
Sunday, November 30, 2014

We had "Friendsgiving" at Jen-n-Ray's last night with some of their friends and Mel-n-Alex. We played Cards Against Humanity, which was HILARIOUS. (It's kind of like a super-raunchy version of Apples to Apples... that you can't play with your family at real Thanksgiving.) It takes the first few rounds to see what sorts of things your particular crowd can handle and what they think is funny. This group was pretty much up for anything, which makes it the funniest. We did have to Google a few terms we'd never seen, so it was also a learning experience. Bonus!

Sunday Stealing: Shop On The Corner Meme

What kind of job did your mom have when you were growing up?
She was a stay-at-home mom until I was in sixth grade. Then she worked a few years doing layout and design at a mom-n-pop print shop. My freshman year of high school, she took a job at IBM with their geographic mapping group.

Have you ever known anyone that’s been on TV, including you? 
I was on TV once, for the Gordie Howe award presentation we made in elementary school. 

What was the most interesting animal you have seen in the wild? 
moose at Yellowstone Park

What holiday do you enjoy the most? 

What was the first video game you ever played? 
We had some gaming console in the 70s that had several basic pong-like games on it, and I played Bowling the most. The first arcade video game I played was probably Space Invaders.

What is the one thing you own, that if it got lost, you would be bummed? 
My iPhone.

Do you have a favorite breakfast item? 
Eggs Benedict

What do you find yourself buying all the time? 
Batteries. They really need to last longer.

When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail?
Forever ago.

Do you have a most prized piece of jewelry?
Two-- my wedding ring and my Aggie ring.

Do you own any board games?
A lot.

What chore seems the most daunting right now? 
Mopping the floor.

Were you born in the state you live in? 
Nope, I was born in Germany.

Have you ever lived in a house that has been broken into? 
Our house got robbed while we were on vacation, when I was a kid. They even took my money from my piggy bank. Grr!

What is your favorite cheese? 
Lately- goat cheese. I'm usually a blue cheese girl.

Who do you know that watches the most sports?


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