactly the cream of the crop of the male population. Last week, when (not even on a car trip) Cathy and I were talking about re-opening an historic Galveston brothel near the Strand, we discussed the kinds of guys who show up at the Bunny Ranch on HBO's Cathouse series. There's just going to be a cost for that.

Jeff thinks it is more along the lines of $20 and $50 for the two services, respectively. Geez, where is he shopping?? He was extrapolating from what some guy said on Howard Stern (Everything I Know About Hookers I Learned from Howard Stern).  The guy evidently got a "high-priced hooker"...

I interrupted to ask if she was then technically a "call girl." He didn't know. (Can we get a prostitution expert up in here?!)

The girl charged $500 for one oral plus two regular services. The radio show guys thought that was expensive. So a high-priced hooker, who may or may not be a call girl, is charging double my $50 and $100 figures.

Of course, a call girl is a totally different service professional than a street hooker. Not only are call girls beautiful, they're also well-mannered enough to accompany you to social gatherings. Rather than buying à la carte services, I think you actually pay for a period of time with them. I bet they start about $1000 for a few hours without any advanced services included. But if they did charge by the service, I figured $500 minimum for oral and $1000 minimum for regular.

Jeff doesn't think any services were worth that.

If we were talking male escorts, I'm with him on the $500, but $1000 for sex with a super-hot guy... if you were single... and had the money... and it had been a dry spell... and you got to hand-pick the guy... and you weren't afraid of life-threatening STDs... or doing jail time... I say it could be worth it. You should require a money-back guarantee though. And the $1000 should totally include the tip.


Saturday Nine

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Last night, Jeff and I went on a 21-years-married Friday night date- dinner and Kohl's! Hey, the 31-years-married people are jealous. By then, it's probably dinner and Walgreens.

I always have to laugh when ladies order a salad at Pluckers. When that monstrosity arrives, it takes up half the table. It's a wing joint. Get the wings. Five wings come on a teeny 6-inch plate. You'll look far more demure eating those than hoisting bite after endless bite of lettuce and fried chicken chunks out of a tureen.

Saturday 9: I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight

1. Have you ever lost a lover and spent way too much time wondering what they were doing?
I once lost Jeff at Macy's and spent way too much time wondering what he was doing and not enough time actually looking for him.


Like right after someone broke up with me? Oh yes. It's part of grieving a relationship. Any time spent wondering what your ex is doing is time wasted, and it totally sucks. Plus, he's not doing anything half as exciting as you are imagining. At some point you move on, preferably by busying yourself with your own activities.

2. What was your favorite vacation ever?
Oooh. Hard to choose. Germany trip #2, with Jeff and Lauren. Munich was so much fun and we really lived downtown in the city, among the locals, for a week. We got into our little routine, with our own "regular" place we hit for breakfast, then off to the subway for our daily adventures. The next week, Schönau am Königssee was so picturesque and relaxing. It was fabulous to see all my Dad's side of the family and hang out with them in the mountains.

3. Do you like surprises? If yes, what kinds? Or are you one of those people who absolutely has to know what's going on before it happens?
I like all kinds of surprises! Surprise me!

4. Have you ever written a poem? Feel free to share one. Or even a dirty limerick is OK.
I have written countless poems and songs... Here's one. I'll put on my beanie and let's all snap our fingers...


To the S.S. Norway

O mighty ship, your steady sway
has put my cares to sleep.
The wind sings me a lullaby
as you cruise the ocean deep.
The waves provide the music
as they crash upon your bow.
The blue skies add a final note,
and all's forgotten now.

by KathyK (July 1983, age 16)

5. Did anything interesting show up in your mail lately besides the bills?
Sadly, no.

6. How many of your friendships have lasted more than ten years? Which of your current friends do you feel will still be important to you ten years from now? Family members don't count.
Well, I was listing them and the list got ridiculously long. Most of my friends I have known more than ten years, because we've lived in the same area for almost 20 years now. The only ones who probably won't be important to me ten years from now are ones with whom I'm not super-close, who move away.

