Saturday Six (on Saturday?!)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
1. PC or Mac? (You must choose one or the other.)
PC baby.
2. How much do you like one over the other, and what's the main reason?
I don't mind the Mac. I used it in grad school. I'd say PC over Mac 2 to 1. The Windows operating system is more logical to me, and allows more behind-the-scenes tinkering than Mac.
3. What would be easier to do without for a week: your cell phone, your television, or your computer?
Cell phone. There are land lines.
4. Take the quiz: Are You a Computer Geek?
Your computer geekiness is:
Low Ranking Computer Geek. Definitely a Computer Geek, but low in the computer geek social structure.
5. What things do you feel more addicted to than your computer?
6. If your computer has to go in for service and you're without it for a week, and you have the chance to log on at a different computer, which are you most likely to do first: check news headlines, check email, or update your blog?
Check email.
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