Just Another Day at the Donk Store

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

I've been working on the 1950 census project at FamilySearch. They used OCR to read all the docs into their system, and volunteers are checking the entries against the images to make any required corrections. In one doc, the software had erroneously read one person's place of employment as "Retail Donk Store." 
I could NOT. 

No wholesale. Retail donks only.
I don't even know what a donk would be, but it cracks me up. (It was actually "retail book store.") 
Also from my genealogy activities... I was telling Jeff about the evolution of the German name "Koch" through the last couple of centuries in the US. There are still Kochs around- some pronounced kawch and others coke, but many families switched long ago to the Americanized "Cook." I told him I wasn't sure what koch actually translates to in English- maybe "chicken?"

Turns out it translates to COOK.
Bwahaa. Thanks, Google.
Yadda yadda... Well... Gotta get back to my job at the donk store. 

Yep. Still hilarious.


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