Saturday 9 on Tuesday

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I told Lauren what Cyndi Lauper's song "She Bop" is really about.

It turns out, she'd never even heard the song before, and now she has it stuck in her head. (Thanks a lot, mom!)

Saturday 9: Call Me Maybe

1) Do you owe anyone a phone call?
my Grandpa

2) Do you still have a landline phone?

3) When was the last time you looked up a number in the phone book?
years ago

4) Do you receive more calls or texts?
texts by far

5) Carly Rae made the Final 3 on Canadian Idol. Can you name another cultural import from Canada?
Ryan Gosling

6) Sam grew sick of this song by hearing it too often on the radio. Where do you listen to the radio most often? Car? Work? Somewhere else?

7) Mother Winters can work wonders with an iron and a can of spray starch. Every blouse and shirt she presses looks good as new. Is there a domestic chore you excel at?
I have to say, I enjoy ironing with spray starch, too.

8) Do you consider yourself competitive?
Not really.

9) Tell us your superhero name -- as determined by the color of your shirt and an item to your right. For example, Crazy Sam now fights crime as The Light Blue Coffee Mug!
The Blue Lamp


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