Saturday Six... Catch-Up!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Patrick's Saturday Six: C thru F
1. C is for CABLE: Do you pay for cable or satellite television or have you “cut the cord”?
We have DirectTV
2. C is for CACOEPY: Which common mispronunciation do you find most annoying?
Anything involving the inappropriate placement of a hard G at the end of an -ng. Like "sing-ger" instead of "singer."
3. C is for CANDLE: At which age do you think it’s appropriate to stop placing a candle for every year on someone’s birthday cake?
4. C is for CENT: Do you think pennies should still be minted or should we just give up on the single cents?
Give it up.
5. C is for CHAIR: Describe your favorite chair in your home?
My favorite chair is my office chair upstairs. It's black pleather, with arms and wheels.
6. C is for CORN: What’s your favorite way to eat corn?
off the cob, with butter and salt
1. D is for DALLY: What activity causes you to waste the most time in your day?
Candy Crush Saga
2. D is for DANCE: Do you enjoy dancing in public, and how often do you do so?
Yes. I don't have the opportunity to do it often.
3. D is for DECAF: Do you get a genuine buzz from coffee and if so, how many cups per day is your limit?
I get very jittery with more than about 1 cup of coffee. I almost always drink decaf to avoid that feeling.
4. D is for DISK: What was the size, in inches, of the floppy disk most commonly in use when you got your first computer: 8”, 5.25”, or 3.5” or were floppies already out of use?
I got my first computer in grad school (a Mac assigned to me by the university). It had a 3.5" disk.
5. D is for DORMITORY: How much appeal did you or would you have seen in living in a dormitory in college?
I wasn't into the dorm thing, but I got a dose of it, because I hung out with friends who lived in the dorms. I liked living off campus, because it made me feel more independent, but I could see how living on campus makes it easy to participate in everything going on there. Luckily, I was very close to campus and just rode my bike to everything I wanted to do.
6. D is for DRIVE-THROUGH: What’s the last restaurant you purchased food from via its drive-through?
Hmm. Whataburger?
1. E is for EMAIL: When is the last time your personal email inbox was completely empty?
My personal AND work email inboxes are typically empty. I empty them every time I check them. I either reply then archive, or just file away all my emails. If I need to action something later, I flag it, but it still gets filed in the appropriate folder.
2. E is for EAR: Do you consider your hearing to be better than average, average or worse than average?
Probably average. I haven't noticed that I hear the sound of insects walking or anything.
3. E is for EARLY: Are you generally early to appointments, late or right on time?
4. E is for EDUCATION: Which grade of school (or year of college) did you find most difficult and why?
Sophomore year of college, because that's the year of engineering school when the classes get tough. It's weed-out year, a.k.a. "Maybe I'll Be a Travel Agent" year.
5. E is for EGG: How do you normally eat your eggs?
soft-boiled or poached
6. E is for ESSAY: What was the topic of the longest blog post you’ve written?
I don't know which is my longest blog post, but it probably had more than one topic. Cuz I tend to do that, even on short posts.
1. F is for FAN: Which celebrity are you proud to consider yourself a fan of?
2. F is for FLIPPER: If you had a chance to swim with a dolphin, would you take it?
I was in the water with a dolphin at Sea Life Park in Hawaii, doing the whole one-on-one interaction thing, but we weren't allowed to swim with them. It was very cool. I would love to swim with them though!
3. F is for FOG: Do you find fog beautiful or creepy?
Beautiful and creepy. My favorite fog experience was in the port at Halifax, Nova Scotia when we were leaving on a cruise ship in the dense fog after visiting the Titanic exhibit at the Maritime Museum. A guy was playing us off with a bagpipe from the shore. It wasn't long before we could hear him, but no longer see him. It was so neat, but so creepy at the same time.
4. F is for FRIGHT: When was the last time an amusement park ride truly frightened you?
Jim and I rode Mr. Freeze at Six Flags in Dallas when the kids were in a cheer competition there. I hadn't ridden it before. It's short, but pretty darn scary.
5. F is for FUR: Should real fur coats be banned over animal cruelty concerns? Why or why not?
Sure. I mean, with the realistic fake stuff we have, why wear the real stuff?
6. F is for FURNITURE: What is the oldest piece of furniture you own and how long have you owned it?
I have an English washstand that belonged to my grandmother that is at least 50 years old. I got it from my mom and I've owned it for 13 years.
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