Icy Saturday

Saturday, February 28, 2015

There are so many accidents right now, that Austinites have been advised to stay off the roads. Gah.

Patrick's Big Question!

Who’s the most famous celebrity you’ve ever met?
John Taylor of Duran Duran. Or Joey Fatone, if you wanna get more current.

Love the Big Question- so easy compared to Saturday 9! Much less brain power required. Hee!


15 Year Notice

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saw this hilarious commercial for the first time this morning:

"Adam made you a cake." LOL

This is timely, as we celebrated Scott's early retirement this week. He was hesitant to pull the trigger for quite a while, but a few days in, he's already settled right into his new world of volunteering and keeping things running on the home front, while Julie works. Very exciting!

Speaking of Scott... his girlfriend, Giada De Laurentiis, is making a chocolate ice cream float with cherry beer on HGTV right now. Excuse me while I hurl.

Sunday Stealing: Colorful Meme

Could you tell me please, what color each of these things are?
~ Your hair:
light auburn
~ Your eyes: green
~ Your shirt: grey and pink
~ Your socks: white
~ Your shoes: white
~ Your purse: black
~ Your wallet: black, white and fuchsia
~ Your phone: fuchsia
~ Your computer/laptop: silver
~ Your earphones: white
~ Your best friend’s hair: dark brown
~ Your best friend’s eyes: brown
~ Your sky today: grey


Perhaps it Would Be More Clear If...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

We had a meeting with one of our software vendors the other day and a colleague, who is, let's say... not anyone's favorite person (arrogant and argumentative), told them that he doesn't understand the "Complete" and "Incomplete" buttons at the bottom of the screen. (Instead of saving with a Save button, users can save the form as complete or, if they have to leave mid-entry, they can save as Incomplete to come back later and finish.)

Coworker: You can COMPLETE something, but you can't INCOMPLETE something. It's not intuitive and wasn't carefully considered from the user's perspective.

We. Were. Dying. Fortunately, the vendor had his number from the minute he'd walked in the door.

Vendor Sales Guy: Wow. In ten years working for this company, I've never heard that. As a matter-of-fact, it's one of our biggest selling points.


Coworker: Perhaps if the buttons said 'Save as Complete' and 'Save as Incomplete,' it would be more clear.

This conversation went on for five excruciating minutes. Finally I tossed out-

Me: They're adjectives, not verbs. Would it be more clear if it said 'Complete' and 'Partially Complete?'
Vendor Chief Information Officer: ...which would be sort of like... 'Complete' and 'Incomplete.'
Me: Ha. Exactly.

The guy is always looking for an issue where there isn't one. I just try to stay away from him. Pointless negativity irritates the crap out of me.

Fast forward to Thursday.

My office mate was working from home and had sent an email to the company, saying so. This same guy replied to all to ask her a question about a project. Crystal called me...

Crystal: I just want to send him an email saying, 'I totally understand what happened here. Perhaps if the buttons said 'Send to Everyone in the Company' and 'Only Send to the Person Who Sent this Email,' it would be more clear which one to choose.'


Saturday 9: Freeway of Love (1985)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Aretha's ideal car is a pink Caddy. What's your dream vehicle?
BMW Z series

2) Have you ever owned a convertible?

3) Aretha longs to "drop the pedal and go." Are you a careful, conservative driver? Or do you enjoy going fast?
Generally careful and conservative.

4) Aretha's grandmother Rachel helped raise her. Tell us about one of your grandparents.
My Grandma Lee was one of the most loving, caring people I've ever met. She was mom to five kids and my mother said she was always trying to get her mom's attention, since so much was always going on and Mom was the oldest. My relationship with Grandma was almost the opposite. Well, first grandchild and all... how could she not shower me with attention. Hee! Kidding, cousins!

My best memories of her are when she would bring me along on all her church errands. She was very active in church. She and I would go and do all these "behind the scenes" things I found supercool, since I was normally just part of the congregation on Sundays. We brought flowers to the church, picked up food donations and delivered them, and that sort of thing.

She also took me to the park in their neighborhood a lot. A LOT. I lived in that same neighborhood with Grandpa and Christine (Grandma died when I was 11) during college, and rode my bike past that park every day. It always reminded me of being there with my grandmother.

5) Aretha played a waitress in the 1980 movie, The Blues Brothers. Have you ever worked in food service?
I was a hostess at Gallagher's (a steak restaurant) in high school.

