Home Again!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Lauren was finally released from the hospital yesterday. She's doing very well and was able to eat her first solid food - pancakes- today. She has come down with your basic, run-of-the-mill cold on top of everything, but she's a tough cookie and is dealing with that just fine. The Vicodin helps. ;)
I've discovered that while catching up on a week's worth of email is time-consuming, catching up on Facebook is pretty much impossible. At this point, I'm just going to assume I didn't miss anything too earth-shattering in anyone's life over the last several days. Yes? No one checked in at the Louvre or anything?
I finally have my iPhone! Yaaaaaayyyy!!!!!! I waited about two years for a smartphone, and I'm thrilled to death with it, even though I've barely even used it yet. I still need to figure out all the things it does. So far, I'm just using whatever people tell me about. First app I need to get is a To-Do list.
In other news, I'd like to thank The Bloggess for this wonderful award. *wipes tear*
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