Sometimes you feel like a nut...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday Six

1. You’re ordering a hot fudge sundae. Do you order it with nuts or without?


2. You’re buying a jar of peanut butter: which brand do you buy most often? Creamy or crunchy?
Creamy Jif.

3. What was the last kind of nut you remember eating?
Blue Diamond Lime 'n Chili Almonds

4. Take the quiz: What nut are you?
You Are a Walnut
You are down to earth and genuine.
Responsible and practical, you are a grown up in all aspects of your life.
You probably eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise.
And while you're not wild, you're not boring either. You're actually very deep and interesting.

5. This one will do a lot to indicate where you’re from: when you hear someone refer to “boiled peanuts,” are you intrigued or grossed out?
What on earth is a boiled peanut? I guess I am as intrigued as one can be about peanuts.

6. What is your favorite synonym for the other kind of nut, as in “a lunatic?”
Wack job. Sometimes wackadoo. Adjective - wackdillyicious.


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