6) Aretha was a chain smoker for decades and had a terrible time giving up cigarettes. What habit do you wish you could break?
Leaving things in piles around the house. I prefer to clear the piles every day, but I don't do it like I used to.

7) A sculpture of Aretha is at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in New York City. What's the last museum you visited?
We went with Scott-n-Julie to see The Making of Gone with the Wind exhibit at the Ransom Center at UT in January.

8) Since Aretha has many honorary degrees, it would be appropriate to refer to her as Dr. Franklin. Who is the last person you addressed by his or her title (Officer, Father, Pastor, Dr., etc.)?
Dr. A at work. 

9) The daughter of a minister, Aretha enjoys singing "church music" and her 1972 CD Amazing Grace is one of the best sellers in gospel music history. Do you have any gospel music on your phone, iPod or MP3 player?
I do not.


Valentines Weekend Love Survey

Sunday, February 15, 2015

1. Would you make a fool out of yourself in public if it meant you were making your partner laugh?

2. If you could 'take back' your virginity from your first partner, would you? 

3. Would you ever start a relationship with someone who was still living with an ex for financial reasons? 
No way.

4. Do you like kissing in public?  

5. Would you date someone significantly (9 years or over) older than you? 
Highly unlikely.

6. Would you like to date someone a lot purer than you? 
Only if they wanted to remedy that with me. ;)

7. When fooling around with someone, do you sometimes have sexual fantasies about other people? 
I don't really understand how people do that. I think you would have to be massively disconnected from what is going on to imagine the person you're with is a completely different person.

8. You've just met someone incredible while out with friends, and gave him your phone number. How long would you expect him to wait to call?
I wouldn't expect to wait past the next day. I would want that "I can't stop thinking about you!" call. If it's like 30 minutes after we said goodnight, even better. It's a big mistake to feign disinterest, if you're interested. You may miss out!

9. Would you rather know everything about your mate, or be regularly surprised? 
Be very occasionally surprised. If I were regularly surprised, I wouldn't really know him well at all.

10. What is sexiest on a man/woman?
Shoulders on a guy. Yep.

11. Would you rather have your dream job or your soul mate for the rest of your life? 
"Soul mate." Most people have a great life without working a dream job, but you definitely want to live the rest of your days with someone who is a true and deep match for you.

12. Should your mate also become your best friend?
Not typically. You should be as close to your mate as your best friend, but the roles are different and each important in its own way.

13. Have you ever had a true one-night stand? 
No. I think I've told the story of my "attempted one-night stand" here before. I met a former classmate at a club in Houston one weekend, back in the day. We left together with the full intention of hooking up, but once we were home, neither of us really wanted to do the one-night stand thing, so we didn't. SO glad it worked out that way. Thanks, moment of-sobriety!

14. Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? 


Cool Mom

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Looking at all my celeb pics and autographs on my office wall and remembering when the work gals were here for Pitch Perfect night. I did the home tour for those who hadn't been here before and Kyra (25 years old) commented on the collection, "You're such a cool mom! My mom would never have taken me to meet all these people."

LOL. I told Lauren. She totally laughed.

I mean *ahem*... Of course I was only taking Lauren to meet them. Coolest. Mom. Ever.

Saturday 9: All Dressed in Love (2008)
For Valentine's Day, we need a happy love song. Hear it here.

1) In this song, Jennifer sings, "I look good in love …" What about you? When you're happy, or sad, does it show? Or do you keep an even demeanor, no matter what?
I'm a happy person in general, and it shows. When I have a bad day though, it's not typically obvious to people around me.

2) This song played over the closing credits of a hit movie, Sex and the City. When you go to the movies, do you visit the concession stand for popcorn, or a soft drink, or candy?
I usually share popcorn and a drink when I'm with Jeff and/or Lauren. If I'm with a friend, I usually get an Icee. Not sure why that is, but there ya' go!

3) Think of the last movie you watched at home. Was it a DVD, DVR, streamed or cable presentation?
We watched Gone Girl on Redbox DVD Sunday night.

4) Jennifer Hudson got good grades in high school and went away to Langston University in Oklahoma. But she was homesick for her family in Chicago and came home after just one semester. Have you ever been homesick?
I always got homesick on Brownie campouts and at summer camps when I was elementary school age. (Yes, I was that kid.) Then at college, I was very homesick my first semester. I went home every single weekend that there wasn't a football game ('cuz... FOOTBALL!!!!).  I didn't have a car, so I was riding home and back with Kathy, who was as homesick as I was. So there.

