Perhaps it Would Be More Clear If...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

We had a meeting with one of our software vendors the other day and a colleague, who is, let's say... not anyone's favorite person (arrogant and argumentative), told them that he doesn't understand the "Complete" and "Incomplete" buttons at the bottom of the screen. (Instead of saving with a Save button, users can save the form as complete or, if they have to leave mid-entry, they can save as Incomplete to come back later and finish.)

Coworker: You can COMPLETE something, but you can't INCOMPLETE something. It's not intuitive and wasn't carefully considered from the user's perspective.

We. Were. Dying. Fortunately, the vendor had his number from the minute he'd walked in the door.

Vendor Sales Guy: Wow. In ten years working for this company, I've never heard that. As a matter-of-fact, it's one of our biggest selling points.


Coworker: Perhaps if the buttons said 'Save as Complete' and 'Save as Incomplete,' it would be more clear.

This conversation went on for five excruciating minutes. Finally I tossed out-

Me: They're adjectives, not verbs. Would it be more clear if it said 'Complete' and 'Partially Complete?'
Vendor Chief Information Officer: ...which would be sort of like... 'Complete' and 'Incomplete.'
Me: Ha. Exactly.

The guy is always looking for an issue where there isn't one. I just try to stay away from him. Pointless negativity irritates the crap out of me.

Fast forward to Thursday.

My office mate was working from home and had sent an email to the company, saying so. This same guy replied to all to ask her a question about a project. Crystal called me...

Crystal: I just want to send him an email saying, 'I totally understand what happened here. Perhaps if the buttons said 'Send to Everyone in the Company' and 'Only Send to the Person Who Sent this Email,' it would be more clear which one to choose.'


Saturday 9: Freeway of Love (1985)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Aretha's ideal car is a pink Caddy. What's your dream vehicle?
BMW Z series

2) Have you ever owned a convertible?

3) Aretha longs to "drop the pedal and go." Are you a careful, conservative driver? Or do you enjoy going fast?
Generally careful and conservative.

4) Aretha's grandmother Rachel helped raise her. Tell us about one of your grandparents.
My Grandma Lee was one of the most loving, caring people I've ever met. She was mom to five kids and my mother said she was always trying to get her mom's attention, since so much was always going on and Mom was the oldest. My relationship with Grandma was almost the opposite. Well, first grandchild and all... how could she not shower me with attention. Hee! Kidding, cousins!

My best memories of her are when she would bring me along on all her church errands. She was very active in church. She and I would go and do all these "behind the scenes" things I found supercool, since I was normally just part of the congregation on Sundays. We brought flowers to the church, picked up food donations and delivered them, and that sort of thing.

She also took me to the park in their neighborhood a lot. A LOT. I lived in that same neighborhood with Grandpa and Christine (Grandma died when I was 11) during college, and rode my bike past that park every day. It always reminded me of being there with my grandmother.

5) Aretha played a waitress in the 1980 movie, The Blues Brothers. Have you ever worked in food service?
I was a hostess at Gallagher's (a steak restaurant) in high school.

6) Aretha was a chain smoker for decades and had a terrible time giving up cigarettes. What habit do you wish you could break?
Leaving things in piles around the house. I prefer to clear the piles every day, but I don't do it like I used to.

7) A sculpture of Aretha is at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in New York City. What's the last museum you visited?
We went with Scott-n-Julie to see The Making of Gone with the Wind exhibit at the Ransom Center at UT in January.

8) Since Aretha has many honorary degrees, it would be appropriate to refer to her as Dr. Franklin. Who is the last person you addressed by his or her title (Officer, Father, Pastor, Dr., etc.)?
Dr. A at work. 

9) The daughter of a minister, Aretha enjoys singing "church music" and her 1972 CD Amazing Grace is one of the best sellers in gospel music history. Do you have any gospel music on your phone, iPod or MP3 player?
I do not.


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