Infrequent Flying
Monday, October 26, 2015
When we were at training in Minneapolis a couple of weeks ago, my colleague asked me why I have my laptop webcam covered.
"Are you afraid the boss is watching to make sure you're working?" he laughed.
Ha. Well, that, and I work in my nightgown on Wednesday mornings and hackers could turn on your webcam at any time.
Hey. You never know.
Our trip to Minnesota, which was pretty nice, started with two frustrating American Airlines flights. See, it turns out, if you aren't a frequent flier, you pretty much have to check your bag. This is because 3/4 of the plane is full prior to the first group of "regular folk" boarding. We had no idea.
First flight (to DFW), I had to walk way past my seat to find overhead storage. I walked past bin after bin of oversized bags and UNDERsized bags. You're supposed to put undersized bags under the seat in front of you. The flight attendants should be making people do exactly that, but they weren't. Someone should have also been checking to make sure people weren't shoving giant duffel bags or guitars and other "too big" in-plane baggage into overhead bins. GAH.
And people in the back should not be allowed to put their luggage in the bin on row 10. Bring it with you to the back! Inconsiderate jerks.
Second leg (to Minneapolis), there was NO room for my carry-on.
Flight attendant #1 (with an chiding glare): You're going to have to check that. Go up front and just outside the plane, they'll check it.
Flight attendant #2 (on my way out of the plane): Are you checking that? You'll have to hurry.
Lady, I didn't want to check it. You all should be falling over yourselves apologizing that I HAVE to check it. Per the ticket I purchased, I'm allowed a personal item and a carry-on.
Bag checking lady outside the plane (shaking head): It's really late to be checking this bag.
Okay, seriously?
Me: I didn't want to check my bag. If you guys wouldn't charge people to check bags, the plane wouldn't fill up with them. Also, if you would enforce the rules you have about bag sizes, there would be space for every person's carry-on.
Bag checking lady: *silence*
On the way home at the end of the week, I checked my bag through, for $25, just like AA wanted me to. American has made traveling a miserable experience for those of us who don't travel often. That's just sad.
I do have an amusing story from Minneapolis. I was texting outside during a break from our class and noticed that there were piles of dog poop on the ground. Like, EVERYWHERE. I wondered why so many dogs were walking there and why no one was cleaning up after them. Then I looked closer.
These were gigantic piles of BIRD POOP. What kind of... pterodactyl... makes poop that big and dog-ish?!
Geese. Flocks of them. They flew by the window during class. Super huge, especially in groups.
Google image search "goose poop." You'll see!