Coming Up on 1000

Monday, July 20, 2009

Coming up on 1000 posts in this blog? Holy majoly. I don't think I had that many on either of my other blogs, which are still floating around out there for some reason. One of them isn't even "friends only," so everyone can see it. Ahh well, surely there's nothing too embarrassing there. HA.

...So. Here is my very first blog/journal entry ever, from April 11, 2003. (Lauren was in 3rd grade at the time):

Today is a Friday. The kiddo was home today and missed the hugely popular Pioneer Day at school because of a fever and general sickness. I still showed up for my assigned three-hour shift at the "milk a cow" station. (Good God, no. It wasn't a REAL COW. It is Texas, but I'm afraid we don't actually have actual cows grazing at the homestead.) This cow had a pink painted smile had a milk-filled glove dangling between its sawhorse legs. There has to be a joke there somewhere, but I can't think of one right at this moment.

Anyway, I gave a big speech about cow milking, which I will spare you poor folks. Wait- there are no poor folks reading this thing anyway.

*strips and runs around singing BMU, just cuz*

*arches eyebrow* Yeah, that's not embarrassing at all.


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