Saturday Nine

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Last night, Jeff and I went on a 21-years-married Friday night date- dinner and Kohl's! Hey, the 31-years-married people are jealous. By then, it's probably dinner and Walgreens.

I always have to laugh when ladies order a salad at Pluckers. When that monstrosity arrives, it takes up half the table. It's a wing joint. Get the wings. Five wings come on a teeny 6-inch plate. You'll look far more demure eating those than hoisting bite after endless bite of lettuce and fried chicken chunks out of a tureen.

Saturday 9: I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight

1. Have you ever lost a lover and spent way too much time wondering what they were doing?
I once lost Jeff at Macy's and spent way too much time wondering what he was doing and not enough time actually looking for him.


Like right after someone broke up with me? Oh yes. It's part of grieving a relationship. Any time spent wondering what your ex is doing is time wasted, and it totally sucks. Plus, he's not doing anything half as exciting as you are imagining. At some point you move on, preferably by busying yourself with your own activities.

2. What was your favorite vacation ever?
Oooh. Hard to choose. Germany trip #2, with Jeff and Lauren. Munich was so much fun and we really lived downtown in the city, among the locals, for a week. We got into our little routine, with our own "regular" place we hit for breakfast, then off to the subway for our daily adventures. The next week, Schönau am Königssee was so picturesque and relaxing. It was fabulous to see all my Dad's side of the family and hang out with them in the mountains.

3. Do you like surprises? If yes, what kinds? Or are you one of those people who absolutely has to know what's going on before it happens?
I like all kinds of surprises! Surprise me!

4. Have you ever written a poem? Feel free to share one. Or even a dirty limerick is OK.
I have written countless poems and songs... Here's one. I'll put on my beanie and let's all snap our fingers...


To the S.S. Norway

O mighty ship, your steady sway
has put my cares to sleep.
The wind sings me a lullaby
as you cruise the ocean deep.
The waves provide the music
as they crash upon your bow.
The blue skies add a final note,
and all's forgotten now.

by KathyK (July 1983, age 16)

5. Did anything interesting show up in your mail lately besides the bills?
Sadly, no.

6. How many of your friendships have lasted more than ten years? Which of your current friends do you feel will still be important to you ten years from now? Family members don't count.
Well, I was listing them and the list got ridiculously long. Most of my friends I have known more than ten years, because we've lived in the same area for almost 20 years now. The only ones who probably won't be important to me ten years from now are ones with whom I'm not super-close, who move away.

7. Do you own a pet? If so, do you buy them presents for holidays? Do you consider your pet(s) spoiled? If you don't own one, do you think you will one day?
Yes, two cats and a hermit crab. I do not buy them gifts for the holidays. I do buy gifts for other people's pets, though. What is up with that? Our cats are completely spoiled with love and never-ending affection.

8. It's Friday afternoon and you're planning your weekend. What's on your agenda on a hot August night?
Swimming at KathyL's is always fun and cool in summer, especially with her bartending skills. She's in Oregon on vacation this week, so maybe I'll get a group together and crash her backyard.

9. What's your worst nervous habit?


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