Repeat Memery
Sunday, February 8, 2015
I did the meme for today and thought it sounded familiar. After completing it, I searched my blog and it turns out there were almost the same questions in a Sunday Stealing from 2008. My old answers are here. Interesting!
Sunday Stealing: Why Do You Want To Know That Meme?
What TV game show/reality show would you like to be on?
We're always trying to think of the next blockbuster business to take to Shark Tank. I want to get a deal with Robert.
What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD?
I don't know for sure, but one of our first ones was Cocktail.
If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on?
A full-time personal chef, a new car and lots of vacations.
One place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to?
Hawaii. It is such a unique, beautiful environment and has a relaxed and happy personality. I prefer to go new places though, so I may not return. We'll see!
Do you trust easily?
Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think?
Think before I act.
Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Micromanagement by a particular manager at work. It's never a smart strategy. It's costing the company copious amounts of time, money and morale- more than anyone realizes yet.
Do you have a good body image?
I usually have an "inaccurate" body image. There have been times in my life I've felt like I look awful in the mirror, when I've looked at a photo and realized I actually look great, and also times when I felt like I looked fabulous, when I saw a photo and realized that I really need to work out more.
What is your favorite fruit?
I’m always being asked… to do things on the computer. I was asked just last week to send a company-wide email with step-by-step instructions on how to add our new html signatures, because everyone was having trouble with it and I knew how to fix the issues. I am one of those users IT hates, who knows enough about computers to get into serious trouble, and probably not how to get out of it. Heh.
The last big belly laugh I had was…
I almost peed my pants laughing last night at Scott n Julie's, while we were playing Fluxx. There were about six wacky rules on the table and we were drawing 6 cards and playing 5 at the time. I drew a card that had me take an extra turn, so I ended up taking my turn(s) for like 5 minutes straight. We were all in a spin, counting how many cards I had played and determining which new rules and goals were in effect. It was crazy! And hysterical.
What websites do you visit daily?
Gmail and Facebook
What have you been seriously addicted to lately?
Maroon 5
What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
"Sugar" by Maroon 5. That song is my least favorite on the CD and they made it the second single. *forehead smack* It gets stuck in my head all the time because it's on the radio.
Favorite clothing?
jeans and boots and a nice top
Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy?
What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?
Pick it up and keep it, unless there was a way to try to identify the person who lost it.
Items you couldn't go without during the day?
Phone, Burt's Bees lip balm
What should you be doing right now?
Nothing! Whee! Going with Kathy in a little while to take her nephew's Flat Stanley's photo at various sites around Austin. Then I'll be seeing American Sniper with the fam.
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