Vegan Cows

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Read through this vent, or skip to the end, where I've provided a great Aggie joke!!

I just spent all afternoon- 5 hours- programming database updates from user acceptance testing for a new study. I got through the first ten tabs of a shared Excel doc in that time, and then, all of a sudden, the document saved and asked me whose updates to save- mine or the lead's.

I went ahead and allowed her updates to overwrite mine, because I figured there were minimal changes to anything I had done. Well, it turned out the data lead was working from her own copy of the document, so she didn't see that I had already done a bunch of what she was working on! 80% of what I had entered was overwritten.

What a waste of time and duplication of effort for all of us. Why on earth would you make your own copies of a shared tracker, to merge later? If you want everyone to work from their own copy of the doc, to merge later, you have to assign tabs to each programmer up front, so we don't overlap.


So here's your Aggie Joke-- I honestly thought "vegan leather" was made from cows that were vegan.


I paid top dollar for a "vegan leather" product for someone's Christmas gift this year. Very disappointed to find out it's plastic. Just another reason to hate all things vegan. ;)

Just stop naming veggie things animal names. Veggie burgers. Veggie sausage. Vegan cheese. None of those things are what they say. *shudder* Truth in advertising! I would never have paid that much for something plastic.

Jeff: Aren't all cows vegan?

That question gave me an idea for a horror movie with carnivorous cows, y'all. Skeery!


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