Blah blah
Monday, May 14, 2007
I didn't watch TV today, to I am blissfully unaware of any news.
Cathy and Kenton are in town, and are coming over in a bit. We'll be drinking Moscato. My last minute snacks? Cashews and pretzel sticks. Ack. Where are the brie and strawberries when you need them?
Guess what is coming soon to a theater near me (and you)?! Ocean's 13. June 8. I had hoped they'd edited out the Vegas airport scene filmed while I was there, but at the wrong gate to watch... but no. I have already seen a publicity photo of the gaggle of them sitting there in the airport chairs. Yeesh. My luck. lol.
Summer begins in less than two weeks! Sleeping in, baby! Whee!!
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