Earth Day

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

I've watched less than a half hour of TV today and have been treated to a slew of misinformation about environmental issues. One enthusiastic person even recommended that children not be vaccinated because of toxins in vaccines.

I don't want to hear bubble-headed nuts-and-twigs chicks rattling on about these issues. Give me an educated, mainstream scientist or academic-type who can present the whole picture. I want actual science behind my efforts. Let's get correct info out there before we turn people off to the whole idea.

One thing I've done better at this year is reducing food waste. I buy smaller amounts of ingredients so I don't end up throwing away stuff. (Speaking of that, HEB has a new 3oz envelope of tomato paste. Yay!) I also make sure leftovers get eaten. That's my Earth Day Tip!


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