5) Jennifer received acclaim for her renditions of "The Star Spangled Banner" at the 2008 Democratic Convention and Super Bowl XLIII. Do you agree with critics who say that our National Anthem is hard to sing?
There is a lot of range to it, but I wouldn't say it is difficult to sing. You just have to pay attention to where you are in the song, and be prepared to hit those high notes!

6) Jennifer is a spokesperson for Weight Watchers and, with diet and exercise, went from a size 18 to a size 6. She says that while she's committed to healthy eating, she still enjoys ice cream occasionally. Do you prefer your ice cream in a cone or a cup?
Soft serve in a cone, regular ice cream in a cup. I don't like fighting with a scoop of ice cream on a cone and I don't like the partially empty cone.

7) Her fiance, Daniel Otunga, is a graduate of Harvard Law School. Harvard is the most famous of the eight "Ivy League" schools. Do you know the other seven?

Probably not. Let's see... Princeton, Yale... nope.

8) With a Grammy and an Oscar, Jennifer Hudson is one of the most successful American Idol contestants. Can you name another singer who appeared on AI?
I can name a ton of them. My all-time faves are Kelly Clarkson, Chris Daughtry, David Cook and Carrie Underwood.

9) Last year, Jennifer nearly bought a brand-new Ferrari because it was so great looking. At the last moment she backed out of the deal because she doesn't drive enough to warrant such an expensive car. What's the last impulse purchase you either made, or resisted?
Our big-screen TV has a tiny line down the center for about 20 minutes after we first turn it on now. I wanted to get a new one, but decided to wait. If it's anything like my GPS, it will develop more lines over time until I can't see a thing.


Repeat Memery

Sunday, February 8, 2015

I did the meme for today and thought it sounded familiar. After completing it, I searched my blog and it turns out there were almost the same questions in a Sunday Stealing from 2008. My old answers are here. Interesting!

Sunday Stealing: Why Do You Want To Know That Meme?

What TV game show/reality show would you like to be on?
We're always trying to think of the next blockbuster business to take to Shark Tank. I want to get a deal with Robert.

What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD?
I don't know for sure, but one of our first ones was Cocktail.

If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on?
A full-time personal chef, a new car and lots of vacations.

One place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to? 
Hawaii. It is such a unique, beautiful environment and has a relaxed and happy personality. I prefer to go new places though, so I may not return. We'll see!

Do you trust easily? 

Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think? 
Think before I act.

Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? 
Micromanagement by a particular manager at work. It's never a smart strategy. It's costing the company copious amounts of time, money and morale- more than anyone realizes yet.

Do you have a good body image?
I usually have an "inaccurate" body image. There have been times in my life I've felt like I look awful in the mirror, when I've looked at a photo and realized I actually look great, and also times when I felt like I looked fabulous, when I saw a photo and realized that I really need to work out more.

What is your favorite fruit? 

I’m always being asked…
...how to do things on the computer. I was asked just last week to send a company-wide email with step-by-step instructions on how to add our new html signatures, because everyone was having trouble with it and I knew how to fix the issues. I am one of those users IT hates, who knows enough about computers to get into serious trouble, and probably not how to get out of it. Heh.

The last big belly laugh I had was…
I almost peed my pants laughing last night at Scott n Julie's, while we were playing Fluxx. There were about six wacky rules on the table and we were drawing 6 cards and playing 5 at the time. I drew a card that had me take an extra turn, so I ended up taking my turn(s) for like 5 minutes straight. We were all in a spin, counting how many cards I had played and determining which new rules and goals were in effect. It was crazy! And hysterical.

What websites do you visit daily?
Gmail and Facebook

What have you been seriously addicted to lately?
Maroon 5

What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
"Sugar" by Maroon 5. That song is my least favorite on the CD and they made it the second single. *forehead smack* It gets stuck in my head all the time because it's on the radio.

Favorite clothing? 
jeans and boots and a nice top

Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? 

What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground? 
Pick it up and keep it, unless there was a way to try to identify the person who lost it.

Items you couldn't go without during the day?
Phone,  Burt's Bees lip balm

What should you be doing right now?
Nothing! Whee! Going with Kathy in a little while to take her nephew's Flat Stanley's photo at various sites around Austin. Then I'll be seeing American Sniper with the fam.


Saturday 9

Saturday, February 7, 2015

I'm here watching ID network at 4:30 a.m. I just love the murder mystery shows. Crystal is very into them as well. Because of her heavy viewing and deep interest, she and her boyfriend made a pact that if either of them ever wants out of the relationship, they will just move on and not murder the other. Ahaha!

