Heartbreaker of the Century
Monday, March 5, 2007
Oh man, this weekend was the best and the worst ever. DD's cheer team has won a lot of first place and High Point awards in regional competitions, but the huge National (summer nationals was comparatively small) title has eluded them thus far.
For two days straight, they outperformed their very formidable big-gym competition by leaps and bounds, with the absolute best performances they've done. In the finals yesterday, one of the flyers accidentally did an illegal motion that unfortunately resulted in the loss of what would have been not only a first place in our division, but the high point for the entire level. The parents and kids were devastated, but we take heart in their amazing performance, and that they will have other shots at nationals.
Here is a link to the Sunday performance. You must see it!
Some of our team parents have relayed stories today of talking to parents of the second place team, who said that we "smoked" them and how sorry they were that we didn't win because of a technicality. Very sweet.
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