I mentioned that I would be using our last surviving desktop PC for work and my website until it died, hopefully in about a year. Well, when Jeff moved it to make room for the iMac, the PC CROAKED, right there on the spot.
So we have a Windows emulator dealie on the iMac now. It seems to be working for logging into work and also for Dreamweaver. I can't seem to register my Dreamweaver software, which has me concerned that I may have to reinstall it once a month, but I'm hoping the problem was just an Adobe connection issue instead.
Next I'll be installing iTunes and authorizing/deauthorizing computers, which is one of the most nonintuitive and scary Apple processes, especially if you weren't able to deauthorize your old device before it went belly up. I always feel like I'm about to lose all access to my music or permanently lock myself out of my phone or something.
Sunday Stealing: The Controversial Meme
1. Would you try a recreational drug if all were legalized?
I think marijuana is safe as long as you don't smoke it, and you don't use it all the time. I don't think I would partake in any others.
2. Are you happy that the U.S. Supreme Court once again upheld a woman’s right to abortion?
3. Would our country cope any differently with a woman president?
It would be no different.
4. Do you believe in the death penalty?
5. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
6. Do you believe in God?
7. How do you feel now that same-sex marriage is legalized?
It should have been legal a long time ago.
8. Do you think it’s wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
It is wrong for anyone, regardless of ethnicity, to illegally live in the USA or any other country. All immigrants must follow the legal process to live in another country, including Americans moving elsewhere. I don't have a problem with anyone who lives here legally and follows our laws.
9. A 12-year-old girl has a baby… should she keep it?
If she has family support, she may be able to keep it and provide a good life for the child. If not, I would hope she would make the decision to give the baby up for adoption.
10. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
Yes, but raise the driving age to 21. I can say that, now that I'm no longer a band mom who did a happy dance when Lauren got her driver's license. :)
11. Should the wars in the Middle East be called off?
It would be great if all wars everywhere were called off.
Maybe this is really asking about US involvement. One one hand, we aren't the world police. On the other, as citizens of the world, we can't ignore genocide or any activities that directly threaten US security. It's a hard question and has to be evaluated case-by-case and re-evaluated over time.
12. Do you believe in spanking your children?
No. There are far more effective ways to parent.
13. A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case… what do you think?
She's obviously insane, but there has to be a punishment. Mandatory time in a psychiatric facility. Required medications/therapy and frequent assessments by a mental health professional for the rest of her life.
14. Would you want to prosecute someone for burning their country’s flag as a method of protest?
No jail time. You should simply lose your citizenship if you burn your own country's flag. If you feel the need to burn something to protest an issue, the smart choice would be to burn something specific to your issue. If you hate your country, go somewhere else, follow their immigration laws and live there.
15. It’s between you and a person who is being kept alive (with NO hope) by life support machines… one has to die? Who?
Between me, conscious and living, and a person unconscious on life support, with no chance of recovery? The person on life support has to die. That's an obvious choice, no?
16. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?