It's Pretzels.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Progressive Guy: I can't decide if this place is 'swag' or 'bling.'

Mall Pretzel Dude: It's 'pretzels.'

Bwahaha! That Progressive commercial cracks me up.

The Mooch is out ALREADY? I only got one chance to rant about him. Bummer! Wonder who's next!

My owl decoys for scaring off the overabundance of squirrels digging up our mulch and drip irrigation hoses...

Not. Working.

Well they sort of work, just not perfectly. There are definitely far fewer yard rats than there were. 

Squirrels been splayed out flat on their tummies everywhere in the 'hood lately, since it's been running about 105-ish degrees. Google "squirrels lying flat" and check out the images. It's hilarious. Some neighbors are leaving ice out in the mulch for them to lie on, but since I'm mad at them right now, I'm saying no. They still lie in our mulch on their bellies in the shade. I refuse to think it's cute.

We're going to replace our mulch with rocks. Yep! *shakes fist at yard rats* Talked to the stone guys this weekend. It will be dirt, then the drip irrigation hoses, topped with landscape fabric to keep the stones from sinking into the dirt, then stone. Ta da! DONE. No more squirrels digging up everything every day.

Then I'll post our before and after yard photos. Whee!


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