And Away We Go
Friday, July 3, 2009
Away We Go is really good. I won't tell you to run out and see it, like it's Star Trek or something, but it really is good. Funny, poignant, all that... with a couple of really hilarious moments sprinkled in. The stroller thing- LMAO! I thought I would pee my pants for a moment there. Maggie Gyllenhaal was so great, as were all the actors who appeared, if only for a segment each. Very interesting characters.
This morning, Jeff and I awoke to find two boxes of very frosting-y Shipley donuts on our front porch. I was giggling about that forever. It's like... WTF? Soon after, Lauren emerged from her bedroom, talking on her cellphone. Turns out her recently-ex-boyfriend had left them for her. Awww. Very sweet. (Sweet. Heh.)
Cathy is coming for the weekend. WHEE! Tonight we're hitting Sixth Street with Janeen.
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