7. Do you own a pet? If so, do you buy them presents for holidays? Do you consider your pet(s) spoiled? If you don't own one, do you think you will one day?
Yes, two cats and a hermit crab. I do not buy them gifts for the holidays. I do buy gifts for other people's pets, though. What is up with that? Our cats are completely spoiled with love and never-ending affection.

8. It's Friday afternoon and you're planning your weekend. What's on your agenda on a hot August night?
Swimming at KathyL's is always fun and cool in summer, especially with her bartending skills. She's in Oregon on vacation this week, so maybe I'll get a group together and crash her backyard.

9. What's your worst nervous habit?



Friday, August 5, 2011

Yesterday I wrote the wrong song title in my Hairspray review. You'd think I didn't know this show backwards and forwards. I guess I don't pay much attention to song titles. For those who get here early in the day to read (awesome!), the correct title is actually "I Know Where I've Been".  Here is Charlotte Crossley's rendition- she played Maybelle on Broadway.

Lauren and I saw Crazy, Stupid, Love last night. It wasn't the most awful film ever, but I wouldn't recommend it. One scene (the backyard scene) was absolutely hilarious. Funny little lines spread throughout, most of them very cutting quips where you didn't even want to giggle a little bit, because you felt so bad for the character. Other than that, it was rather slow and depressing. Ryan Gosling- not my type in the slightest- but I have to admit the guy is total eye candy in this role. (In other words, I can see why you like him...) I do adore Emma Stone and can't wait to see The Help, coming soon to a theater near you.


"I'll Let You Lick the Spoon Because It Tastes So Nice"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I am not one to stray from a recipe. If I see I'm out of a required ingredient, I either run up to the store or just make something else. Last night, I was at about step 326 of my complicated but excellent chicken enchilada recipe when I discovered that I needed FOUR cans of green chilis, not the ONE I bought for the sauce. Even if I wanted to substitute something there, I challenge you cooks to come up with an idea.


Well... I actually searched my pantry and found... Mexicorn! (Green Giant's genius name. Probably the least Mexican thing in the grocery store.) So I tossed that in my blender with the chilis and 28 other ingredients of the sauce. It was fabulous! I was really excited about it.

We saw Hairspray at the Zach Scott Theatre last night. It's very good! I love the Kleberg Stage. We started going when I organized field trips for Mothers Club, back in the day. They did children's theater there. It's incredible to be in such an intimate venue for these big shows.

My very favorite actors were Warren Freeman (Corny Collins) and Janis Stinson (Motormouth Maybelle). Awesome casting there. Janis had everyone on their feet after "I Know Where I've Been." Such a powerful song. Loved it.

One note to anyone going- not only is there traffic from construction downtown and the Zilker Summer Musical nearby, but the parking at Zach is awful. They are building the Topfer Theatre and that seems to be taking up a large chunk of parking. We went down Toomey Rd.- DO NOT DO IT for Hairspray. You cannot reach Kleberg parking from there, and the road is clogged with all sorts of cars, so it's practically impossible to turn around. Go directly to Riverside and Lamar, and go west on Riverside to the parking lot there. Go early.

We have to see Footloose at Zilker next!


For a Good Time, Friend Me!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Redid the color scheme and some graphics on my scrapbooking website last week. It looks much more scrapbook-y than before. I like the colors much better, too, although when I changed the logo on my Facebook Page, I realized... it's Facebook's color scheme, a.k.a. "generic blue." It looks nice though!

Speaking of FB... very suddenly, for the last few weeks, I've started getting about two friend requests a day from people (almost all guys) I don't know. Not friends four times removed or people who randomly know me from somewhere- these are people with whom I have absolutely no connection. It's like someone put your name on the bathroom wall and suddenly men are calling you out of nowhere. One of them even sent a lengthy Facebook message describing how he'd become very interested in me after reading my profile, which non-friends can't even see. If he could have seen it, he would have seen I'm married.

