Slow Motion Fall

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

I was at the grocery store Monday morning, heading out to my car in misty rain, when I slipped on a painted arrow on the pavement. I managed to hold on to the cart handle with both hands, so I sort of slow motion fell onto my knees, scraping my shins on the ground. 
I would have been less embarrassed to have fallen flat and knocked myself out.
Lauren, Troy and Jaxon hung out last Saturday night! Jaxon was visiting from teaching English in Japan and Troy came down from Dallas. So great to see the old besties together again. I'm so glad Lolo felt well and was able to see them.

We had friends over for dinner last night, and we were talking about if you remember your childhood phone number. It reminded me that my family's Houston phone number, when my dad worked at NASA, happened to be one digit off from the main number to the Johnson Space Center. We got calls every day for them! I actually remember both numbers. We would answer "hello" and the person on the other end would be like, "Is this NASA?" We would say, "No, their number is 483-0123." (Just checked, and their number is still 483-0123. Awesome.)


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