How Awesome is Your Profile Photo?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
A common, funny Facebook status:
No one is as ugly as their driver's license picture or as good-looking as their Facebook picture.
It's very true. My driver's license photo literally looks nothing like me. It is so incredibly awful. It's from ten years ago. Other photos of me from that time are fine, so it's just the DMV. My face is puffy and my hair is long, curly and droopy. My lipstick is a very strange color that I'm pretty sure I've never purchased, so at least I can blame that on lighting. I am pale as all get-out on this thing, not that I'm not pale in real life, but I'm just more "fair" than "undead."
I keep my license backwards in my wallet, which actually makes people ask me about it more often than I'd like, but I prefer that to exposing the photo every time I open the wallet. It expires in 2013. Tick. Tock.
As a minor consolation, my passport photo is awesome. I wonder if they'd take that as ID at Target.
My Facebook profile photos are always pictures where I think I look my best. I'm guessing everyone's are- at least those of us who use photos of ourselves and not our dogs or kids or new boat. Or that obnoxious longhorn logo. ;)
My profile pics would stick out from a roll of photos of me as ones that are "good." "Great photo of you!" How many times have we seen that when we post a profile pic? Wanna see the real me? I post photos in my albums that I know will probably not be looked at on a daily basis. Never really bad ones, but for example, I posted the hiking photo with my hair in a ponytail on top of my head, but that certainly isn't the me you see running around the FB network and public searches.
Considering vanity as a common factor in everyone's selection of their profile photos, it is very interesting to come across an absolutely terrible photo of someone. What is it about that photo that the person loves so much? There has to be something. With people you don't know, it can be hard to tell if it was the best photo that was available, but when it's an unflattering photo of someone you do know, you just want to say, "I have a great photo of you! Let me email you a copy!" I did that with my brother-in-law, folks. Your profile photo is you online. It's important. Especially when your brother and his wife are trying to get you married off.
But has he changed it? No.
Brainless meme today, because that's the sort of day this is. No deep thinking required. It's probably only entertaining to the person doing it. So go and do it. Brainless fun!
Make Your Own Album Meme
which I have done already... It's making the rounds again.
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
Band: A Rape in Cyberspace
Album: Go Eat a Sandwich
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