Prop 15 passes

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Texas Curing Cancer proposition passed yesterday. Woo! Finally, public money being spent on something that matters to everyone. If you don't get cancer yourself, someone you know will. 1/3 of women and 1/2 of men will get it sometime in their lives, they say. Scary!

Now we can just hope the thing is run without all the sluggishness and financial waste for which government is famous.

In other news, there was an erroneous report of a man dressed in black, carrying a rifle near the state capitol this morning. Only one news station even covered it. The police couldn't find him, and since only one person saw him, they decided it was nothing. So don't wear threatening garb and carry an object resembling a shotgun while walking the streets around these parts.

Meanwhile, there was really a guy with a rifle in a south Austin apartment complex. Maybe it was the same guy... Long walk though...


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