KathyG is working with us as a temp for about a month. She and I worked together back at the old company in the 90's. I've seen her a few times since her hubby started working at our place last year, but it's fun to have even more of the old gang together again!

Saturday 9: A Sleepin' Bee (1957)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about the wonder of first love. How would you describe the sensation of falling in love?
It's like riding over that last apex of the log flume ride at a theme park, and then rapidly descending down the hill, screaming and laughing. :)

2) This 1957 album was the first Diahann Carroll ever recorded. More recently she recorded "A, You're Adorable," a nursery rhyme. (The lyrics are here.) Give us some words to a children's song that remain in your head to this day.
The noble Duke of York, he had ten thousand men. He marched them up to the top of the hill and marched them down again....

3) 1957 was the peak of the Baby Boom (1946 to 1964). Are you a Boomer, a Gen X-er, a Gen Y-er, or a Millennial?
I'm a Gen X-er.

4) In 1974, Diahann was named to the Best Coiffed Hall of Fame by the Guild of Professional Beauticians. How often do you change your look?
Not often. I feel a new haircut coming on though.

5) Ms. Carroll made history as Julia in the first network TV show to star a black woman. She played a nurse. Do you/have you ever worked in the healthcare profession?
No, but I do work very closely with healthcare providers in pharmaceutical research. 

6) She also played glamorous, scheming Dominique Deveraux on the nighttime soap, Dynasty. Who is the most memorable female villain you've ever seen in a TV show or movie?
Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. That woman was cold. And scary-crazy!

7) Ms. Carroll began her career as a model. Her height (nearly 6' tall) is an asset in that profession. Are you pleased with your height? Or do you wish you were taller, or shorter?
I am 5'4 and wish I were taller. I am at exactly the height where petite pants are a tad short and regular pants are way too long.

8) Now in her 80th year, she keeps on working. Recently she's appeared on TV in Grey's Anatomy and Blue Collar and on the big screen in Tyler Perry Presents Peeples. How do you feel about retirement? Is it something you enjoy or look forward to? Or would you prefer to continue working? 
Totally looking forward to it! I will either work part time or volunteer in retirement, to keep busy.

9) In her long movie career, Ms. Carroll has played love scenes with some very good looking men, including Sidney Poitier and Billy Dee Williams. If you could steal a kiss from any actor or actress, who would choose?
In honor of the Magic Mike XXL trailer that came out this week (I haven't even seen Magic Mike, but I'm thinking that should be remedied immediately), I will say Joe Manganiello.


Sunday Mornin'

Sunday, February 1, 2015

My dear grandpa is turning 95 this week and everyone in the family is sending him greeting cards in celebration. I was looking for a funny quote about aging or birthdays and I came across this while I was looking:

True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.
-Kurt Vonnegut

Bwahahaaaa! So true.

Speaking of my high school class, Kathy and I cooked last night. It was superfun! She usually makes a stir-fry every weekend, eats it for dinner Sunday night and freezes the leftovers for lunch each day. We decided to make two, so she would have double the leftovers after we had dinner. We both chopped and put ingredients into those cute little bowls, ready for dumping into the pan. The funniest part was me reading the recipe steps for both, while she stood over the stove tending both pans. That's when it sort of went all Lucy and Ethel for a moment, but it turned out great.

We decided that next time, we'll start our cooking evening shopping for stuff to make two casseroles. Then no one has to tend to pots on the stove and we both end up with leftovers!

Quantum leap to... Lauren had a KIDNEY STONE this week! Holy wow. When she woke me to take her to the hospital, she said it was a pain like she'd never experienced before and it turned out she had, indeed, never experienced it before. She spent almost a day in the ER.

During our time there, nurses and doctors made us several pretty drawings made of kidneys, ureters and bladders, and kidney stones. They said a couple of times that the stones usually have pokey things on them, like sticker burs (y'all know what a sticker bur is, right? If not, Texas Monthly has an amusing description here...). I thought they meant that they have microscopic stickers. When the kidney stone finally came out (less than 24 hours after the initial pain started, thank goodness!), we found that the "stickers" are more...um... SPINES that are visible to the naked eye! Ouch.

Guys, you have it worse with kidney stones. When girls pass them, they hurt only during the path from the kidney to the bladder. Guys get a little break when they hit the bladder, like the eye of a hurricane, then it's another painful pathway to the exit.

Good times.


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