Countdown to School!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I helped Laura set up her classroom yesterday. Well, I mean, I watched her set it up... or arrange a shelf or something. Mostly we just chatted. Much fun!
Today Lauren is helping in the office at her school. She'll accomplish a lot more than Laura and I did.
Random Survey
Are your parents married or divorced? divorced since I was 15. Beginning my wedding weekend (when I was 23) and forever after, they got along exceptionally well!
Are you a vegetarian? no. don't be ridiculous.
Do you believe in Heaven? yes
Have you ever come close to dying? when I was 30, I had multiple mystery blockages in my lungs, went into shock and passed out. About 85 percent of people who actually pass out from the lack of oxygen don't make it. The docs saw the blockages on a VQ scan but never definitively figured out what they were. They thought they were blood clots, but later test results showed that not to be the case.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? I don't wear any jewelry to bed. I wear my wedding and anniversary rings every day.
Do you believe abortion should be illegal? No. I would never do it, but with time limitations on it, I think every woman should be able to choose for herself.
Hamburger or hot dog? hamburger
Do you read blogs? yep
Window seat or aisle seats? aisle
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? usually I twirl it. If the sauce is spraying all over the place, I'll cut it.
What is your favorite sport to play? I haven't played since college, but racquetball is my favorite. It's not easy to just get up and play, with the special court requirement. Lauren and I play Speedminton, which I really like.
Basketball or football? football
Do you drive a stick? I don't, but I can.
Look at your Facebook profile. How do you know the first person on your friend list on the left side? Gary- he was a friend in 8th-12th grade and lived near me. We talked a lot on the bus every day. The first time we met in middle school, he was actually hanging out with this real troll of a girl, who bullied everyone in the neighborhood. Pretty soon, he stopped hanging out with her and became a part of the main group of neighborhood kids. Smart move!
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? twice- once when I had the suspected blood clots that weren't, and again in May of 2011 when I rode in back with Lauren from the Seton ER to Dell Children's Hospital with her mouth infection.
Last thing you spent lots of money on? new stove top
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