Kool as a Kukumber
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Man, the weather is beauuuuuutiful today!! Glad I had time to get out here on the old patio for some blogging.
I bought a couple of Kylie Jenner nail polishes at Ulta yesterday. I tried Sinful Colors Kool as a Kukumber first, and it is supercute! Very light mint green.
It needs three coats to really cover, but I don't mind that for a really cool color. It's matte, which I've never tried before, and I wore it like that for a day, then decided I wanted to put a top coat on it and shine it up. I prefer it shiny, especially on my toes, but the matte look was fun and different.
I watched the debate, but I won't watch any more of them. They aren't going to change anyone's minds, especially mine, so it's far more irritating than informative to me. She is a sidestepper with her smug non-answers and diversions. Nothing new there. He is uninformed, easily rattled and goes right off the rails when cornered. Nothing new there.
There are so many qualified, brilliant people out there to run for President and we got these two. Very sad.
Ugh. Time for a...
!!! Dance Break !!!
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