Yesterday I called Lauren over to see the latest one. His profile photo is him smoking a cigarette. He has a giant gold watch and slicked back hair. We gave him a very snooty accent from nowhere in particular and looked through his profile while narrating in his voice. We picked him apart for ten minutes. Might as well have some fun with these creepers.

I told Jeff that Google+ is sending me these bogus friend requests, to annoy me into leaving Facebook.

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. What color hair did you have at birth?
bright red

2. What color is your hair now on its own?
auburn- more brown than red

3. Have you ever, or would you ever, color your hair?
I've colored my hair for fun, with temporary colors very close to my own. If there were a way to temporarily color it something very different (like black or blonde), I would, but there isn't. I will color my hair someday when it turns gray, at least for a while.

4. Take the quiz: What Color Eyes Does Your Soul Have?
Your Soul has Violet Eyes
You understand people well and are a natural born therapist. You are a gentle listener and the ideal confidant. You believe that this world truly lacks understanding. You try to exercise compassion as often as you can. You are a compassionate and forgiving person. You are willing to overlook most mistakes. Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive. You need love in your life.

5. What color are your eyes naturally?

6. If you could change the color of your eyes, would you, and if so, to which color?
nah, I like them green



Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Bachelorette ended the way we wanted it to. I'm not a big Ashley fan. I just don't think she was open to the whole idea of the show on Brad's season, so I think of her as one of the people who was on there taking up a space from someone who might actually be interested in the bachelor, but eh. She's fine, just not my favorite. JP, however, was Lauren's and my favorite guy from day 1, and we always noticed the two of them are soooooo into each other. We totally had it pegged this season! Jeff was deciding between JP and Ben up to the last minute.

Ben, who I like a lot, was the best exit ever from that show. Ever! He walked off, pissed. She (eventually) went after him and tried to do the whole "You're a great guy, so nice, and an interesting person (omg "interesting person"??)..." thing, but he wasn't having any of it. She wanted to leave it on good terms, but he asked how the situation could ever be left on good terms. He'd put his heart on the line and asked her to marry him and she basically said she wasn't that into him. Like he said, he left with his dignity. *applause*

I did take notice that on The Bachelorette, the guys are much better able to have perspective on the game than the ladies are on The Bachelor. One would guess that would be the case, but it's interesting to observe the guys generally being more logical and the women generally being more emotional about developing relationships on that sort of show.

The whole season came down to a discussion Cathy and I actually had very recently. A passion between two people has to exist for a successful marriage. I don't buy for a minute that people can be in a platonic relationship and then develop a passion for each other over time, like Ben and Ashley kept saying they were hoping for. There has to be chemistry, and chemistry can neither be feigned nor created where there is none. From the time you really notice a person, it's either there or it's not.

Of course there have to be some shared interests and mutual respect and other things, but at its core, a romantic relationship is based on an inexplicable and undeniable attraction. Ashley has that with JP. With Ben, not so much.

On to Bachelor Pad next Monday... the only reality show more embarrassing to watch than The Bachelor. Can't wait!


Well Hello, Officer

Monday, August 1, 2011

While we were on vacation I got pulled over for the first time EVER for a moving violation. I've only gotten two tickets in my life- a parking ticket and an outdated inspection sticker. In Galveston, I was going 50 in a 35, because I wasn't paying attention when the speed limit went down. And guess what?!

I totally got out of it.

Jeff, who is just bitter because he got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago while we were on our other mini-vacation, said, "OMG. Must be nice to have boobs." I think my winning smile and sparkly personality got me off the hook, but if it was my boobs, I'll take it.

Yesterday, we finally saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part 2. It was most excellent, of course. I never read the books. Reading them was one of Lauren and Jeff's father/daughter bonding activities they did together while she was growing up. And yeah, I don't generally read fiction for personal enjoyment. I have seen all the movies though. As a representative of the non-überfan, I can say that the films stand on their own and are truly exceptional, even if you didn't read the books and/or don't remember all the plot details from year to year.


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