Patrick's Saturday Six!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
This week...
Me (about a guy on TV): Hey. The 1820's called. They want their mustache back.
Lauren: They CALLED.
Me: On cans and string.
Patrick's Saturday Six: G & H
1. G is for GENDER: To which gender does the majority of your friends belong?
Female. Until I got married, I was one of those girls who had mostly male friends.
2. G is for GENEALOGY: How far back have you traced your family line?
Not far. I haven't done much genealogy, although I typed Jeff's family history for his grandfather, so I know his back to the 1700s. My family goes back to Germany very quickly on both sides.
3. G is for GENERIC: For prescription medication, how often do you use a generic versus a name brand?
4. G is for GOURMET: Which dish do you make that you think would most closely resemble what others might call a “gourmet” dish?
Honey-Pecan Chicken or my Chicken Parm
5. G is for GOVERN: If you were forced to run for office, local, state or federal, which position would you choose and why?
Egads. I would have to be forced. I would be Mayor of College Station, because it could be interesting and it wouldn't be too much drama. (I think.)
6. G is for GRADUATION: What do you think was your biggest accomplishment prior to graduating from high school or college?
Earning a spot in the National Science Foundation's Summer Research Program for High School Students.
1. H is for HABITAT: How close is your current home to your “dream” home?
It's close, as far as rooms, bathrooms, backyard, etc. but the layout isn't my dream home. I dream of a one story with a giant media room.
2. H is for HACKER: How concerned are you about the threat of someone hacking into your personal accounts?
I'm most concerned with shopping and banking accounts, rather than Facebook and gmail. Recovering your email or Facebook account is fairly easy. Speaking of hackers, Lauren's Twitter account was hacked on Friday!
3. H is for HELICOPTER: Have you ever ridden in a helicopter? If not, would you if you had the chance?
No and no thank you. They're not the safest mode of travel.
4. H is for HELL: Do you believe that Hell is a real place, and if so, how do you picture it?
I believe Hell is a real place and I picture it as pitch dark, hot and full of politicians.
5. H is for HITCHCOCK: What’s your favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie?
I've only ever seen Psycho and The Birds, so I'll go with Psycho.
6. H is for HOLIDAY: Which holiday do you wish people would take more seriously and why?
National Margarita Day (TODAY), because... margaritas!
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