Harvey n' Stuff
Friday, August 25, 2017
Seeing the Hurricane Harvey coverage and friends' social media posts from the area gives me a stomach ache. It's been forever since I've been in a hurricane, but still it comes right back. Stay safe, coastal friends! And I see alligators are showing up in people's garages now. Creepy!
The news says if you see an alligator in your yard or garage, just stay away from it. I thought I would pass that along for everyone.... in case you didn't know.
A couple of years ago, we were planning a river vacation to Wimberley and during my extended research into accommodations, the town flooded. For the past couple of months, we've been talking about renting a house in Corpus or Galveston in September. Now it's hurricaning there. Gah.
I'm watching a rerun of The Chew with Scarlett Johanssen. I've watched this show for years and so rarely do you see a celebrity guest really cook. They're usually dressed to the nines and very carefully slicing one vegetable while they promote their movie/show/tour. ScarJo is really into the cooking. She is asking all sorts of questions, while she chops and stirs the pan on the stovetop. And she's dressed up, too.
She's also hilarious. "Do Italians leave the shrimp heads on just for the gross factor?" she just asked Batali. Ahaha.
Jeff and I went to Foreigner/Cheap Trick last weekend with his work buddies and their peeps. It was the first time I've sat on the HEB Lawn at the Austin 360 Amphitheater and I have to say, while it's a different vibe than being up close in the front sections I've always sat in, it's super casual and fun. Bring a blanket and/or those beach chairs with the tiny legs (no regular chairs are allowed). Most people took their shoes off and were dancing or lying on their blankets looking at the stars. Superfun!
Saturday 9: I Wish It Would Rain (1968)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This week's song focuses on rain. Ombrophobia -- the fear of rain -- is fairly common in children. How do you feel about rainy days?
2) Lead singer David Ruffin always wore corrective lenses. Are you wearing glasses or contact lenses as you answer these questions?
3) Those thick-rimmed glasses were David's trademark. When he custom-ordered a luxury car, he had the image of those glasses painted on the door. Tell us something that makes your vehicle distinctive.
4) David also had a penchant for mink. Rumor has it that he wore a mink-lined hat and even had that car upholstered in mink. If you could really splurge on anything right now, what would it be? Car? Travel? Clothes? Jewelry? (NO responsible answers allowed.)
5) He sings that he badly wants to go outside. What are your plans for today? Will you be outdoors very much?
6) The Temptations originally called themselves The Elgins because in 1960, Elgin watches were the high-end timepiece of choice. Today, in the age of cellphones and FitBits, wristwatches aren't that popular anymore. Do you often wear a watch?
7) This sad song was inspired by a real-life event. Motown songwriter Rodger Penzabene discovered his wife was cheating on him. Much to his own surprise, he didn't want to divorce or even separate from her; he just wanted her to love him and only him again. Tell us about a time when you didn't react as you thought you would. (Your story doesn't have to be as dramatic as Rodger's.)
8) In 1968, when this song was popular, a Pittsburgh McDonald's sold the first Big Mac (two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickle and onion on a sesame seed bun). Describe your perfect hamburger.
9) Random question: When you catch a cold, do you soldier through it? Or are you a big baby?
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